The hot attractor mechanism: decoupling without deep throats

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Goldstein, K.
Jejjala, V.
Nampuri, S.

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Springer Verlag


Non-extremal black holes in (Formula presented.) supergravity have two horizons, the geometric mean of whose areas recovers the horizon area of the extremal black hole obtained from taking a smooth zero temperature limit. In prior work [1] using the attractor mechanism, we deduced the existence of several moduli independent invariant quantities obtained from averaging over a decoupled inter-horizon region. We establish that non-extremal geometries at the Reissner-Nordström point, where the scalar moduli are held fixed, can be lifted to solutions in supergravity with a near-horizon AdS3×S2. These solutions have the same entropy and temperature as the original black hole and therefore allow an interpretation of the underlying gravitational degrees of freedom in terms of CFT2. Symmetries of the moduli space enable us to explicate the origin of entropy in the extremal limit.



AdS-CFT Correspondence, Black Holes, Black Holes in String Theory


Goldstein, K., Jejjala, V. and Nampuri, S. 2016. The hot attractor mechanism: decoupling without deep throats. Journal of High Energy Physics (4): Article number 26.



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