Electronic Theses and Dissertations (Masters)
Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/10539/37955
Item Levels and factors associated with homicide-related deaths in a rural South African population(2011-03-25) Otieno, George OmondiBackground: World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than 1.6 million people die every year because of violence and out of these deaths, homicide accounts for almost one third. Ninety percent (90%) of homicide are thought to occur in low and middle income countries. South Africa has one of the most disturbing rates of homicide in the world. These high homicide rates besides resulting in reduced life expectancy also have serious health, social and economic consequences. Aim: The study aimed at quantifying the burden as well as and identifying factors associated with homicide deaths in rural KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa during the period of 2000 to 2008. Objectives: To estimate a 9 year period (2000-2008) homicide incidence rates as well as identify factors associated with homicide-related deaths. Further, the analysis described spatial distribution of homicide-related deaths in a rural South African population. Design: Analytical longitudinal study. Methods: Using data drawn from the Verbal Autopsies (VAs) conducted on all deaths recorded during annual demographic and health surveillance over a 9-year period (2000-2008), Kaplan-Meier (K-M) survival estimates of incidence rates were used to estimate the cumulative probability of death until the end of the period. Estimates were reported by sex and residency. Weibull regression methods were used to investigate factor associated with homicide deaths. Kulldorff spatial scan statistics was used to describe homicide clustering. Results: With 536 homicide-related deaths, and 814, 715 total Person Years of contribution, the study found an overall incidence rate of 66 (95% CI= (60, 72) per 100, 000 Person Years of v Observation (PYOs) for the period studied. Death due to firearm was reported the leading cause of mortality (65%). Most deaths occurred over the weekends (43%), followed by Friday (16.2%).The highest homicide incidence rates were recorded in 2001 (90; 95% CI= (71, 111) per 100,000 person years at risk and 2004 (86; 95% CI= (68, 108) per 100,000 person years at risk. Males had a rate that was about six times more than females 115 (95% CI=105,127) per 100,000 PYOs. Age-specific homicide rate were highest among males aged 25-29 years (209.90 per 100,000 PYOs) and females aged 50-54 years (78 per 100,000 PYOs). Resident, age, sex, education, socioeconomic status, and employment independently predicted homicide risk. The study identified two geographical clusters with significantly elevated homicide risk. Conclusion: A significant six fold difference in homicide rate existed between males and females. Sex differential increases with age, with males aged 15-54 years the most likely to be killed, and females aged 55 years and above having the highest homicide rate. Increase in wealth status and level of education increases one‘s risk of homicide. Employment per se was protective from homicide risk. Firearm was the leading cause of mortality. Most deaths occur over the weekend. Two geographical areas with elevated homicide risk were observed. These findings underscore the need to have timely information and strategies for effective violence prevention program to subgroups and areas at risk.Item The relationship between awareness of violence against women prevention campaigns and gender attitudes and talking about violence among women in Gauteng(2016-10-12) Mataba, Rumbidzayi B.Introduction: Gender based violence (GBV) is a public health problem with as many as 35% of women having been subjected to either physical and or sexual violence globally. Gender attitudes and silence around gender based violence, are factors that exacerbate GBV. Global and local awareness campaigns are means for preventing violence against women. Campaigns have the potential to challenge women and men’s underlying gender beliefs and attitudes that contribute to unequal power relations between women and men. The overall objective of this study was to examine the association between awareness campaigns and gender attitudes or talking about domestic violence among women in Gauteng, South Africa. Materials and Methods: This study is a secondary analysis of data from a cross-sectional study conducted in Gauteng, South Africa from April to July 2010. The study aimed to describe the prevalence and patterns of experiences of GBV, HIV risk, gender attitude and awareness of GBV prevention campaigns in Gauteng. The main exposure variable in this study is having heard about 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children campaign and the 365 Days National Action Plan to End Gender Based Violence. The two primary outcomes are gender attitudes and discussing about domestic violence. Gender attitudes were measured using three scales: the Gender Equitable Women’s Scale, the Ideas about Gender Relations Scale and the Ideas about Rape Scale. Univariate analysis was conducted to describe the socio-demographic characteristics, awareness of campaigns, gender attitudes and talking about domestic violence among the participants. Multivariate analysis was conducted to examine the associations between awareness of campaigns and the outcomes while adjusting for age, education, employment, nationality, race and relationship status. Results: The results show that only a minority of the participants had heard of the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children campaign (32.6%) and the 365 Days National Action Plan to End Gender Based Violence (9.2%) campaigns. Most of the participants had progressive gender attitudes; GEWS (71.7%), IGRS (82.1%) and the IRS (88.1%) while less than half (48.7%) had spoken about domestic violence to someone else. Women who were exposed to the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children campaign were twice as likely to have progressive gender attitudes measured by the Gender Equitable Women’s Scale (aOR 2.2, 95% CI 1.2-3.8) compared to those who had not been exposed. Education, relationship status and nationality were found to be significantly associated with gender attitudes on the same scale. No association was found between awareness of 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children campaign and gender attitudes measured through the Ideas about Gender Relations Scale and the Ideas about Rape Scale. Awareness of 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children campaign was also associated with talking about domestic violence (aOR 1.9, 95% CI 1.2 - 3.0). Age and education were also significantly associated with talking about domestic violence. Gender attitudes were also significantly associated with talking about domestic violence (aOR 1.2 95% CI 1.1 – 3.6). No association was found between exposure to the 365 Days National Action Plan to End Gender Based Violence and gender attitudes or talking about domestic violence. Conclusions: From this study, the majority of the women interviewed had progressive gender attitudes. However, the majority of the women had never spoken about domestic violence to someone else. Women exposed to GBV campaigns had more progressive gender attitudes and spoke about domestic violence more than those who were not exposed. These findings are evidence to the need for wider coverage and different messaging approaches in the implementation of GBV campaigns in South Africa. Wider coverage of campaigns is only possible with more funding for national, provincial and local GBV programmes. Key messages in GBV campaigns need to include a priority focus on addressing the underlying social and cultural norms that contribute to the imbalances of power due to gender difference.Item The psychosocial work environment of women construction workers: an integrative literature review(2022) Williams, Thato Leslie-AnnBackground: There is an increase in the number of women in the construction industry, which was considered as a masculine trade for decades. This is prone to have a bearing on the psychosocial work environment of women employed in this male dominated field of work. Women face unique challenges as opposed to their male counterparts who are employed in the same trade. These challenges include discrimination, sexual harassment, overlooked for promotions and being office bound regardless of education. These challenges can impact the psychosocial work environment of women in the workplace, which can result in them opting to exit the industry. Aims and objectives: To gather and critically analyse scientific literature to describe the psychosocial work environment of women employees in the construction industry. Design: An integrative literature review using the Whittemore and Knafl (2005) framework’s stages was used. These stages included problem identification, literature search, data evaluation, data analysis and presentation of findings. Methods: A comprehensive literature search was performed using Asce Library, Emerald, Science Direct electronic databases and from reference list of included articles. The studies were in English, published between January 1993 to November 2018. A total of 3764 studies were retrieved from the search. The inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, and 57 studies were eligible for abstract reading, which yielded 7 eligible studies that were used in the study. Results: Four themes that emerged include, less representation of women in the construction industry due to inability of retaining