Welcome to WIReDSpace(Wits Institutional Repository on DSpace)
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Communities in WIReDSpace
Select a community to browse its collections.
- This community is for all faculties and schools' research outputs and publications by Wits academics and researchers.
- This community hosts traditional outputs such as published and unpublished research articles, conference papers, book chapters and other research outputs authored by Wits academics and researchers. Items in this collection are also mapped to relevant collections within the Faculties/Schools/Departments communities for more specific browsing and searching.
- This Community hosts a collection of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) submitted by doctoral and masters' students of Wits University.
- This community is for all faculties and schools' theses and dissertations by masters and doctoral students.
Recent Submissions
Characterization of CYP2B6 and CYP2A6 Pharmacogenetic Variation in SubSaharan African Populations
David Twesigomwe; Britt I. Drogemoller; Galen E.B Wright; Clement Adebamowo; Godfred Agongo; Palwende Boua; Mogomotsi Matshaba; Maria Paximadis; Michele Ramsay; Gustave Simo; Martin C. Simuunza; Caroline Tiemessen; Zane Lombard; Scott Hazelhurst
An outcomedriven threshold for pulse pressure amplication
(NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP) Huang Qi-Fang; An De-Wei; L Aparicio; Yi-Bang Cheng; Gavin Norton; Angela Woodiwiss; E et al
Safety and pharmacokinetics of subcutaneous administration of broadly neutralizing antiHIV1 monoclonal antibodies bNAbs given to HIV1 exposed uninfected neonates and infants study protocol for a phase I trial
(BIOMED CENTRAL LTD) A Goga; Trisha Ramraj; Logashvari Naidoo; Brodie Daniels; Penelope Moore; Nonhlanhla Mkhize; E et al
Understanding the Importance of Numerical Context in the Transition from School to University Mathematical Writing
Mogalatjane Matabane; E Inyangela
LongLife HighVoltage SodiumIon Batteries Enabled by Electrolytes with Cooperative NaSolvation
(WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH) Y Liu; Yongqing Gong; Ke Chen; L Zhu; Kenneth Ozoemena; E et al