Research Outputs (School of Physics)
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Item Higher loop nonplanar anomalous dimensions from symmetry(Springer, 2014-02-28) Koch, Robert de Mello; Graham, Stuart; Messamah, IliesIn this article we study the action of the one loop dilatation operator on operators with a classical dimension of order N. These operators belong to the su(2) sector and are constructed using two complex fields Y and Z. For these operators non-planar diagrams contribute already at the leading order in N and the planar and large N limits are distinct. The action of the one loop and the two loop dilatation operator reduces to a set of decoupled oscillators and factorizes into an action on the Z fields and an action on the Y fields. Direct computation has shown that the action on the Y fields is the same at one and two loops. In this article, using the su(2) symmetry algebra as well as structural features of field theory, we give compelling evidence that the factor in the dilatation operator that acts on the Y s is given by the one loop expression, at any loop order.Item Light third-generation squarks from flavour gauge messengers(Springer, 2014-04-10) Brummer, Felix; McGarrie, Moritz; Weiler, AndreasWe study models of gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking with a gauged horizontal SU(3)F symmetry acting on the quark superfields. If SU(3)F is broken nonsupersymmetrically by F -term vacuum expectation values, the massive gauge bosons and gauginos become messengers for SUSY breaking mediation. These gauge messenger fields induce a flavour-dependent, negative contribution to the soft masses of the squarks at one loop. In combination with the soft terms from standard gauge mediation, one obtains large and degenerate first- and second-generation squark masses, while the stops and sbottoms are light. We discuss the implications of this mechanism for the superparticle spectrum and for flavour precision observables. We also provide an explicit realization in a model with simultaneous SUSY and SU(3)F breaking.Item Heavy quark diffusion in strongly coupled anisotropic plasmas(Springer, 2014-06-09) Giataganasa, Dimitrios; Soltanpanahib, HesamWe study the Langevin diffusion of a relativistic heavy quark in anisotropic strongly coupled theories in the local limit. Firstly, we use the axion space-dependent deformed anisotropic N = 4 sYM, where the geometry anisotropy is always prolate, while the pressure anisotropy may be prolate or oblate. For motion along the anisotropic direction we find that the effective temperature for the quark can be larger than the heat bath temperature, in contrast to what happens in the isotropic theory. The longitudinal and transverse Langevin diffusion coefficients depend strongly on the anisotropy, the direction of motion and the transverse direction considered. We analyze the anisotropy effects to the coefficients and compare them to each other and to them of the isotropic theory. To examine the dependence of the coefficients on the type of the geometry, we consider another bottom-up anisotropic model. Changing the geometry from prolate to oblate, certain diffusion coefficients interchange their behaviors. In both anisotropic backgrounds we find cases that the transverse diffusion coefficient is larger than the longitudinal, but we find no negative excess noise.Item Natural supersymmetry and dynamical flavour with meta-stable vacua(Springer, 2014-07-29) Abela, Steven; McGarrie, MoritzWe show how gauged flavour breaking and N = 1 supersymmetry breaking can be dynamically aligned to produce natural models. Supersymmetry is broken in a metastable vacuum, while a weakly gauged flavour symmetry is identified with an SU (3) F subgroup of the global symmetry of the SQCD model. We find that alignment can easily occur either through strongly coupled flavour models, with SQCD bound states playing the role of flavons, or entirely weakly coupled and renormalizable models with elementary SU (3) F adjoint flavons. In both cases it is essential that the SU (3) F breaking, and hence all the flavour structure, is driven dynamically by the SUSY breaking. The resulting flavour gauge mediation in conjunction with the usual gauge mediation contribution leads to naturally light third generations squarks, with first and second generations above.Item Large A