women. Discussion and conclusion: Discrimination due to the benevolent sexism that women face. Stressful work environment which is amplified for women as it affects work-life balance. Labour laws, they are implemented and hardly reviewed. Women are an un-tapped resource and by eradicating these challenges by interventions the industry can be inclusive.Item Exposure and risk assessment of benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and xylene (btex) in a petrochemical depot at Heidelberg, South Africa(2022) Mdlalose, Richard JohnBackground: The International Labour Organization estimated 2.2 million workers are dying yearly from work-related accidents and occupational diseases, whilst about 270 million suffer serious injuries, and 160 million become ill due to their work. It is further estimated that work-related accidents and diseases cause 4% of annual Global Gross Domestic Product or US $1.25 trillion due to lost working time, workers’ compensation, the interruption of production, and medical expenses. In 2005, the ILO estimated that 440 000 people died throughout the world because of exposure to hazardous chemicals. In 2018 chemicals production was the second largest production sector in the world. Chemicals are indispensable and critical part of life. Their visible positive outcomes are quite palpable. They are well recognized for instance pesticides improve the quality of food production, pharmaceuticals cure illness, cleaning products help to establish hygienic living conditions. Chemicals are key development of final products that make life little easy for human beings, etc. Controlling employees ‘exposure to chemicals and preventing or minimizing emissions remains a significant challenge in workplaces throughout the world. The production, storage, and handling of petrochemical products particularly BTEX emissions are known and associated with potential harm to human and aquatic organisms. Some of the health effects associated with exposure to BTEX are the health effects on hematopoietic system, including pancytopenia. The benzene exposure leads to an acute myelogenous leukemia. The exposure to toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene have been linked to the damaging the central nervous system and irritation of the respiratory system. Benzene and ethylbenzene are confirmed carcinogens (Benzene is classified as a Group 1 and ethylbenzene is a Group 2 B carcinogens). Purpose: To characterize, assess exposure and health risk assessment to benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) at the petrochemical depot at Heidelberg in Gauteng, South Africa. Methods: Exposure sampling was done using a MiniRAE 3000 Photoionization detector (PID). The PID (equipment) was calibrated before the commencement of the monitoring program following the manufacturer’s operating manual. The PID equipment was used to collect the BTEX samples. The PID was mounted on a marked tripod stand at 1.5 m above ground and approximately 0.2 m to 0.5 m in the microenvironment (Exposure scenario) of the depot workers (Controllers and/or laboratory assistant) with the probe extended or placed within 30cm of the breathing zone of the depot workers. Sampling was conducted at three different exposure scenarios (workstations) i.e., density huts, laboratory, and during plant equipment cleaning in the plant (strainer removal) over three days period. The sampling started from 08h00 to 17h00. One workstation was sampled per day. The sampling of BTEX per workstation took 30 minutes per hour over ten hours, every hour BTEX was sampled for a duration of 30 minutes and in totality ten samples were collected per 12- hour shift, a total of 30 BTEX samples were collected over the 3 days period. Additionally, the measured BTEX concentrations were used to obtain dose estimates. Data from the equipment was exported to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. All outliners were removed from the data and a correction factor was applied to derive the final concentration. Thereafter, statistical tests using student F-test and Test were performed to evaluate for significant differences amongst paired comparisons. Results : The highest average BTEX concentrations were measured in the laboratory, followed by density huts and the least was measured during the removal of the strainer (plant equipment cleaning). The activity areas (exposure scenarios) served as direct sources for the BTEX vapours. The average benzene concentrations measured in three activity areas ranged from 469 ppm to 542 ppm. The highest benzene concentration was found to be 542 times higher than the current South African Occupational Exposure Limits of 1ppm. The average toluene concentrations measured ranged from 1335 pm to 1542 pm; the highest toluene concentration was found to be more than 30 times above the South African Occupational Exposure Limits of 50 ppm. The average ethylbenzene concentrations measured ranged from 433 ppm to 500 ppm; the highest concentration was found to be 5 times above the South African Occupational Exposure Limits of 100 ppm. The average xylene concentrations measured ranged from 1372 ppm to 1584 ppm, the highest concentration was found to be more than 15 times above the South African Occupational Exposure Limits of 100 ppm. All the measured BTEX compounds were found to be above their respective South African Occupational Exposure Limits. The cancer risk was determined to be 13 x 10-2 (male) and 10 x 10-2 (female), 14 x 10-2 (male) and 11x 10-2 (female), 16 x 10-2 (male) and 13 x 10-2 (female), 12 x 10-3 (male) and 10 x 10-3 (female) for the workers in the density huts, laboratory, strain remover (plant equipment cleaning), respectively. In all exposure scenarios (male and female) the cancer risk was found to be higher than the acceptable risk levels of 1E-4 . There were 13 males and 10 females in the population of 100 controllers who were likely to develop cancer when working density huts environment. In the laboratory work environment, 14 males and 11 females in a population of 100 controllers were likely to develop cancer, whereas 16 males and 13 female laboratory workers were likely to develop cancer in a population of 100 laboratory workers, and during plant equipment cleaning 12 males and 10 female controllers were likely to develop cancer in a population of 1000. Therefore, the potential of developing cancer was heightened by working in the laboratory and density huts. The risk of the number of employees who were likely to develop cancer was reduced when doing plant equipment cleaning. In all three activity areas, cancer risk for males was higher than for their female counterparts. This finding denotes that male were more vulnerable than females even though the exposure concentration is the same. The higher number of males who were likely to develop cancer in all the activity areas were influenced by two factors i.e., males have a shorter average life expectancy and higher average body weight versus their females’ counterparts. A hazard quotient was used to determine the non-carcinogenic health effects, a hazard quotient of greater than 1 was used as a reference value. A value greater than 1 denoted a higher possibility that depot workers will get health effects from exposure to the Toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (TEX). The hazard quotient for males ranged from 4.6 to 577.5, the highest hazard quotient was more than 577 times above the HQ reference value. The lowest was at density huts for xylene and the highest was at the laboratory for a chemist for xylene. The hazard quotient for females ranged from 3.15 to 399.00, the highest hazard quotient was more than 399 times above the HQ reference value. The lowest was at density for xylene and the highest was at the laboratory for laboratory assistant. From the results, both males and females had a hazard quotient far above 1 which means health effects arising from TEX exposure were anticipated. Conclusion: The results showed highest constant BTEX concentrations in the three exposure scenarios over the 12 hours shift. The BTEX emissions were generated by activities that were performed by the depot workers. Highest BTEX concentrations were measured at laboratory, followed by density huts and the least was measured during the removal of the strainer (plant equipment cleaning). The lack of effective vapour recovery system and natural ventilation in the laboratory and in density huts also contributed to the high BTEX concentrations measured in these areas. Individual BTEX component results measured in the three activity areas indicated concentrations that were far above the South African Occupational Exposure Limits for individual BTEX. The cancer risk score was found to be far above the reference USEPA cancer risk value and denoting that depot workers were likely to develop cancer. The hazard quotient for the three exposure scenarios was also found to be greater than the reference value of 1 which indicates the potential to develop non-carcinogenic health effects due to exposure in three exposure scenarios. Recommendations: The following recommendations are made to assist management of the depot to control employees’ exposure to BTEX emissions per activity area: Density huts: The practicality of introducing a vapour recovery system on workbenches to extract the VOCs generated during sample collection and from density measuring jugs should be investigated or alternatively, the introduction of an online fuels and density analysis should be investigated or the practicality of introducing sample bombs to collect fuel samples should be investigated. Keep the