Honors Report
Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://wiredspace.wits.ac.za/handle/10539/25149
Item Exploring experiences of non-South Africa social work students in field work placement(2015) Mathenjwa, MthokozisiField education is an essential part of the curriculum for social work practice training. During field work, students develop practice skills, translate theory from lectures to the reality of practice, and test their aptitude to be professional social workers. Field practicums afford students the opportunity to attest their fitness to be qualified professional social workers. Placements present critical learning period for students. There has been limited attention in South Africa directed specifically to experiences of international students in the field work and this is what this study will focus on. This research will be qualitative in nature. A non-probability purposive sampling will be used to select study participants. Semi- structured interview schedules will be used to conduct in-depth individual interviews with eight (8) participants. For triangulation purposes, the researcher will also interview one social work field placement supervisor. Interviews will be audio- recorded, with participants consent and transcribed verbatim in combination with the previous literature review. This study hopes to contribute to debates on social work field work placements at South African universities at an undergraduate studies level. Key words: field work placements, international students, social workItem Investigatation the effects of labour migration on fatherhood and household leadership on migrant workers from Tugela Ferry, Kwa-Zulu Natal(2016)Labour migration of Black African fathers led to a situation where they were separated from their families due to working arrangements in distant places and on terms of migrant contracts that permitted only annual visits to their families. This resulted to fathers being absent from their homes, and in South Africa, cultural norms regarding the timing of household formation and the need for men to migrate for employment are major high factors contributing to the high percentage of fathers who do not reside with their children. The absence of fathers in South Africa has been constructed as problematic for children of both sexes, and almost two decades of democracy have seen the number of children living without their fathers is on the increase. Statistics showing the increasing number of children living without their biological fathers result in weakened families. The proposed study will adopt a qualitative approach with an exploratory design on labour migration and the effects it has on fatherhood and household headship. Participants to be involved in this study are men between the ages of 25- 50 years and above who live and work in Johannesburg and are originally from rural KwaZulu–Natal. The study will utilise interview as a data collection method and the raw data will be analysed through thematic data analysis. The anticipated value of the findings is that the study will provide an understanding concerning the experiences of men who live away from their families for extended periods of time. Key word: labour migration, household headship, fatherhood, men’s experiences, KwaZulu-Natal, South AfricaItem The experiences of young people who were raised by social fathers in Gauteng(2016) Matjila, MatsieHistorically in Southern Africa social fathers have played a significant role in the lives of children particularly in African families. Also for many decades, the stability of family relationships and the role of biological fathers have significantly eroded due to historical factors such as migrant labour system and the high prevalence of absent father. The purpose of this study is to explore the experiences of young people raised by social fathers instead of biological fathers. The study will use a qualitative research approach in conjunction with exploratory design. Data gathering will be conducted through ten semi-structured individual interviews and be analysed through thematic analysis. The study will add value on understanding the importance of social fathers; connection and support to determine the contribution that social fathers make to their children. The study revealed that young men and women have good relationship with their social fathers although there are boundaries in communication with their social fathers. These social fathers have played provider and teacher roles in their lives. They have more of a father and son/daughter relationship; hence they have a good relationship. Some come from a low family environment and have challenges while others see their family environment as good. Most young men and women are raised by their grandfathers, while others are raised by uncles, brothers and stepfather as their social fathers. They do not have any form of relationship with their biological fathers and this is because their biological fathers passed on while for others it is because they do not know their biological fathers. KEY WORDS: Men, women, fatherhood, social father, family.Item I am not my addiction: Patients’ perceptions of why they relapsed during or after treatment at Westview clinic.