without the desert(Springer, 2014-07-31) Abdalgabar, Ammar; Cornell, Alan S.; Deandrea, Aldo; McGarrie, MoritzEven if the unification and supersymmetry breaking scales are around 106 to 109 TeV, a large A t coupling may be entirely generated at low energies through RGE evolution in the 5D MSSM. Independent of the precise details of supersymmetry breaking, we take advantage of power law running in five dimensions and a compactification scale in the 10 − 103 TeV range to show how the gluino mass may drive a large enough A t to achieve the required 125.5 GeV Higgs mass. This also allows for sub-TeV stops, possibly observable at the LHC, and preserving GUT unification, thereby resulting in improved naturalness properties with respect to the four dimensional MSSM. The results apply also to models of “split families” in which the first and second generation matter fields are in the bulk and the third is on the boundary, which may assist in the generation of light stops whilst satisfying collider constraints on the first two generations of squarks.Item Heating up branes in gauged supergravity(Springer, 2014-08-26) Goldstein, Kevin; Nampuri, Suresh; V´eliz-Osorio, AlvaroIn this note, we explore the solution space of non-extremal black objects in 4D and 5D N = 2 gauged supergravity in the presence of fluxes. We present first order rewritings of the 4D action for a classes of non-extremal dyonic and electric solutions with electric flux backgrounds. Additionally, we obtain the non-extremal version of the Nernst brane in AdS 5 using a simple deformation. Finally, we develop a new technique to deform extremal black solutions in 4D to non-extremal solutions by an analysis of the symmetries of the equations of motion.Item Indefinite theta functions for counting attractor backgrounds(Springer, 2014-10-03) Cardoso, Gabriel Lopes; Ciraficia, Michele; Nampurib, SureshIn this note, we employ indefinite theta functions to regularize canonical partition functions for single-center dyonic BPS black holes. These partition functions count dyonic degeneracies in the Hilbert space of four-dimensional toroidally compactified heterotic string theory, graded by electric and magnetic charges. The regularization is achieved by viewing the weighted sums of degeneracies as sums over charge excitations in the near-horizon attractor geometry of an arbitrarily chosen black hole background, and eliminating the unstable modes. This enables us to rewrite these sums in terms of indefinite theta functions. Background independence is then implemented by using the transformation property of indefinite theta functions under elliptic transformations, while modular transformations are used to make contact with semi-classical results in supergravity.Item Attractive holographic c -functions(Springer, 2014-11-24) Bhattacharyya, Arpan; Haque, S. Shajidul; Jejjala, Vishnu; Nampuri, Suresh; Véliz-Osorio, ÁlvaroUsing the attractor mechanism for extremal solutions in N = 2 gauged supergravity, we construct a c-function that interpolates between the central charges of theories at ultraviolet and infrared conformal fixed points corresponding to anti-de Sitter geometries. The c-function we obtain is couched purely in terms of bulk quantities and connects two different dimensional CFTs at the stable conformal fixed points under the RG flow.Item Natural supersymmetry and unification in five dimensions(Springer Verlag, 2016-01) Abdalgabar, A.; Cornell, A.S.; Deandrea, A.; McGarrie, M.We explore unification and natural supersymmetry in a five dimensional extension of the standard model in which the extra dimension may be large, of the order of 1–10 TeV. Power law running generates a TeV scale At term allowing for the observed 125 GeV Higgs and allowing for stop masses below 2 TeV, compatible with a natural SUSY spectrum. We supply the full one-loop RGEs for various models and use metastability to give a prediction that the gluino mass should be lighter than 3.5 TeV for At ≥ −2.5 TeV, for such a compactification scale, with brane localised 3rd generation matter. We also discuss models in which only the 1st and 2nd generation of matter fields are located in the bulk. We also look at electroweak symmetry breaking in these models.Item Supergravity solutions with AdS(4) from non-Abelian T-dualities(Springer, 2016-02) Zayas, L.A.P.; Rodgers, V.G.J.; Whiting, C.A.We