windows opened to promote an ingress of fresh air and allow BTEX emissions to escape. A practicality of introducing a controlled mechanical ventilation to blow vapours away from the breathing zone of the depot workers should be investigated. Laboratory: The practicality of automating or modifying the GC equipment in the laboratory to be able to conduct an online petrochemical analysis to control employees’ exposure should be investigated. The tasks that require rinsing of testing tubes with fuels, refilling of the testing tubes, and discarding of superfluous samples should be performed under controlled conditions, the practicality of introducing a vapour recovering system to control vapours emissions should be investigated. The current practice of keeping the decanting drum open should be discontinued to prevent the accumulation of vapours in the laboratory or alternatively, it should be kept under a vapour recovery system. The practicality of keeping the retained fuel samples under the vapour recovery system in the laboratory storage should also be investigated. The fume hood and two extraction units should be serviced on a regular basis. Cleaning of plant equipment (strainer removal): The practicality of automating the removal and lifting the strainer to be cleaned to increase the distance between the strainer and receptors (controllers) should be investigated. The practicality of putting the clogged-up strainer in degreaser bath to remove and clean the strainer with the view of automating the task to prevent employees ‘exposure to VOC emissions. Recommendations applicable to all activity areas: Employees exposed to BTEX including the other petrochemicals should undergo a risk-based medical surveillance program including biological monitoring to evaluate the efficacy of the existing controls and as part of a preventative medical surveillance program. Provide information, instruction, and training at regular interval about: - petrochemicals (BTEX) that employees are potentially exposed to at workplace and duties of persons who are likely to be exposed to VOCs vapour. The names and potential harmfulness of the BTEX at the workplace and the employees who are likely to be exposed. Significant findings of the BTEX exposure assessment (an occupational health risk assessment survey). Information on how to access the relevant safety data sheets and information that each part of an SDS provides. The work practices and procedures that must be followed for the use, handling, storage, transportation, spillage, and disposal of samples, in emergency situations, as well as for good housekeeping and personal hygiene. The necessity of personal exposure air sampling, biological monitoring, and medical surveillance; The need for engineering controls and how to use and maintain them. The need for personal protective equipment, including respiratory protective equipment, and its use and maintenance. The precautions that must be taken by an employee to protect themselves against health risks associated with exposure, including wearing and using protective clothing and respiratory protective equipment. The necessity, correct use equipment, maintenance and potential of safety facilities and engineering control measures provided. Supervisor/Line Manager must give written instructions of the procedures to be followed in the event of spillages, leakages, or any similar emergency situations to employees. Once the aforementioned information, instruction and training have been provided, enforce the wearing of the prescribed PPE including ABEK respirator and no employee should be allowed to enter and remain in respiratory zone without the prescribed PPE and respiratory protection equipment (ABEK respirator).Item Evaluation of implementation fidelity to national guidelines on management of tuberculosis in paediatric patients in Homa-Bay County, Kenya(2022) Kiptoon, Sharon CheronoBackground: Tuberculosis (TB) has been a major public health concern for a long time. Infection in children has not been given a lot of focus as in adults despite children being a vulnerable population with weaker immunity. Prognosis is worse when there is HIV/TB coinfection. The WHO rolled out guidelines for the management of TB in pediatric patients which were adopted by the Kenya Government. Health care workers then implement the guidelines. The Objectives of this study were to measure adherence to national guidelines on the management of Tuberculosis in Pediatric patients (up to 14 years) and to identify moderators affecting implementation fidelity. Methods: A convergent parallel mixed method design was used to collect information from TB treatment sites in Homa bay County. The study was conducted during the months of August, September and October 2018.Quantitative data collected focused on Pediatric patients between ages zero and 14. A checklist based on the guidelines was designed to review 442 records in the clinics for a four-year period (2014 to 2018). Qualitative data was collected through in-depth interviews with eight Sub-County TB coordinators. Interview moderators were based on Carrol et al Implementation Fidelity framework. Summation of "yes" and "No" responses were tallied to get an adherence score for the County as a whole and for the sub-counties individually. The qualitative analysis used the thematic method in excel spreadsheets. Results: Results showed high adherence for the County with a median of 80% (IQR 66.66-93.33%). Four of the sub-counties with normally distributed scored had a mean score of 79% and while the other four had a median score of 80% (66.66 – 93.33). Guidelines which had low implementation fidelity scores were those involving follow up tests i.e., sputum, gene X-pert and X-ray during duration of treatment. In the qualitative aspect good facilitation strategies were found to be in place from both the County and national TB programs. An attitude of fear, lack of knowledge on infection prevention, lack of skills to produce specimens for TB testing and staff shortages affected quality of treatment delivery. The health care workers reported ease in following the guidelines especially with the roll out of new guidelines which simplified diagnosis of TB in children, drugs which are dispersible and in fixed dose combination. Participant’s response to the intervention was poor with both health care workers and patients expressing difficulties with direct observed therapy schedule which required frequent visits and frequent follow up tests. Conclusion and recommendations: In conclusion, implementation fidelity to guidelines on management of tuberculosis is high. Good facilitation strategies is a positive moderator towards achieving high implementation fidelity. The national TB program in Kenya is doing well so far in monitoring the process of guideline implementation once rolled out, however, to be able to achieve the sustainable development goal eradicating TB, further follow up is needed in the facilities to improve the levels of adherence from 80% to 100%. Use of the conceptual framework by Carroll has proved to be a good guide in evaluating healthcare worker’s performance in implementing treatment guidelines It is recommended that health workers should undergo more sensitization on why certain guidelines have been put in place e.g., repeating sputum samples at different phases of treatment in order to improve quality of care. More training on vital procedures e.g., gastric aspirate should also be done to improve health workers' confidence and ease diagnosis of TB at younger age. Further research on implementation fidelity on other evidence based interventions would go a long way to improve service delivery and ensure other program goals are met.Item Determinants of sub-optimal glycaemic control among patients enrolled in a medicine dispensing programme in Kwazulu-Natal: A cohort study, 2018 – 2021(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Johnston, Leigh ClareBackground: In South Africa, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a growing public health problem, thus, by 2030, 50% of T2DM patients, receiving treatment, must achieve optimal glycaemic control (haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) ≤7%). The CCMDD (Central Chronic Medicines Dispensing and Distribution) programme allows glycaemically-stable patients to collect their medication from community-based pick-up points. While the CCMDD is a large public health programme, there is a paucity in stakeholder’s knowledge of T2DM patients glycaemic control over time. We determined glycaemic control for CCMDD-enrolled T2DM patients in eThekwini, South Africa from 2018-2021, as well as the rate and predictors of becoming sub-optimally controlled. Methods: We performed a cohort study, linking HbA1c data from the National Health Laboratory Service to CCMDD-enrolled patients in eThekwini, South Africa from 2018–2021. We included patients optimally controlled at their baseline HbA1c, and having ≥1 repeat test available. We used Kaplan Meier analysis to assess survival rates and Cox regression to determine associations between time to sub-optimal control (HbA1c > 7%) and several factors. Adjusted hazard ratios (aHR), 95% confidence interval (95% CI), and p-values are reported. Results: Of 41145 T2DM patients enrolled in the CCMDD, 7960 (19%) had an available HbA1c result over the study period. A quarter of patients (2147/7960; 27%) were optimally controlled at their baseline HbA1c. Of those controlled at baseline, 695 (32%) patients had a repeat test available, with 35% (242/695) changing their status to sub-optimal control. Patients prescribed dual-therapy had a