(2016) Ngoepe, Magaret NkoshaRelapse after or during treatment is a problem experienced by many addicts and individuals view recovery in different ways. Certain things are expected from addicts when they are undergoing treatment, which one of them is complete sobriety. The research study was based on the perceptions of patients about what factors led them to relapse before or after treatment at Westview clinic. The aim of the study was to explore the patients’ perceptions about the reasons for their relapse. A case study qualitative research design was selected, whereby face to face interviews were conducted, using a structured interview schedule. The sampling method that was used for the study was availability sampling and 14 participants were used in the study. From the findings it was discovered that the causes of relapse were both internal factors like emotions of anger, loneliness and denial and also lack of self-awareness and external; factors like family, peer-pressure, unemployment and easy accessibility of the substances. It was also discovered from the findings that there many challenges that individuals experience when relapsing and also the major thing that they needed in order not to relapse was support whether it is from the family, community, organisation and social workers. This study will hopefully not only benefit the patients and the organisation but it will also hopefully benefit social work as a profession in that it will enhance the treatment and counselling that is offered to patients and bring more knowledge within the study about the factors of relapse and also the effects it has on addicted individuals. Key words: Relapse, Substance use, Addiction, TreatmentItem Views of social work students on the use of social media network(2016) Khoza, NokulungaThe use of social networks amongst students has increased drastically in recent times. Students use social networks such as Facebook within and outside of the university grounds. There are various reasons as to why students use social networks: firstly students use social networks to keep up with the latest trends on social media, secondly students use social media to keep in contact with family and friends, lastly students may use social networks to attain information which is relevant to their daily lives as both students, citizens of South Africa and the world. According to Bridgestock (2013) students have had challenges due to the use of social media however they have also benefited from the use of social media. Social workers are guided by the code of ethics in which they need to abide with in order to practice their work with clients. The research sought to understand how social work students view the use of social media networks. The main focus of the study was to find out how social work students incorporate their ethics and values into the use of social media networks. The study was located within a qualitative research paradigm and purposive sampling was used. The sample consisted of (10) ten third year social work students, a semi-structured interview schedule was used as part of the tool of the study. To collect data the researcher had one on one interviews with the participants. Thematic analysis was used as a method to analyse data during the interviews. The main findings of the study were that social work students mostly use WhatsApp and Facebook as a preferred method of communication on social media networks. Other findings noted that social work students have had good and bad experiences on social media. Good experiences were that students were able to remain updated with what is happening around the world, bad experiences included students being stalked or attacked. Furthermore the study revealed the behaviour social work students portray on social media networks. Students post inspiring quotes on social media however there are those students who post nude pictures. It was found ethics and values are not incorporated much with the use of social media networks. It was recommended that the code of ethics relooks at the values and ethics so that they will be able to accommodate everybody and they should focus on the importance of using social media and incorporating the ethics and values. Key words: Views, social work, students, social media.Item Exploring the perceptions of women have about breast cancer in Bolobedu, Limpopo(2016) Tivani, TsakaneBreast cancer is identified as one of the most serious disease women face all over the world. It has been described as having physical and emotional challenges for both women and their families (Henderson, 2011). The purpose of this study is to explore the perceptions women have about breast cancer in Bolobedu Area, Limpopo. The study used a qualitative research approach. Since qualitative is concerned with meaning that participants attach to their life experience, the researcher used exploratory case studies. Using non-probability purposive sampling technique, the researcher interviewed ten participants and two key informants using two different semi-structured interview schedules. There was an interview schedule for participants and a different one for key-informants. During the face-to-face individual interviews, data was recorded with the participants consent and transcribed verbatim. The most important problem that emerged from thematic analysis of the discussion included lack of knowledge about breast cancer, symptoms and self-examination. It is important for social workers to understand all the components that might exist with different individuals in various contexts in order to empower them. This study is likely to contribute to knowledge and social work practice with appropriate breast cancer intervention, especially in the rural areas in South Africa. Keywords: breast cancer, women, rural areaItem A report on a study project presented to understanding of paternal involvement of African working class in their children’s lives(2016) Langa, Morongwa KaylaResearch and literature on fatherhood in Sothern Africa tends