present a large class of new backgrounds that are solutions of type II supergravity with a warped AdS(4) factor, non-trivial axion-dilaton, B-field, and three-and five-form Ramond-Ramond fluxes. We obtain these solutions by applying non-Abelian T-dualities with respect to SU(2) or SU(2)/U(1) isometries to reductions to 10d IIA of 11d sugra solutions of the form AdS(4) x Y-7, with Y-7 = S-7/Z(k), S-7, M-1,M-1,M-1, Q(1,1,1) and N(1,1). The main class of reductions to IIA is along the Hopf fiber and leads to solutions of the form AdS(4) x K-6, where K-6 is Kahler Einstein with K-6 = CP3, S-2 x CP2, S-2 x S-2 x S-2; the first member of this class is dual to the ABJM field theory in the 't Hooft limit. We also consider other less symmetric but susy preserving reductions along circles that are not the Hopf fiber. In the case of N(1,1) we find an additional breaking of isometries in the NAT-dual background. To initiate the study of some properties of the field theory dual, we explicitly compute the central charge holographically.Item Spin(7) compactifications and 1/4-BPS vacua in heterotic supergravity.(Springer Verlag, 2016-03) Angus, S.; Matti, C.; Svanes, E.E.We continue the investigation into non-maximally symmetric compactifications of the heterotic string. In particular, we consider compactifications where the internal space is allowed to depend on two or more external directions. For preservation of supersymmetry, this implies that the internal space must in general be that of a Spin(7) manifold, which leads to a 1/4-BPS four-dimensional supersymmetric perturbative vacuum breaking all but one supercharge. We find that these solutions allow for internal geometries previously excluded by the domain-wall-type solutions, and hence the resulting four-dimensional superpotential is more generic. In particular, we find an interesting resemblance to the superpotentials that appear in non-geometric flux compactifications of type II string theory. If the vacua are to be used for phenomenological applications, they must be lifted to maximal symmetry by some non-perturbative or higher-order effect.Item Anomalous dimensions of heavy operators from magnon energies(Springer Verlag, 2016-03) de Mello Koch, R.; Tahiridimbisoa, N.H.; Mathwin, C.We study spin chains with boundaries that are dual to open strings suspended between systems of giant gravitons and dual giant gravitons. Motivated by a geometrical interpretation of the central charges of su(2|2), we propose a simple and minimal all loop expression that interpolates between the anomalous dimensions computed in the gauge theory and energies computed in the dual string theory. The discussion makes use of a description in terms of magnons, generalizing results for a single maximal giant graviton. The symmetries of the problem determine the structure of the magnon boundary reflection/scattering matrix up to a phase. We compute a reflection/scattering matrix element at weak coupling and verify that it is consistent with the answer determined by symmetry. We find the reflection/scattering matrix does not satisfy the boundary Yang-Baxter equation so that the boundary condition on the open spin chain spoils integrability. We also explain the interpretation of the double coset ansatz in the magnon language.Item Testing R-parity with geometry(Springer Verlag, 2016-03) He, Y.-H.; Jejjala, V.; Matti, C.; Nelson, B.D.We present a complete classification of the vacuum geometries of all renormalizable superpotentials built from the fields of the electroweak sector of the MSSM. In addition to the Severi and affine Calabi-Yau varieties previously found, new vacuum manifolds are identified; we thereby investigate the geometrical implication of theories which display a manifest matter parity (or R-parity) via the distinction between leptonic and Higgs doublets, and of the lepton number assignment of the right-handed neutrino fields. We find that the traditional R-parity assignments of the MSSM more readily accommodate the neutrino see-saw mechanism with non-trivial geometry than those superpotentials that violate R-parity. However there appears to be no geometrical preference for a fundamental Higgs bilinear in the superpotential, with operators that violate lepton number, such as (Formula presented.) , generating vacuum moduli spaces equivalent to those with a fundamental