Electronic Theses and Dissertations (Masters)
Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/10539/37994
Item A comparative study of how four selected newspapers framed the coverage of the death of mthokozisi ntumba(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) MAGOMANI, AMUKELANI; Balliah, DineshFor years, traditional media such as newspapers have played a pivotal role in circulating news and information for public consumption. South Africa has recently experienced an increase in news on police brutality cases against protesters on various platforms covered by the newspapers. This study analyses the framing of media coverage by Daily Maverick, Daily Sun, Mail & Guardian, and Sowetan newspapers of the pre-and post-trial of the law enforcement officers charged with the killing of Mthokozisi Ntumba. This case was centred on forceful actions by police officials to disperse a crowd during a student protest. Although Ntumba was not amongst the protesting crowds, he was shot and killed by police officers. The study aims to discover the ways in which Ntumba’s case was reported by the four selected newspapers. The nature, aim, objectives and contextual significance of this study dictates that a qualitative research approach be used. The study was underpinned by the framing theory. Qualitative data was collected using the content analysis method, with purposive sampling used to select all textual units that contributed towards answering the study’s research questions. A sample of 83 articles was selected on the basis that the articles reported the news of the killing of Ntumba and the follow up court trial of the police officers. Qualitative framing analysis was used to study the media coverage of the killing of a bystander and police brutality in South Africa. From the study’s findings, it was revealed that different frames were used by the four selected newspapers in the coverage of Ntumba’s case. The frames used by the selected newspapers highlighted the extent to which the issue of police brutalityin the country has led to the death of people and other underlying issues that exist due to police brutality during protests.Item Adoption and use of internet of things and the implications for adaptive regulation(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2024-03) Jarvis, Boipelo; Ntlatlapa, NtsibaneInternet of Things (IoT) is evolving, developing and finding use in many industries where it is mainly used for automating, controlling, tracking and monitoring of different assets and processes, and also to digitalise and optimise business processes. One of IoT’s main characteristics is the interconnection of physical and virtual objects, the involvement of various stakeholders and the vast amount of data that is collected, communicated, stored and analysed in its ecosystem. IoT is projected to continue on its tremendous growth path for years to come, and to also permeate many more industries. However, IoT has inherent challenges of security and privacy due to its characteristics and therefore requires relevant regulation so as to address the challenges related to it and enable its continued growth, adoption and use. The study explored the adoption and use of IoT in South Africa, looked into security and privacy challenges for IoT and ways to address them, ways in which current regulatory approaches are affecting IoT and how regulation that is relevant to IoT can be developed. The researcher followed a qualitative research approach, collected data from participants through in-depth interviews and employed thematic analysis to discover themes from data that was collected. The study’s findings are categorised according to three themes that emerged from the literature review namely: adoption and use of IoT, security and privacy challenges for IoT and ways to develop adaptive regulation for IoT. The Socio Technical Systems (STS) framework was a theoretical lens that was used to analyse data by mapping the study’s findings against STS components to explore the social and technical aspects of IoT. To define and understand the relationship between the social and technical subsystems of STS, an interaction between the elements of these two subsystems namely technology, tasks, structure and people was done. Under the technical subsystem, the findings brought to light the challenge that interoperability, security and privacy has on the adoption and use of IoT and the activities that enable the adoption and use of IoT. The findings under the social subsystem highlighted regulatory measures that are required to enable the adoption and use of IoT, regulatory ways to address the challenges of security and privacy as well as the need for IoT stakeholders to work collaboratively to encourage the growth, adoption and use of IoT and to address challenges related to it. The interaction of the STS elements identified collaborations and collaborative mechanisms as ways to address the challenges of IoT and develop regulation that is adaptive to its development. Based on the researcher’s analysis IoT requires a collaborative approach to address the challenges that its development, adoption and use are confronted with and to also develop regulation that is relevant and encouraging of its adoption and use.Item An assessment on the provision of South African Sign Language interpreting services in the healthcare setting during the Covid-19 pandemic(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-06) Motimele, Dimakatso Martina; Parkins-Maliko, NatashaThe Covid-19 pandemic exacerbated the communication challenges experiences by Deaf and hard-of-hearing people in various healthcare settings. The mandatory