higher risk of sub-optimal glycaemic control (aHR: 1.503; 95% CI: 1.16–1.95; p-value=0.002) compared to those on monotherapy. HbA1c testing frequency per national guidelines (aHR: 0.46; 95% CI: 0.24–0.91; p-value=0.024) was associated with a lower hazard of sub-optimal glycaemic control. Conclusions: HbA1c monitoring, in line with testing frequency guidelines, is needed to flag sub- optimally controlled patients who become ineligible for CCMDD enrolment. Patients receiving dual-therapy may require special consideration. Addressing these shortfalls can assist planning and implementation to achieve 2030 targets.Item The burden of severe Hepatitis A disease in South Africa’s public sector: A cross sectional study using routine laboratory data from 2016 to 2021(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Khoza, Mariana Makhanani; Mazanderani, Ahmad Haeri; Somaroo, HarshaBackground Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is a common cause of acute viral hepatitis in South Africa, however, there is limited data on the burden of severe HAV disease in the South African population. Objective To describe the burden of severe HAV disease in South Africa’s public sector by describing the prevalence of laboratory diagnosed acute liver failure (ALF) in patients with HAV infection, during the period January 2016 to December 2021. Methods This was a cross-sectional study using retrospective secondary data from the National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS), from January 2016 to December 2021. Laboratory patient records that were positive for HAV IgM were extracted and merged with International Normalised Ratio (INR) test records, using the NHLS Corporate Data Warehouse (CDW) record linking algorithm. All patients with a positive HAV IgM result linked to an INR result >1.5 were reported as having laboratory diagnosed ALF. Descriptive statistics and regression analyses were conducted using STATA 17 SE. Results A total of 15 261 laboratory patient records were positive for HAV infection. Of the patients with HAV infection a total of 7 824 (51.27%) were linked with an INR test result, and of those a total of 1 420 (18.15%) patients had ALF. The average annual burden of patients with ALF was 237 patients per year (range: 136–333). Children <10 years had the highest number of HAV infections (n= 6 227, 40.80%) and ALF (n=576, 40.56%) for the study period. Patients 50-59 years with HAV infection were most likely to have ALF compared to children <10 years (OR 2.95, 95% CI 2.207 - 3.935, p<0.000). Conclusion Whereas adults with acute HAV infection are more likely to develop ALF, severe HAV disease is predominantly a childhood disease in South Africa. This study emphasises the need to strengthen HAV prevention strategies to limit the incidence and burden of severe HAV diseaseItem The in vitro diffusion across exercised porcine skin of various formulations of compounds used topically in the treatment of skin afflictions(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Elonga, Jessica; Eyk, VanIntroduction and Aim: Skin afflictions have been treated with topically applied active compounds since the ancient Greek era. Topical compounds mostly avoid first-pass metabolism and move directly into the local region of the skin or mucous membranes to exert their therapeutic effects. In this study, the aim was to investigate the in vitro diffusion characteristics of active compounds commonly used in topical formulations, such as caffeine, theophylline, retinol, L-carnitine, and Co-enzyme Q10 across porcine skin, used as a model for human skin. These compounds were tested alone and in combination within different topical formulations (liquid, gel, and cream) to investigate skin permeation, skin accumulation and effect on skin integrity. Methods: Method development and validation were performed to detect and quantitate all compounds tested by using a RP C18 HPLC system. Mobile phases included the following: caffeine and theophylline (Methanol:water [40:60], 20oC), retinol (Methanol:water [95:5], 20oC), L-carnitine (Sodium Phosphate buffer (pH 3.0):Methanol [99:1], 40oC) and Co-enzyme Q10 (Methanol:2-propanol [40:60], 25oC). All analyses were performed at 1 ml/min and injection volume of 20 μl. In vitro diffusion studies were performed using a PermeGear 7-in- line flow-through system. Either caffeine (2.5%), theophylline (2%), retinol (0.3%), L-carnitine (2%) or Coenzyme Q10 (0.5%) in various formulations alone, and in combinations were loaded into the donor compartments and PBS (pH 7.4) was pumped through the acceptor chambers at 1.5 ml/h (32°C, over 4 hours and 24 hours). The fluid collected (every 30 min or 2 hours) was analysed by RP HPLC. Skin accumulation for each compound was performed after completion of each experiment and skin integrity was established by measuring tissue resistance. Results: HPLC methods were found to be sensitive and valid for linearity, precision, accuracy and robustness. Retention times were as follows: caffeine 2.57±0.02 min, theophylline 2.18±0.03 min, retinol 2.91±0.02 min, L-carnitine 3.0±0.009 min and Co-enzyme Q10 3.15 ±0.003 min. From the in vitro diffusion studies of active compounds alone, caffeine within all formulations had the highest diffusion rate compared to theophylline and L-carnitine (caffeine>theophylline>L-carnitine). Retinol and Co-enzyme Q10 did not diffuse across the skin within a 24-hour time-period. In combination with Co-enzyme Q10, the diffusion of caffeine increased from both gel and cream formulations (p<0.05), while retinol increased the diffusion of theophylline from a liquid formulation (p<0.05). Theophylline increased the diffusion of L-carnitine from both liquid and gel formulations (p<0.05). Liquid and gel formulations without compounds, decreased the skin’s integrity after 24 hours and 2 hours, respectively. After 24 hours, the skin’s integrity decreased after exposure to all compounds tested (liquid and gel formulations), while the cream formulation mostly kept the integrity of the skin intact. Caffeine accumulated much more in the skin (>13%) compared to all the other compounds (<2.5%) for all three different formulations tested (caffeine>>L- carnitine>theophylline>retinol>Co-enzyme Q10). Combination studies mostly caused a decrease in accumulation of all compounds within the skin, except the following: retinol increased theophylline accumulation from a gel formulation and vice versa, Co-enzyme Q10 increased caffeine accumulation from all formulations and L-carnitine’s accumulation mostly increased when combined with other compounds. Conclusion: Caffeine was found to diffuse across and accumulate within the skin to a higher extent as compared to all the other compounds due to its ideal physicochemical characteristics. Very lipophilic compounds like retinol and Co-enzyme Q10 only accumulated to some degree in the skin. The findings indicated that the preferable combinations to increase efficacy, would be Co-enzyme Q10 in combination with caffeine, especially from a cream formulation, retinol in combination with theophylline (gel) and any of the compounds combined with L-carnitine (gel and cream). Cognisance must however be taken about possible systemic side effectsItem The relationship between mental distress and somatization in hospital based health care workers in Gauteng during covid-19 pandemic in 2020(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Ramuedi, Ntsako Khosa; Kerry Wilson, NiohBackground Mental distress among Health Care Workers (HCWs) is an urgent health concern, and somatization is a known outcome of mental distress. The Covid-19 pandemic increased stress for HCWs globally due to working with Covid-19 patients and resource limitations. Although there was already a lot of mental distress in HCWs in prior years, the coronavirus pandemic made matters worse, with 45% of people reporting that the pandemic had a significant negative impact on their lives. Somatization can lead to increased use of health services, sick leave and poor health. Service delivery is also impacted negatively if the service providers are not well or are suffering from the mental distress and are also showing symptoms. Aim To identify if a relationship exists between mental distress and somatization symptoms in Gauteng hospital-based health care workers in 2020. Objectives. To describe the prevalence of mental distress and somatization among health care workers by socio demographic status. To identify the somatization symptoms associated with high GHQ-12 scores in health care workers during Covid-19. To describe the association between mental distress and somatization among health care workers during covid-19 adjusting for demographic variables. Methods Health care workers can be described as anyone working in the health sector or at a health facility. All staff in the three selected hospital facilities in Johannesburg, were given the opportunity participate in the study. The PHQ-15 and GHQ-12 tools were used to collect information on HCWs somatization and mental distress after the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in South Africa. The anonymous questionnaire consisted of the two tools and demographic questions was used. The responses to each question on the tools were summed in order to determine severity of mental distress and somatization in HCWs, a higher score indicating more stress and or more somatization. Logistic regression was used to determine the adjusted relationship between somatization and mental distress. Results The study had a sample size of 295. A large proportion of participants (52%) reported suffering somatic symptoms. Males