bilinear.Item LLM magnons(Springer Verlag, 2016-03) de Mello Koch, R.; Mathwin, C.; Van Zyl, H.J.R.We consider excitations of LLM geometries described by coloring the LLM plane with concentric black rings. Certain closed string excitations are localized at the edges of these rings. The string theory predictions for the energies of magnon excitations of these strings depends on the radii of the edges of the rings. In this article we construct the operators dual to these closed string excitations and show how to reproduce the string theory predictions for magnon energies by computing one loop anomalous dimensions. These operators are linear combinations of restricted Schur polynomials. The distinction between what is the background and what is the excitation is accomplished in the choice of the subgroup and the representations used to construct the operator.Item Interactions as intertwiners in 4D QFT(Springer Verlag, 2016-03) de Mello Koch, R.; Ramgoolam, S.In a recent paper we showed that the correlators of free scalar field theory in four dimensions can be constructed from a two dimensional topological field theory based on so(4, 2) equivariant maps (intertwiners). The free field result, along with recent results of Frenkel and Libine on equivariance properties of Feynman integrals, are developed further in this paper. We show that the coefficient of the log term in the 1-loop 4-point conformal integral is a projector in the tensor product of so(4, 2) representations. We also show that the 1-loop 4-point integral can be written as a sum of four terms, each associated with the quantum equation of motion for one of the four external legs. The quantum equation of motion is shown to be related to equivariant maps involving indecomposable representations of so(4, 2), a phenomenon which illuminates multiplet recombination. The harmonic expansion method for Feynman integrals is a powerful tool for arriving at these results. The generalization to other interactions and higher loops is discussed.Item The hot attractor mechanism: decoupling without deep throats(Springer Verlag, 2016-04) Goldstein, K.; Jejjala, V.; Nampuri, S.Non-extremal black holes in (Formula presented.) supergravity have two horizons, the geometric mean of whose areas recovers the horizon area of the extremal black hole obtained from taking a smooth zero temperature limit. In prior work [1] using the attractor mechanism, we deduced the existence of several moduli independent invariant quantities obtained from averaging over a decoupled inter-horizon region. We establish that non-extremal geometries at the Reissner-Nordström point, where the scalar moduli are held fixed, can be lifted to solutions in supergravity with a near-horizon AdS3×S2. These solutions have the same entropy and temperature as the original black hole and therefore allow an interpretation of the underlying gravitational degrees of freedom in terms of CFT2. Symmetries of the moduli space enable us to explicate the origin of entropy in the extremal limit.Item Large mass hierarchies from strongly-coupled dynamics(Springer Verlag, 2016-06) Athenodorou, A.; Bennett, E.; Bergner, G.; Elander, D.; Lin, C.-J.D.; Lucini, B.; Piai, M.Besides the Higgs particle discovered in 2012, with mass 125 GeV, recent LHC data show tentative signals for new resonances in diboson as well as diphoton searches at high center-of-mass energies (2 TeV and 750 GeV, respectively). If these signals are confirmed (or other new resonances are discovered at the TeV scale), the large hierarchies between masses of new bosons require a dynamical explanation. Motivated by these tentative signals of new physics, we investigate the theoretical possibility that large hierarchies in the masses of glueballs could arise dynamically in new strongly-coupled gauge theories extending the standard model of particle physics. We study lattice data on non-Abelian gauge theories in the (near-)conformal regime as well as a simple toy model in the context of gauge/gravity dualities. We focus our attention on the ratio R between the mass of the lightest spin-2 and spin-0 resonances, that for technical reasons is a particularly convenient and clean observable to study. For models in which (non-perturbative) large anomalous dimensions arise dynamically, we show indications that this mass ratio can be large, with R>5. Moreover,our results suggest that R might be related to universal properties of the IR fixed point. Our findings provide an interesting step towards understanding large mass ratios in the non-perturbative regime of quantum field theories with (near) IR conformal behaviour.Item Mirror quintic vacua: hierarchies and inflation.