to focus more on the absence of fathers than the significant role and the involvement of fathers in the families and children’s lives. There is also a view in public discourse that African fathers are less likely to be involved in the lives of their children; usually this view does not take into account the historical factors that contributed to the removal of fathers from their families. There is evidence that there are fathers that are involved in their children’s lives despite the public discourse and historical factors. This study aims to understand the paternal involvement of African working class fathers in the lives of the children. This will be done by conducting one on one interview with the use of a semi-structured interview schedule as a research tool. The study will adopt a qualitative approach. The research design that will be used in the study will be the exploratory design; this is explore, understand and describe the topic of research. The participants to be interviewed are African fathers from working class background in Randfontein, Gauteng from the ages of 25-55. Furthermore content analysis will be used to analyse the data; this is finding patterns, themes and at the end understanding the involvement of the men (African working class men) in their children’s lives. The finding of the study is hoped to serve as an encouragement for men that are not in the lives of their children. As it may assist in the policy of child support grants for fathers that are not involved and serves as welfare relieve. Keyword: Working Class, paternal involvement, fathersItem Keeping patient HIV status confidential: The experiences and perceptions of community members in a public clinic(2016) Tsame, OmphileConfidentiality is one of the important elements when providing services to patients and clients, this includes services relating to HIV and AIDS. The study used qualitative research to explore the perceptions and experiences of community members pertaining to the maintenance of confidentiality by clinic staff. This case study employed semi-structured interviews with fourteen (14) community members at a village in the North West Province, South Africa. The data was analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings revealed that participants perceive their HIV status as being kept confidential; however they lacked confidence in the conduct of clinic staff as having the potential to maintain confidentiality in certain circumstances. They point to factors which convince them to believe that confidentiality is maintained and factors that may lead to the breach of confidentiality. Interestingly, patients showed lack of understanding of what is meant by confidentiality and maintenance thereof. The main conclusion is that with good systems and ethically conscious staff the confidentiality of patients can always be maintained. Furthermore the service providers have a responsibility of raising awareness to the patients about the ‘Patient’s Rights Charter’ in relation to confidentiality. Key words: HIV and AIDS, ConfidentialityItem Describing the psychosocial challeges faced by disadvantaged girl children under a specific holistic education model(2016) Holman, DrewThe research aimed at decribing the psycho-social challenges that a specific group of disadvantaged girls (aged 15-17) face. These girls have been selected to complete their secondary schooling on a full scholarship at a private school funded by a wealthy benefactor in South Africa. The school was designed specifically for disadvantaged South African girl children who have displayed either academic or leadership excellence. This research looked at the effects of attending this school on the student’s relationships with their friends and family, culture and acculturation, and the way these challenges have impacted their functioning at the school. The school has adopted a holistic approach to education meaning that it acknowledges the importance of the students’ emotional, physical, spiritual, intellectual and psychological spheres. The research has enhanced the understanding of the psychosocial challenges the students navigate by identifying common themes within the data from which some recommendations were made. Ultimately the themes that are described will lay the foundation for further research at the institution. This study followed a qualitative research design. The population for the research was obtained by using purposive, non-probability sampling techniques. Data was gathered by making use of an interview schedule while conducting semi-structured interviews. Thematic analysis was used for analyzing the data. Key Words Descriptions, psychosocial, challenges, girl-child, holistic education model.Item The Role of the Social Worker in Child and Adolescent In-patient Psychiatric Care: Perceptions of Professionals in a Johannesburg Specialised Hospital(2016) Walton, EmilyThe role of the social worker in in-patient child and adolescent psychiatric care has not been widely researched in South Africa. The contribution of the social worker in this context is not well understood, leading to role confusion and overlap or the underutilization of skills. To understand the social worker role, this study aimed to explore the perceptions of members of the multidisciplinary team who work in an in-patient child and adolescent unit in a psychiatric hospital in Johannesburg. The perceptions of social workers and members of other disciplines were compared to determine congruency, and examine whether there were any overlaps or gaps in services or confusion about professional roles. This qualitative study, with