mean somatization score was significantly lower than the females. The majority (62%) of HCWs were troubled indicating a high burden of mental distress in the health care sector. The most commonly reported symptoms were back pain, headaches and being tired or low energy, all three were significantly associated with mental distress among others. There was a positive moderate correlation between PHQ-15 and GHQ-12 scores (0.30592) (p < 0.0001). Logistic regression indicated somatization was significantly associated with mental distress with a significant OR 2.14 (p = 0.0029) adjusted for demographic factors in these workers. Conclusions There was a statistically significant positive relationship between somatization and poor mental health. Health care workers with mental distress may be at risk of somatization, particularly specific symptoms such as back pain, headache and having low energy. Females were more bothered by most of the somatoform symptoms as compared to their male counterparts. Support for health care worker’s mental health is required as well as increased awareness of somatization linked to mental distress. Policies and services need to be developed to protect and support HCWs mental health during times of stress in the sectorItem A Cost Comparison study of the electronic tick register with a paper based tick register in clinics within the Ekurhuleni District(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-08) Khoza, Courage Macduff; Thomas, Leena SusanIntroduction & Background: A paper-based register is used to capture routine health information from Primary Health Care (PHC) clinics into the District Health Information System (DHIS) in South Africa. However, DHIS data was reportedly unreliable and inaccurate, as the paper-based system was error-prone. To address this, the Ekurhuleni Health District in the Gauteng Department of Health (GDOH) developed and piloted an electronic (E-tick) PHC register in three of its facilities. Upon completing the pilot in 2019, the implementation of this system was halted as it was not incorporated into the GDOH budget, partly due to inadequate information on its costs compared to the paper-based system. Aim: This study aims to cost and compare the expenditure of the electronic tick register and the paper-based tick register systems and determine provider views on their use in the Ekurhuleni Health District. Methods: Two methods were used: a) a descriptive cost-comparison study of the paper-based tick and the E-tick registers from November 2017 to December 2019 and b) a descriptive cross-sectional study using interviewer-administered questionnaires about health worker experiences using both registers during the stated period. Results: The study found that the E-tick register was less costly than the paper-based register. The year 2018/19, which was the only complete financial year in the study period is used for comparison. The paper-based register cost the district R42.4 per patient, while the E-tick cost R29.9 (29.5% cheaper). Of ten study theme areas explored in the interviews, the E-tick was advantageous in eight, these were: Convenience, easy accesses, quick recording time, safe information storage, immediate data capturing, ability to add more elements, fewer errors and good font size and legibility. The paper-based register was found to be advantageous in just four study themes which were: Convenience, easy accesses, independence from electricity supply and sufficient writing space. Conclusions: The E-tick register was found to be preferred over the paper-based register as it was quicker, cheaper, and acceptable to most of the health workers who used it. These are important findings for the health district as the study generates local evidence that the Ekurhuleni Health District and the Gauteng Department of Health can use to justify investments in scaling up and sustaining locally developed innovative digital solutions such as the E-tick register. This further enables the health district to improve recording times and compliance with record management legislation.Item Evaluation of osayidelera, a campaign addressing risk perceptions of COVID-19 in Blantyre, Malawi(2024) Maganga, Chiyembekezo FocusBackground- Osayidelera COVID-19 was a national campaign that was implemented as part of Malawi’s Risk Communication and Community Engagement response for the pandemic. The campaign was designed to address low COVID-19 risk perceptions and enhance compliance to preventive behaviours. Despite massive resources that were channeled towards the campaign, there were no studies that had evaluated the effectiveness of Osayidelera in addressing low risk perception in Malawi, and that had measured the association between the risk perceptions and preventive behaviours in Malawi. This study set out to change that, by testing associations between exposure to the campaign and both risk perceptions and protective behaviours in the context of Blantyre, one of areas hardest hit by COVID-19 in Malawi. Methods- A cross-sectional survey was conducted in Blantyre from 6 to 20 May, 2022. A sample of 224 adults (18 and older) were drawn from rural, peri-urban and urban locations in Blantyre using a multi-stage sampling technique. Data were cleaned in Microsoft Excel and analysed in STATA. Descriptive statistics were used to characterise the study sample, campaign exposure, risk perceptions and behaviours. Logistic regression models were used to test associations between campaign exposure and risk perceptions, and risk perceptions and protective behaviours. Results- Overall, 63% of the sample reported low COVID-19 risk perceptions. The only sociodemographic variables associated with low risk perception in the multivariate logistic vi model were those who were divorced (aOR=0.20, p=0.046 CI=0.04-0.97) and widowed (aOR=0.10, p=0.009 CI=0.02-0.57); they had significantly lower odds of low risk perceptions than those who were single. Exposure to COVID-19 campaign was generally low, with only 27% of the respondents reporting high levels of exposure. The proportion of respondents who could recall exposure to the name “Osayidelera” was even lower, at 16%. In the multivariate logistic model, males had higher odds of high exposure to the campaign as compared to females (aOR=3.75, p=0.001 CI=1.66-7.69) with those odds even higher among respondents in periurban areas versus rural areas (aOR=6.15, p=0.043 CI=1.06-35.71). High COVID-19 knowledge was also significantly associated with exposure to the COVID-19 campaign (aOR=2.48, p=0.013 CI=1.21 - 5.06). The results showed no significant association between campaign exposure and risk perceptions (p>0.05). In the adjusted multivariate logistic regression model, only those living in Blantyre urban had significantly higher odds of low risk perceptions as compared to those living in Blantyre rural (aOR=4.83, p=<0.001, CI= 2.15- 10.85) All other factors were non-significant. Finally, we found that adherence to preventive behaviours was generally poor, with only 29% reporting high levels of adherence, regardless of their COVID-19 risk perceptions. Risk perceptions were not associated with preventive behaviours. Conclusion- This study established that there was low reach of the campaign in Blantyre, and that the relationship between risk perceptions and adoption of preventive behaviours was not as strong and positive as hypothesized by the campaign. Campaign designers may need to revisit assumptions about their theory of change. The study contributes to growth of scholarship on health promotion campaigns and risk communication by showing factors associated with the reach of the campaign and with risk perceptionsItem A survey of the professional quality of life of pharmacists and rehabilitation therapists at three public sector hospitals in Gauteng, South Africa(2024) Moyo, NonkazimuloBackground- The global goal of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) cannot be achieved without a wellmotivated and productive health workforce. Central to their motivation and productivity is the notion of professional quality of life (ProQOL) that captures both the positive and negative emotions of caring work. However, there is a dearth of empirical studies on the ProQOL of pharmacists and rehabilitation therapists, especially in an African setting. Study aim -The aim of the study was to examine the self-reported ProQOL of pharmacists and rehabilitation therapists at three public sector hospitals in the Gauteng Province of South Africa. Methodology- During 2021, a cross-sectional analytical study was conducted at three public sector hospitals in the Gauteng Province of South Africa. Following informed consent, all eligible pharmacists, pharmacist assistants, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and speech therapists and audiologists completed a self-administered questionnaire electronically. In addition to sociodemographic information, the questionnaire obtained information on compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress using the ProQOL scale (version 5) and work-related experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. STATA® 17 was used for descriptive and multivariate analysis of the survey data. Results- A total of 118 pharmacists and rehabilitation therapists completed the survey. The majority were female (83.00%), single (63.46%), with mean age 30.77 years (SD=9.08). The results revealed moderate mean scores for compassion satisfaction (39.62; SD=5.48), burnout (24.26; SD=5.12) and secondary traumatic stress (23.03; SD=6.31). The predictors of compassion satisfaction were moderate positive COVID-19 experiences score (β=+2.61;95% CI 0.54; 4.68; p=0.014) and high positive COVID-19 experiences score (β =+ 2.68; 95%CI 0.40; 4.96; p=0.021); moderate overall job satisfaction score (β =+ 3.17; 95% CI 0.16; 6.18; p=0.039) and high overall job satisfaction score (β =+ 7.26; 95% CI 4.06; 10.47; p<0.001). The predictors of burnout were being single (β=+2.02 95% CI 0.07; 3.97; p=0.042), full professional registration (β=+4.23; 95% CI 1.79; 6.67; p=0.001), direct involvement in patient care (β=+3.24; 95% CI 0.22; 6.26; p=0.036) and reporting a heavy workload (β=+ 2.61; 95% CI 0.75; 4.48; p=0.007). The predictors of secondary traumatic stress were being male (β=+ 3.26; 95% CI 0.36; 6.15; p=0.028), and full registration (β=+ 5.72; 95% CI 2.41; 9.03; p<0.001). Conclusion- The ProQOL of pharmacists and rehabilitation therapists is influenced by a combination of individual, workplace, and health system factors, suggesting the need for a multifaceted approach to optimise their contribution to the achievement of UHC. Such approach should include provincial health, hospital management, and peer support as well as self-care activities.Item The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on essential public healthcare services in Gauteng province, South Africa(2024) Fonka, Cyril BernsahBackground: The Covid-19 pandemic like previous outbreaks has the potential to adversely impact essential healthcare services. Even though the Gauteng province was considered the epicentre of the Covid19 outbreak in South Africa, there is no comprehensive assessment of the effect of Covid-19 on the service utilisation, delivery and health outcomes of routine healthcare services in Gauteng province. Aim: To assess the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the utilisation, delivery and health outcomes of essential maternal, neonatal and child health (MNCH) services in Gauteng province, South Africa. Methods: This was a mixed methods study. A longitudinal study design was used to analyse data from the District Health Information Software (DHIS). We compared key MNCH indicators in the pre-Covid-19 period (March 2019-February 2020) to corresponding periods during the Covid-19 outbreak (March 2020- February 2021). The differences were analysed using time plots, linear regression, and Interrupted Time Series Analysis (ITSA) in Stata 17.0, at a 5% level of alpha for statistical significance. In-depth interviews were conducted with senior managers in the Gauteng Department of Health (GDoH) using MS Teams, to explore their perspectives on the impact of Covid-19 on routine healthcare services in the province and their recommendations for dealing with future pandemics. The interviews were recorded, transcribed, coded and analysed thematically using MS word 2016. Results: The Covid-19 pandemic disrupted the utilisation of essential MNCH services in the Gauteng province. The disruption was observed in the time trend plots, and then quantified by comparing the indicator means for the 12-month periods before and during Covid-19. The impact was a statistically significant decline in the mean of three indicators: PHC headcount <5 years declined by 77 103.9 visits (p<0.001), ANC 1st visits before 20 weeks decreased by 3.0% (p=0.002) and PNC visits within 6 days decreased by 10.2% (p<0.001) (Error! Reference source not found.). The ITS regression provided a more nuanced analysis. The decrease in PHC headcount t <5 years and PNC visits within 6 days were due to the immediate effect of the March 2020 Covid-19 lockdown which led to a drop in utilisation services. However, the effect on ANC 1st visits before 20 weeks was a continuous decline in utilisation throughout the Covid-19 period (Error! Reference source not found.). Service delivery and outcome indicators were negatively affected though not significantly. There were no significant recoveries and some indicators rather became worse post-lockdown. The nature of the adverse impact of Covid-19 on MNCH indicators was similar across all five districts, although the degree of disruption varied among the districts and services. The decline in service utilisation for PHC headcount <5 years ANC 1st visits before 20 weeks and PNC visits within 6 days was statistically significant in all districts, except for ANC 1st visits in Johannesburg (Error! Reference source not found.). The decline in PHC headcount <5 years was significantly larger in the three metropolitan districts (Johannesburg, Ekurhuleni and Tshwane) compared to the two non-metropolitan districts (Sedibeng and West Rand) (Table 5). ANC 1st visits before 20 weeks significantly declined in the Ekurhuleni, Sedibeng and West Rand districts compared to Johannesburg. While the decrease in PNC visits within 6 days significantly deteriorated in Johannesburg compared to the other four districts (Error! Reference source not found.). Pneumonia fatality <5 years significantly declined in the pooled analysis, in the Tshwane district alone. The majority of the respondents agreed that the Covid-19 pandemic disrupted essential healthcare services but a few disagreed. Several reasons were advanced for the disruption. On the supply side, they included: (i) the reallocation of resources to fighting Covid-19; (ii) healthcare worker shortages due to Covid-19 illness; (iii) healthcare facilities turning away non-Covid-19 patients; and (iv) Covid-19 screening that increased waiting times. On the demand side are; (i) restrictions on movement and limited public transport during the lockdown; (ii) fears of being infected by Covid-19 at health facilities; and (iii) misinterpretation of health information about the availability of non-Covid services. According to the respondents, the disruption of essential healthcare services had significant consequences, particularly for chronic patients, including treatment interruption, loss of follow-up, and death. The ‘catch-up’ plan and technology were used to improve service delivery during Covid-19. Conclusion: The Covid-19 pandemic disrupted the utilisation of essential healthcare services for MNCH. Although service delivery and health outcomes were less impacted, some outcome indicators at district levels went worst. While there were recovery attempts for service delivery like immunisation, some services rather deteriorated post-Covid-19 lockdown. However, there were mixed findings, fewer routine services were not affected by Covid-19. It is important to continuously assess and redress the unintended impacts of outbreaks even while they are occurring. This requires an understanding of the reasons and mechanisms of service disruption from demand and supply perspectives. Critical policies like lockdowns should be a collective decision, implemented without undermining routine services. High-level policymakers must consider addressing geographical variations of an outbreak’s impact on essential healthcare services. Covid19 may have more complex long-term effects, especially for individuals with adverse social determinants. And it may take longer for some healthcare services to fully recover hence, the need for health systems interventions to prioritise the affected services.Item Nurses’ experiences in implementing Nurse Initiated Management of Anti-Retroviral Therapy (NIMART) in primary health care facilities in Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District, North West Province(2024) Sibisi, NthabisengAim of study- This study aimed to explore the nurses’ experiences in the implementation of NIMART in Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District since its inception in 2010 to 2017. Methods This study employed an exploratory qualitative research design. The study setting included nine PHC facilities in three sub-districts. The study included only those nurses who had been trained to implement the NIMART in the district PHC facilities from 2010-2017. The final sample included Sixteen (16) nurses, comprising of three males and thirteen females from the three eight-hour operational clinics and six 24-hour Community Health Centres (CHCs). Data were therefore collected using in-depth interviews lasting thirty-five minutes (minimum) one and half hours 1h30 minutes (maximum). These interviews were guided by a semistructured interview guide. Data were later transcribed verbatim using an electronic software O’ Transcribe, and then analysed using MAXQDA 2018v, where inductive coding was applied. Thematic analysis was employed to interpret and represent data, which was finally presented as themes based on participants’ dominant narratives. Results- There were five key themes that emerged from this study. These included: perceptions about the NIMART programme mostly related to it being a task-shifting strategy when managing HIV and Aids and the programme benefits; contextual elements affecting access and adherence to NIMART, and challenges such as socio-cultural factors, social norms, socio-political and governance factors; facilitators of NIMART implementation in terms of functional health information management system and clinical guidelines, multidisciplinary team and skilled personnel, impactful counselling services, and intrinsic nurse motivators. Challenges of NIMART implementation included insufficient human resources for health, services integration, poor management and health-service support systems, lack of capacity building, ART unavailability and poor patient compliance to ART, and nurse demotivation. The proposed interventions by the nurses included provision of training, increasing staff to curb workload, management support, and debriefing, health service support resources and patient support improvement. Conclusion Task-shifting and