(Springer Verlag, 2016-10) Bizet, N.C; Loaiza-Brito, O.; Zavala, IWe study the moduli space of type IIB string theory flux compactifications on the mirror of the CY quintic 3-fold in ℙ 4. We focus on the dynamics of the four dimensional moduli space, defined by the axio-dilaton τ and the complex structure modulus z. The z-plane has critical points, the conifold, the orbifold and the large complex structure with non trivial monodromies. We find the solutions to the Picard-Fuchs equations obeyed by the periods of the CY in the full z-plane as a series expansion in z around the critical points to arbitrary order. This allows us to discard fake vacua, which appear as a result of keeping only the leading order term in the series expansions. Due to monodromies vacua are located at a given sheet in the z-plane. A dS vacuum appears for a set of fluxes. We revisit vacua with hierarchies among the 4D and 6D physical scales close to the conifold point and compare them with those found at leading order in [1, 2]. We explore slow-roll inflationary directions of the scalar potential by looking at regions where the multi-field slow-roll parameters ϵ and η are smaller than one. The value of ϵ depends strongly on the approximation of the periods and to achieve a stable value, several orders in the expansion are needed. We do not find realizations of single field axion monodromy inflation. Instead, we find that inflationary regions appear along linear combinations of the four real field directions and for certain configurations of fluxes.Item Generation of radical species in CVD grown pristine and N-doped solid carbon spheres using H2 and Ar as carrier gases(Royal Society of Chemistry, 2017) Mutuma, B.K.; Matsoso, B.J.; Ranganathan, K.; Wamwangi, D.; Coville, N.J; Keartland, J.Solid carbon spheres (CSs, d ≈ 200 nm) were synthesized (yield, <40%) in a vertically oriented chemical vapor deposition (CVD) reactor using acetylene as a carbon source and Ar or H2 as the carrier gas. The CSs synthesized in the presence of H2 exhibited a broader thermal gravimetric derivative curve and a narrower paramagnetic signal than the CSs synthesized in Ar. Post synthesis doping of both types of CSs with nitrogen was achieved by passing acetonitrile at 800 °C for 1 h over the CSs in a CVD reactor. The N-doped CSs (NCSs) synthesized under both H2 and Ar displayed an increase in ID/IG ratios as obtained from Raman spectroscopy and showed an increase in the paramagnetic signal due to the presence of nitrogen induced defects compared to the undoped CSs. The NCSs synthesized in H2 had less graphitic-N (22%) than those produced in Ar (50%). The presence of a higher percentage of pyridinic-N and pyrrolic-N for the NCSs prepared with H2 as carrier gas suggested H2 etching effects on the CSs. Further, the N-doped carbon spheres obtained in the presence of H2 gave a higher N/C ratio (5.0) than in the presence of Ar (3.7). The introduction of edge defects and paramagnetic centers in CSs in the presence of H2 gas without the aid of a metal catalyst opens up a platform for regulating surface and catalytic reactions of CSsItem Probing anomalous couplings using di-Higgs production in electron–proton collisions(Elsevier, 2017-01) Kumar, M.; Ruan, X.; Islam, R.; Klein, M.; Klein, U.; Mellado, B.; Cornell, A.S.A proposed high energy Future Circular Hadron-Electron Collider would provide sufficient energy in a clean environment to probe di-Higgs production. Using this channel we show that the azimuthal angle correlation between the missing transverse energy and the forward jet is a very good probe for the non-standard hhh and hhWW couplings. We give the exclusion limits on these couplings as a function of integrated luminosity at a 95% C.L. using the fiducial cross sections. With appropriate error fitting methodology we find that the Higgs boson self coupling could be measured to be g(hhh)((1)) = 1.00(-0.17(0.12))(+0.24(0.14)) of its expected Standard Model value at root s = 3.5(5.0) TeV for an ultimate 10 ab(-1) of integrated luminosity.