a single case study design, made use of semi-structured interviews to gather data. The findings indicate that the participants perceived the role of the social worker as that of assessing, supporting, educating and bridging. These roles were identified as occurring specifically with the individual, family, group and community. The bridging role showed that the social worker served as an intermediary between these levels of practice. The most congruency between perceptions was the description of the role of the social worker with the family of the in-patient. Potential roles of the social worker were identified, and the implications of role confusion noted. Participants also suggested ways for professional roles to be better understood by multidisciplinary teams. The implications of findings for psychiatric settings and universities are described with recommendations for future research. Key words: multidisciplinary team, in-patient, child and adolescent, role confusion, psychiatric illnessItem The Perceptions of Adolescent Males on their Involvement in Teenage Pregnancy Prevention in Kliptown(2016) Phawe, KelebogileThe rates of teenage pregnancy in South Africa remain high. Teenage pregnancy is a risk factor for disruption of education, future unemployment, sexually transmitted infections, HIV, preterm birth and poor mental health for teenagers. The aim of the research was to explore adolescent male partner’s knowledge attitudes and practices regarding contraception and their role in teenage pregnancy prevention. A qualitative research approach was used to understand the perception of adolescent males on their involvement in teenage pregnancy prevention in Kliptown. The population for the study included male teenagers at the Kliptown Youth Programme. A sample of 10 male teenagers aged 18 to 19 years was drawn from this population. The research study will be will qualitative research approach employing the phenomenological research design. A semi-structured interview schedule was employed as a research tool, with face-to-face interviews as the method of data collection. Data was analysed thematically by carefully identifying and expanding significant themes that emerged from the interviews. Teenage pregnancy was viewed as having negative consequences to teenagers’ present and future circumstances. Participants demonstrated level of awareness regarding pregnancy prevention methods due to information they receive from different sources. Participants communicated a desire to be involved in the decisions about pregnancy prevention including use of contraception and also acknowledged the role they can play. The results of this study indicate a dire need for young men involvement in pregnancy prevention programs. Services should be structured in such a way that they are both youth and male friendly. Key terms: Adolescent, Teenager, Contraception, Teenage pregnancy.Item Exploring the factors that motivated University graduates from Vhembe District in Limpopo to complete their undergraduate degrees in set time(2016) Makamu, Nkhensani PortiaPost 1994 has been characterised by an increase in access to higher education for different racial groups in South Africa. However, the increase in access seem not to correspond with the success rate of some students in higher education, as a significant number of black students fail to complete their degrees in set time. Anecdotal evidence indicates that some of the reasons highlighted for this failure include, the notion that students enter higher education “underprepared” for the transition, leading to some students failing to complete their studies within the set time, and some dropping out and / or getting academically excluded. Therefore, the aim of the study was to explore the factors that motivated university graduates from Vhembe District in Limpopo to complete their university degrees in set time. The study employed an exploratory-descriptive design located within a qualitative research paradigm. A snowball sampling technique was used to select ten university graduates to participate in the study. A semi-structured interview schedule was employed as a research instrument, with in-depth, individual, face-to-face interviews used as a method of data collection. Qualitative data were analysed using thematic content analyses. The main findings of the study indicate that the factors that motivated university graduates from Vhembe District to complete their studies in set time included the following: being goal oriented, the desire to effectively compete in the job market, the need for independence, the desire to improve dire family circumstances, being bound by contract expectations attached to financial assistance and to defy the odd of associating poverty with no success. The conclusion drawn is that low socio-economic backgrounds of black students cannot be used as a predictive factor for their success and lack of, in higher education, as students were able to succeed against all odds and completed their degrees in set time. Recommendations are made in relation to future research. Key words: access to higher education, degree completion motivating factors, set time, black university graduates, Vhembe district – Limpopo, South AfricaItem Exploring the views of University of Witwatersrand university students on racial classification in application forms in the new South Africa(2016) Marumo, BenitaIn apartheid South Africa, racial classification was infused by the idealism. It was hierarchal, having white people at the topic and people of other races at the bottom of the hierarchy. Today racial classification is used in