successful NIMART implementation are complex notions, which can be successful if accompanied by training, reorganisation of services, mentoring, supervision, and ongoing support from existing health-service system structures. The rural health context must be considered as unique, and policies should be tailored to suit the needs of rural healthcare workers and patients. Dr RSM case-study has shows the plight of farm labourers and the need for a multisectoral approach to address patient related issues in this context. The challenges to successful NIMART implementation suggest a need for reorientation of health-services to fit rural contexts.Item Understanding the roles and experiences of key stakeholders involved in the design of the novel imagine social outcomes-based contract in South Africa(2024) Moodley, Gillian PryadarshiniThe Imagine Social Outcomes-Based Contract (SOBC) is an innovative health financing mechanism in South Africa applied to sexual and reproductive health outcomes of adolescent girls and young women. The Imagine SOBC is led by the South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC) and supported by other stakeholders. Its uniqueness stems from the role played by the SAMRC, as an intermediary on behalf of the South African government. Eleven semi-structured interviews were held with stakeholders who played intermediary, technical advisor, and implementation service provider roles during the Imagine SOBC design phase. Interviews were transcribed and analysed using the six steps of thematic analysis. The thematic findings of this study are the dynamics of working together, politics and processes, challenges and looking to the future. Despite internal collaboration and alignment among interviewees, the biggest challenge during the design phase of the Imagine SOBC was obtaining approvals from the government departments due to complex approval processes in the public sector. The lessons generated are important as the SAMRC intends to replicate the outcomes-based contract model for other disease priorities. These findings are valuable for policymakers and future outcomes-based contract practitioners who are considering a transaction of this nature and its application to public health. The findings will also assist in the development of a guiding practice note for policymakers and government officials who grant approvals.Item The relationship between the combined effects of life-course trauma and HIV on cognition in rural South African adults: A secondary data analysis(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2024) Kupa, Nkgodi Obed; Matsena-zingoni, Zvifadzo; Mall, SumayaBackground: Lifecourse traumatic events (TE) refers to both childhood and adult trauma. Childhood TE refers to a spectrum and domains of adverse experiences occurring before the age of 18. Global and South African-based research suggests that life-course TE are associated with both physical and mental disorders including HIV and poor cognition (also referred to as neurocognitive impairment (NCI)). While data suggests that life-course TE, HIV and NCI are highly prevalent in South Africa and risk of NCI has been researched, little is known of the combined effect of life-course TE and HIV on NCI in adulthood. To fill the gap in the literature, I analysed data from the Health and Aging in Africa: A Longitudinal Study of an INDEPTH Community in South Africa (HAALSI), from rural Bushbuckridge (Mpumalanga province). Study Aim To examine the combined (interaction) effect of TE and HIV infection on the cognition of older adults in South Africa. Methods: I analysed (secondary) data from the HAALSI study. The main exposures analysed were: life-course TE and HIV-positive status. A pre-analysis phase consisted of several exploratory steps to define the exposure and outcome: First TE data which had been measured by the English Longitudinal Study of Aging (ELSA) life history questionnaire were examined. The main exposure variable was coded 1 if one experiences a TE and 0 otherwise from seven potential TE. NCI, the main outcome variable was defined based on measuring cognitive domains: orientation and memory. A score≥1.5 standard deviations (SD) below the mean of the baseline cognitive function distribution on the cognitive assessment (managing to know the date, day, month and president) will mean no NCI while a score below the means some degree of NCI). The main outcome variable was cognition measured by the Oxford Cognitive Screener (OCS-plus). Based on the validation of Tablet-Based OCS-plus in HAALSI, OCS-Plus included nine brief tests measuring cognitive ability in nine different domains, including language, memory (intentional and incidental), and executive functioning (task switching-alternating jobs between tasks), attention (auditory), and praxis (doing things). A stand-alone application called OCS- Plus was developed using Matlab and Psychophysics Toolbox for Windows Surface Pro tablets. Further preparatory steps for the analysis included: the exposure variables (HIV status and composite trauma-defined as the presence of at least one trauma item-) were created as follows: 1. HIV status was categorized into HIV positive and negative and coded 1 and 0 respectively. 2. Composite trauma was coded 1 if ever experienced any of the seven trauma items and 0 if none were experienced. Four groups of participants were created by exposure status. These were: 1. HIV positive and also experienced TE. 2. HIV negative but experienced TE. 3. HIV positive but TE negative. 4. HIV negative and trauma negative. Descriptive statistics were calculated for both exposures and outcomes as well as relevant sociodemographic variables. Both unadjusted and adjusted logistic regression techniques were employed to examine the combined effect of life course TE and HIV on NCI in older adults. The adjusted logistic regression models were done: 1) handling HIV and composite trauma separately and 2) considering the interaction term of HIV and composite trauma. Variables such as education, employment status, age, nationality, gender, hypertension, stroke, HIV status, marital status and composite trauma were considered confounders and adjusted accordingly. Results: Of the 5,059 study participants recruited and residing in the Agincourt study area in Bushbuckridge, 65% of the study participants had experienced at least 1 TE, and the most common trauma experienced were “ever experiencing severe financial hardship which was experienced by 58.74% of the participants, 39.73% whom “ever experienced a natural disaster” and 23.30% “ever experienced a death of a relative or friend” and the prevalence of NCI was 7% ( n=352).. The median age of participants was 64 (IQR: 55-74) years; 53.07% of the study participants were females; 44.42% had no formal education, and 72.63% of the study participants were not working. In the multiple logistic regression model with the interaction term, the odds of having NCI decreased by 64% (AOR=0.36; 95%CI: 0.25-0.52) and 59% (AOR=0.41; 95%CI: 0.24-0.75) among those who had some primary school (1-7 years) and some secondary school (8+ years), respectively compared to those with no education. The odds of having NCI decreased by 98% (AOR=1.98; 95%CI: 1.05-3.72) among those who were not working compared to those employed. A one-year increase in age was associated with a 5% increase in the odds of having a cognitive impairment (OR=1.05; 95%CI: 1.04-1.07). Those who were married had 37% (OR=0.63, 95%CI: 0.47-0.84) reduced odds of having NCI compared to those who were married. Those without composite trauma had 90% (AOR=0.10; 95%CI: 0.07-0.15) reduced odds of having NCI compared to those who have composite trauma. Those who were HIV positive and had experienced composite trauma had an increased odds of 1.78 (95% CI: 1.04-3.04) of having NCI compared to those who are HIV negative and had not experienced composite trauma. In the interaction model, we found no association between HIV status, stroke, or hypertension and NCI. However, the results of the interactionmodel suggested a significant association between HIV and the composite trauma score on NCI. Conclusions: The results suggest that lifecourse TE and HIV infection influence NCI. The full HAALSI cohort could be employed to examine the effect of TE data collected at baseline and incident NCI at later wavesItem The effects of COVID-19 on paediatric therapeutic services at Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2024) McGrath, Robyn Lesley; Slemming, WiedaadBackground: The COVID-19 pandemic has affected child health services worldwide, including in South Africa, where prioritisation of paediatric therapeutic services was lacking despite their vital role in health promotion and disease management. Aim: This study aimed to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on paediatric therapeutic services at a tertiary level hospital in Johannesburg, South Africa, focusing on service outputs, challenges, and innovations during 2020 and 2021. Methods: This study used a concurrent triangulation mixed methods approach. Quantitative analysis of service output data was combined with qualitative analysis of healthcare worker interviews. Integration was facilitated through a convergent design joint display during interpretation. Results: In 2020, patient contact sessions significantly decreased, particularly during lockdown phases, leading to missed diagnoses and adverse patient outcomes. Ineffective hospital management contributed to a lack of communication and direction for managers and clinicians which was worsened by the absence of national guidelines. Persistent trends of low service