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Developing a density functional theory model of glassy carbon via carbon defect induction and relaxation
(Elsevier, 2025-01) Falch, A.; Meerholz, K.; van Sittert, C.G.C.E.
Glassy Carbon (GC) is a non-graphitising carbon known for its thermal stability, conductivity, and resistance to chemical attack, making it valuable in industrial and scientific applications, especially as an electrode substrate in catalysis research. Despite its widespread use, GC’s precise structural characteristics is unclear due to synthesis variability. This study developed and validated a computational model to simulate GC’s structure. Starting from the R3-carbon allotrope, density functional theory calculations were used to construct a representative GC model, incorporating induced defects to mimic its structural imperfections. Multiple GC slab models were created for comparative analysis. Validation involved comparing theoretical X-ray diffraction data with published data, confirming the model’s accuracy in representing the GC’s structure. The model showed high correlation with existing models, particularly those by Jurkiewicz et al., emphasizing the effect of formation temperature on GC’s structural evolution. These findings enhance the understanding of GC’s structural complexities, providing a solid foundation for future research and applications in material science, especially for robust and conductive substrates used in electrocatalysis.
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The adoption of smart technologies in small-scale farming to promote local economic development in Mnquma Local Municipality, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2024) Qutu, Bavulele; Pooe,T.K
The thesis explores the adoption of smart technology by small-scale farmers within Mnquma Local Municipality, Eastern Cape, South Africa to enhance local economic development. It delves into the challenges faced by small-scale farmers in accessing and utilizing smart technology in this region, as well as the potential benefits it can bring to their farming practices and overall economic well-being.The research highlights the importance of technology adoption in improving agricultural productivity, market access, and sustainability for small-scale farmers. It discusses the various types of smart technologies available to farmers,such as smart phones, mobile apps, sensor-based systems, drones, satellites,autonomous tractors, and precision agriculture tools, and how these technologies can be tailored to suit the needs and constraints of small-scale farming operation in Mnquma Local Municipality. Furthermore, the thesis examines the role of government policies, private sector partnerships, and community initiatives in promoting the adoption of smart technology among small-scale farmers. It also discusses the potential challenges and barriers that may hinder the wide spreadadoption of these technologies, such as cost, infrastructure limitations, and digital literacy.The core argument of the thesis is that the strategic adoption of smart technology by small-scale farmers has the potential to drive local economic development,improve food security, and enhance the livelihoods of rural communities in Mnquma Local Municipality. It calls for collaborative efforts from various stakeholders to support and empower small-scale farmers in embracing and harnessing the benefits of smart technology for sustainable agricultural development
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Unprecedented Association: bilateral UPJ obstruction with grade 3 hydronephrosis caused by Type 2 circumcaval right ureter and left lower pole crossing vessels
(Elsevier, 2025-01) Salem, Mohammed Salah E. Khalifa; Abdul, Alherek; DaSilva, Daniel; Mukendi, Alain Mwamba; Jacob, Varghese
Bilateral ureteropelvic junction obstruction resulting from distinct vascular anomalies on each side, with a preureteric vena cava on the right and crossing vessels on the left, has not been previously documented in the literature. Even more intriguing is the association between a grade 3 hydronephrosis and a type 2 circumcaval ureter. This unprecedented report discusses this association and its management.
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Addressing Common Method Bias in Survey Datasets: A Literature Review and Future Research Directions
(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2024) Qangule, Lwazi; Horvey, Sylvester
This paper provides a thorough examination of techniques for detecting and mitigatingcommon method bias (CMB) in research studies. A thorough review of literature from1990 to 2024 using Scopus and Google Scholar as primary search engines, revealedmultiple methods of dealing with CMB. Despite significant contributions from seminalstudies, methodological limitations remain, as does the need for innovativemeasurement methodologies and statistical solutions. This study, which draws onfindings from key studies from the literature, addresses the need for novel strategiesto effectively combat CMB.The study investigates a variety of methodological techniques, including blinding,counterbalancing, longitudinal designs, and multimethod approaches, and proposesstrategies for reducing bias in data collection procedures. Confirmatory factor analysis,structural equation modelling, and multilevel modelling are some of the statisticaltechniques used to evaluate measurement validity and control for CMB. However,gaps still exist in the literature, particularly relating to accurately identifying andaddressing CMB across multiple datasets and research scenarios. Existingtechniques may fail to capture the complexities of method bias or provide reliablesolutions in all contexts. These limitations highlight the need for a new technique thatoffers a systematic and parametric approach to assessing and mitigating CMB,providing researchers with a comprehensive tool for increasing the validity andreliability of their findings. This study aims to imparts valuable insights for researchersseeking to improve the reliability and validity of their findings through a nuancedexamination of each technique's strengths, weaknesses, and practical implications.The proposed parametric mathematical method (Stacey-Qangule Model) provides asystematic approach for detecting and addressing Common Method Bias (CMB) insurvey data, with the goal of improving research validity. The method aims to identifylatent variables free of method bias across various datasets and scenarios byestimating bias in manifest ratings and applying mathematical transformations.Future research should focus on refining and validating the proposed statistical model,collecting diverse and high-quality data, conducting rigorous data analysis, effectivelyinterpreting and communicating findings, disseminating research results, and pursuingnew research directions. Implementing these recommendations allows researchers tocontribute to the advancement of knowledge in organizational behaviour andperformance evaluation, ultimately leading to positive change and impact in theidentified phenomena or problem areas
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Effectiveness of the funding model for construction companies in the Free State
(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2024) Pule, Gaositwe; Horvey, Sylvestor.
This research delves into the nuanced realm of funding models within the construction industry,particularly focusing on their efficacy for struggling construction businesses in the Free StateProvince of South Africa. The primary objective is to critically evaluate the responsiveness offinancial institutions to funding requests from contractors and to delve into the intricacies ofthe funding process. Through a qualitative approach, the study aims to explore the diverserange of funding models that are currently employed by contractors, shedding light on boththeir strengths and limitations. Furthermore, the research endeavours to identify and analysethe various challenges that are associated with existing funding structures and offers, providingvaluable insights into potential areas for improvement. Additionally, by examining thepotential synergies between adequate funding and developmental programmes, this study seeksto ascertain their collective impact on the growth trajectory of contractors within the region.By conducting semi-structured interviews with registered construction contractors who faceindustry absorption challenges, this research aims to uncover rich qualitative data that canprovide a comprehensive understanding of the complexities that are inherent in the Small andMedium Enterprises (SME) contractor industry. Ultimately, the findings of this study areexpected to contribute to the enhancement of funding mechanisms and support systems thatare tailored to the unique needs of SME contractors; thereby fostering their sustainable growthand development.