various polices and mainly for statistical purpose. This study took into account the information regarding the fact that racial classification was created and was used in the apartheid era as a way of dividing people in this country. The primary aim of this research study was to be able to look at why racial classification still exists as it is clearly a legacy of apartheid and to put its existence into question taking into account that this is the new era. The problem however with racial classification is that it tends to divide people into categorises based of which racial group they belong to rather than bringing them together. The research study adopted a qualitative research method. The study was exploratory as it looked at the proposed question in detail and the researcher searched for information from the participants. The people who took part in this study were the students of the Witwatersrand University and the reason for selecting them was due to the fact that they were raised when South Africa was independent. Due to this the opinions that they will offered were expected to be less subjective but more objective. A sample size of ten people was used for the study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted. The interviews allowed for the use of open ended questions and here the respondents answered each of them in whichever way they wished to. The research tool that was used is interview schedules. Interviews were conducted face to face. This way the gathered information was organised and was easy to read. The research study will help with knowledge advancement in the field of Social Work about the proposed topic. This is significant because the Social Work profession puts people first and knowing their perceptions about a certain issues like this one that involves the social history of South Africa is relevant. Key words: Race, Apartheid, Racial classification, Racial categorisation and Classifying criterionItem The experiences of teenage mothers living in Katlehong, Mofokeng section : a retrospective study(2016) Malwa, KhutsoMost people consider teenage pregnancy as a disaster (Mpanza&Nzima, 2010). However this research study aims to question the above assumption through exploring the experiences of teenage mothers that live in Katlehong, in an area called Mofokeng Section. This study was able to retrospectively view teenage pregnancy from the perspective of those who were teenage mothers, and to explore their future aspirations. The research adopted a qualitative approach and an exploratory research design. Nine participants were selected by using purposive sampling. The individual semi- structured interviews were tape- recorded with the participant’s permission for the collection of data and to analyse the data. The tape recorded interviews were transcribed and emerging themes from the written material were identified. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. The study will contribute to the already existing research and knowledge on teenage pregnancy in the discipline but the difference is that the contexts will differ. Six out of the nine teenage mothers expressed having moments of regrets and having financial challenges after the child was born. All nine of the teenage mothers have expressed that they did not get any form of support from the community that they were part of instead they felt judged and unwanted. The majority of the teenage mothers have also expressed that family and friends have played a significant role pre and post pregnancy. It was also found that the mothers of the teenage mothers are the ones that helped them cope as teenage mothers therefore illustrating the importance of the teenage mothers’ mothers during and after their pregnancy. The themes that emerged from the study include teenage mothers’ experiences relating to the pregnancy; social support networks of teenage mothers; and future aspirations of teenage mothers. This study overall showed the strength and resilience of these teenage mothers as they continue to achieve their goals and provide for their children. Keywords: teenage mothers, experiences, teenage pregnancyItem Challenges faced by Congolese refugees after arriving in South Africa(2016) Mahlangu, WinnieIn partial fulfilment of the requirement of the degree Bachelor of Social WorkItem Exploring heterosexual relationships between South African women and men from other African countries(2016) Mabiletja, SharonThe free movement of people due to globalization has increased the rate of migration worldwide. Travel and interactions of individuals from different regions and countries during transit and in countries of resettlement has also improved. Large numbers of people from other parts of Africa are migrating to South Africa for diverse reasons including for employment, medical attention, tourism and business. This has contributed to a growing number of “inter- national” heterosexual relationships and inter-marriages between South African and foreign nationals. The primary aim of the proposed study is to find out the experiences of South African women who are in relationships with men from other African countries. The research will adopt a qualitative approach and a narrative research design. Non-probability purposive and snowball sampling will be used. Data will be collected from 10 South African women, through face-to-face individual interviews, using an unstructured interview schedule. Thematic data analysis will be used to analyze the data collected in conjunction with previous literate reviewed. It is hoped that the findings generated from the study may contribute to debates on cross national migration and relationships. The research findings revealed that South African women who are in relationships with men from other African countries faced judgment from the society and their families for getting involved with foreign national. They felt a strong need for education and awareness programs, where South African people could be taught to be tolerant and acceptance of people from other African countries. Key words: heterosexual relationships, men, womenItem Social workers experiences working within the multi-disciplinary team: A case study at Charlotte Maxeke Academic Hospital (CMJAH).