utilisation during the pandemic drove healthcare worker innovation, forcing healthcare workers to adopt a systems approach to decision making. Innovations centred on inter-professional communication and coordination, service re-evaluation and restructuring, new service delivery models, technology use, patient education and prioritisation, and adapting the duration and frequency of care. Conclusion: Paediatric services healthcare workers responded innovatively to pandemic challenges, with some solutions improving long-term service delivery efficiency. Insights from this study can enhance health system preparedness and inform planning for paediatric therapeutic services in South Africa, especially in anticipation of future events and the National Health Insurance schemeItem Characteristics of clients presenting for substance abuse treatment at cosup centresin the City of Tshwane(2024) Manyane, Tabea ThamaBackground: Substance abuse is a growing public health challenge in South Africa. It contributes significantly to the burden of disease. Integrated treatment approaches are required to address the substance abuse problem. The aim of this study was to determine the of risk of harm associated with substance use in subjects enrolled in the community-oriented substance use program (COSUP) in the City of Tshwane, South Africa, using the World Health Organization's Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) tool and determine the demographic characteristics that might be associated with the changes in the ASSIST risk scores and the levels of risk of harm in those subjects. Methodology: A cross-sectional study design was used to retrospectively analyze secondary data collected from subjects enrolled into COSUP at time of enrolment and three-months follow-up from time of enrolment. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the demographic characteristics. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses of moderate- to high-risk opioid use in relation to demographic characteristics were done. Results: Most subjects were males (91.2%), single (79.8%), black (85.6%) and they were relatively young (median age 31+6.4 years). The high level of risk was found with the use of opioids (74.5%, 607/805), cannabis (28.8%, 232/805), and tobacco (16.1%, 130/805). Moderate levels of risk were found with tobacco (63,9%, 514/805), cannabis (25.6%, 206/805) and opioids (5.1%, 41/805). Moderate and high level of risk was found to be more in males (p=0.03) and in the black race (p=0.02). Multivariate analysis found moderate- to high-risk of opioid use to be positively associated with being married (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 11.90, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.30 – 108.20). Conclusion: Hazardous and harmful use of substances was found among users of opioids, cannabis and tobacco. Screening and harm reduction treatment interventions for substance use should be integrated within primary health care. Further research on the perceptions of substance users about harm reduction treatment interventions is required.Item Factors associated with extreme nonadherence to tb treatment among adult defaulters attending Gqeberha clinic between 2018 and 2019(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2024) Chipise, Elisha; Kagura, Juliana; Tshuma, NdumisoBackground Tuberculosis remains a significant public health problem in sub-Saharan Africa leading to high morbidity, mortality, social and economic implications. Tuberculosis is a curable condition that can be eliminated. However, global efforts towards ending TB are under threat from patients’ nonadherence to effective TB treatment. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and factors associated with extreme nonadherence to TB treatment among adult defaulters attending Gqeberha clinic in South Africa. Methods The study is a secondary data analysis of a cross sectional study on TB defaulters attending Gqeberha clinic. The analysis included 144 participants with minimum age of 18 years who had defaulted treatment between April 2018 and September 2019. TB nonadherence and study characteristics were described using frequencies and percentages. Extreme nonadherence was defined by an aggregate score of at least 4 based on the Morisky Medication Adherence 8-item scale (MMA8). The prevalence of extreme nonadherence was estimated using percentage frequencies while univariable and multivariable logistic regression modelling were performed to identify the factors associated with extreme nonadherence. Results There were 18(12.9%) TB defaulters who had extreme nonadherence. The majority of TB defaulters 65.2% (n=90) were men. All participants involved had a minimum age of 18 years. 73.4% (n =102) of the study participants stayed in formal dwellings, 79.1% (n =110) were unemployed, 68.8% (n =95) had not attained matric level qualification and 78.4% (n =109) were either single, divorced or separated. A larger proportion of participants, 79.9% (n =111) stayed within 5km radius of Gqeberha clinic, 65.5% (n =91) experienced shorter waiting times and 84.2% (n =117) acknowledged constant availability of medicines at the health facility. However, 69.1% (n =96) did not have a family member who encouraged them to attend clinic visits, 64% (n =89) lacked adequate food whilst taking medication, and 80.6% (n=112) had inadequate income to cover their basic needs whilst on treatment. After adjusting for covariates, those who took other medication besides TB treatment had 0.33 times odds (95% CI: 0.11-0.97) of extreme nonadherence compared to their contrasting peers. All the other factors were not significant in the adjusted model. Conclusion The prevalence of extreme nonadherence to TB treatment among adult defaulters was low. The participants involved in the study were from low-income families with the majority being unemployed, having low educational attainment and lacking adequate food during treatment course. The use of multiple drugs was significantly associated with lower odds of extreme nonadherence. There is need to intensify programs aimed at improving adherence to treatment if the end TB by 2035 goal is to be realized.Item Predictors of frailty and multimorbidity in adults aged 40 to 65 years in a rural population cohort in Burkina Faso(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2024) Georges, Some; Kandala, Ngianga-BakwinBackground: Frailty and multimorbidity are vulnerable geriatric syndromes that pose a disability problem among the elderly in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Assessment of factors associated with frailty and multimorbidity in middle-aged adults has remained limited despite the prevalence established in previous studies. We determined factors associated with frailty and multimorbidity among middle-aged adults in rural areas from 2015 to 2022 in Burkina Faso. Methods: This study utilized data from the Africa Wits-INDEPTH Partnership for Genomic Research (AWI-Gen) sub-study, a retrospective cohort study of 1500 participants aged 40-65 residing in Nanoro and Yako in Burkina Faso between 2015-2022. Each participant was asked to complete a standardized and structured questionnaire on socio-demographic, lifestyle, and clinical information. In addition, measures of Fried's phenotypic frailty components, and twelve chronic diseases were assessed for derivation into frailty and multimorbidity score variants respectively. To determine the risk factors associated with frailty and multimorbidity, we performed an ordinal and multinomial logistic regression analysis respectively with a significance level of 5%. Results: The prevalence of pre-frailty and frailty was 59.3% and 8.5% respectively while that of multimorbidity was 38.3%, where the multimorbidity prevalence rate stratified by existing chronic diseases was 13.0%. Half of the participants who had multimorbidity were frail (47.2%) while 10.4% of frail participants had multimorbidity. Weight loss (23.9%) and self-reported exhaustion (23.1%) were the most frequent phenotypic components. Dyslipidemia (63.9%), hypertension (26.4%) and rheumatic arthritis (15.0%) were the most frequent chronic diseases. On the one hand, age (≥50 years, aOR 1.4[1.0-1.9]), being widowed (aOR 1.5[1.1-2.1]), being unemployed (aOR 2.5[1.1-5.8]), smokeless tobacco use (aOR 2.5[1.1-5.7]), being underweight (aOR 26.2[17.1-40.2]) and multimorbidity (aOR 1.4[1.0-2.1]) were independently associated with increased odds of frailty. However, fruits (aOR 0.9[0.8-1.0]) and vegetables consumption (aOR 0.9[0.8-1.0]), and being highly active in weekly activities (aOR 0.1[0.0-0.2]) significantly reduced the odds of frailty. On the other hand, age (≥60 years, RRR 1.8[1.1-2.8]), being a woman (RRR 2.6[1.7-3.9]), being widowed (RRR 1.6[1.0-2.7]), being unemployed (RRR 4.5[1.1-18.0]), overweight (RRR 5.0[2.8- 9.1]), obesity (RRR 3.4[1.1-11.0]), pre-frailty (RRR 1.8[1.2-2.6]) and frailty (RRR 2.1[1.0-4.2]) were strongly associated with an increased risk of multimorbidity. Nevertheless, the consumption of alcohol (RRR 0.4[0.3-0.6]) and fruit (RRR 0.9[0.8-1.0]) significantly reduced the risk of multimorbidity. There was no significant association with determinants such as gender, level of education, smoking status. Conclusion: These findings provide additional evidence on the determinants of frailty and multimorbidity in Burkina Faso. Community awareness initiatives should be strengthened to influence lifestyle on tobacco consumption, alcoholism, physical activity, and vitamin supplementation associated with the consumption of fruits and vegetables
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