(2016) Nkuna, ValerieSocial workers need to ensure that members of the multi-disciplinary team are fully aware of their contributions toward the overall success of the medical and social intervention. The research study was based on a qualitative research approach to explore the experiences of medical social workers at Charlotte Maxeke Academic Hospital (CMJAH) working within the multi-disciplinary team. Therefore, the study explored social workers self-awareness and how confident they are in tackling their day to day work with other health professionals. The study also provided recommendations to social workers on how to handle multi-disciplinary team work experiences whether positive or negative. To get an in-depth understanding of the experiences of social workers in health setting the research study made use of face-to-face semi-structured interview schedule. The sample further consisted of 10 medical social workers as participants using a non - probability purposive sampling technique. Social workers in a hospital experience and are exposed to different kinds of challenges psychological, social and emotional struggles in their field when working with other health professionals. The findings of the study revealed that social workers are undermined and disrespected and are at times unable to provide their services efficiently due to time constraints that are caused by doctors referring patients when close to being discharged. The study however provides recommendations and contributes to a better understanding of multidisciplinary team work among medical social workers and other health practitioners. Key words: medical social worker, multi-disciplinary, team work, experiences, recommendationsItem The experiences of motherhood amog black undergraduate students at a South African university: reconciling competing roles(2016) Maisela, ThatoAlthough there are no official statistics available on the number of students falling pregnant while pursuing their undergraduate degrees, anecdotal evidence suggests that the prevalence is likely to be under-reported. While educational policy gives all persons the right to attend educational institutions irrespective of pregnancy or maternal status, it can be demanding to be both a student and mother and to reconcile competing conceptions, particularly within African culture, of what it means to be a ‘good student’ and a ‘good mother’. The research adopted the perspectives of feminism and gender role theory to explore the challenges that University level mothers experience and the strategies they adopt to cope with their situations and reconcile these competing roles. The study was located within an interpretive, qualitative research paradigm and involved semi-structured interviews with a purposive sample of 15 female undergraduate university students. Data were analysed using thematic content analysis. Key findings that emerged were that the student mothers that were interviewed experienced financial, social and emotional challenges. However, they were able to cope through the support of family and friends. These findings have implications for the support and empowerment of student mothers through social work practice and university interventions. Key Words: student mothers, university, gender, role conflictItem The experiences of senior professional nurses in multidisciplinary teams within a medical setting(2016) Layton, KirstynResearch has mainly been conducted on experiences of recently qualified nurses and little is conducted on experiences of these senior professional nurses. It is therefore assumed that senior nurses’ have not been given an adequate opportunity to give insight into their experiences and roles within a multidisciplinary team in a medical institution. The aim of the study was therefore to gain insight into the experiences of senior professional nurses within a multidisciplinary team. To do this, an interpretive qualitative approach had been used by making use of semi-structured interviews. This research was conducted with nine voluntary senior professional nurses within the medical institution where I had conducted my fourth year practical in. The data had been obtained utilizing semi-structured interviews and the recorded data was transcribed and then thematic analysis was utilized to analyse the data. The potential significance of this study is that it will contribute to an understanding of the experiences of these nurses and it may also assist other medical professionals in understanding the senior professional nurses’ roles. It had been found that there were mainly negative experiences and challenges that confronted these medical professionals, such as; staff shortages, heavy workloads and no incentives. Despite this, it is evident that these professionals have a passion for their jobs, but these challenges have led to lower staff morale and lower motivation. Key words: Senior professional nurse, experiences, multidisciplinary team, roles, medical institution Supervisor: Ms Laetitia Petersen