use of masks did not make communication any easier for such people, challenges related to lipreading and the understanding of non-manual features (facial expressions). Furthermore, owing to the shortage of sign language interpreters in South Africa, Deaf and hard-of-hearing patients had to navigate their way around healthcare settings regardless of the extreme communication difficulties experienced. This research assessed the provision of South African Sign Language (SASL) interpreting services for Deaf and hard-of-hearing people in healthcare settings in the Gauteng province of South Africa during the Covid-19 pandemic. Interviews and an online survey were conducted with Deaf and SASL interpreter respondents to collect data linked to access to healthcare services during the Covid-19 period. Deaf participants expressed the view that the provision of SASL interpreting services in healthcare was inadequate. Deaf participants also indicated that they were unable to book or gain access to an SASL interpreter for medical appointments. This was also the case in emergency situations where a last-minute booking was needed. In addition, a lack of trust in SASL interpreters was manifested by the Deaf participants, owing to the high costs associated with the interpreting services. Moreover, the Deaf participants expressed the view that medical staff tended to have a negative approach to Deaf and hard-of-hearing patients. The recommendations made on the basis of this research are that medical professionals should learn basic sign language and that SASL interpreters should learn medical terminology and the equivalent SASL sign/s to ensure increased accessibility by Deaf and hard-of-hearing people to communication in health care setting.Item An investigation into paywalls in the south african online news space(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2024) Crossley, Gaye Tracey; Daniels, GlendaJournalism should aspire to be a public good, meaning people should ideally have un-excluded and un-rivalrous access to the news. For news to be a public good, it must serve to educate and inform readers and be free from economic and political interference. However, journalism cannot be a public good if it is not financially viable. One way South African news organisations have sought to create financial viability and sustainability is through the implementation of paywalls. However, subscription services like paywalls pose a risk to journalism being a public good. South Africa’s unequal society, along with the digital divide, are major inhibitors to people being able to access news online. Paywalls further exacerbate this issue of access. This research aims to investigate paywalls in the South African online news space, within the context of journalism serving as a public good. In doing so, the research considered the digital divide, digital disruption of the newsroom, sustainability of the newsroom, and the positive and negative contributions of paywalls to South African online news. This qualitative research was conducted through a series of structured interviews with two of South Africa’s media houses, Media24 and Arena Holdings, which had both implemented paywalls for their online news sites. These case studies were then juxtaposed against Daily Maverick, which has kept its news free for all readers, but relies on a number of alternative funding models, including a membership model.Item Analysing misinformation coverage by three newspapers during the 2nd phase of covid-19 vaccination in south africa: the daily sun, the daily maverick, and the sowetan from 7 may to 7 july 2021(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2024) SEMENYA, ANNA MOSHALA; FRANZ KRUGERAs South Africa geared up for a mass vaccination programme to inoculate its citizens, with the public eager to return to normalcy after enduring varying degrees of lockdowns for over a year, the enigma surrounding the virus provided fertile ground for anti-vaccine groups to propagate misinformation consisting of misconceptions, myths, fake news and rumours. The mainstream media, wielding significant power and influence, played a pivotal role in disseminating information to enhance public health awareness during the pandemic before and after vaccines became available. This paper endeavours to assess how three national newspapers addressed the prevalent misinformation at the time. It does so by reviewing articles published 10 days before the phase two vaccination campaign commenced up to two months after the aforementioned commencement. The results indicate that one newspaper attempted to address the misinformation explicitly, another did so through subtle discourse whilst the last one remained resolute in its pro-vaccine stance and did not entertain the misinformation.Item An analysis of coverage of gender-based violence, sourcing patterns and representation of victims in Sowetan, January-March 2008(2014-10-22) Ndlovu, SikhonzileDespite its pervasiveness, gender-based violence is one of the least talked about violations of women’s rights as most of it takes place within the private domain and is never reported (Gender Links 2002). Gender-based violence is mostly common at family and community level and mostly affects women (Omarjee, 2006). Family attitudes and pressures ensure that this remains hidden from the outside world (IPS, 2009). People Opposing Women Abuse (POWA South Africa) estimates that only one in nine gender-based violence incidences are reported. Violence against women continues partly because women do not seem to acknowledge violence perpetrated against them and are unlikely to seek help when it occurs (Rasool, 2002). The Noord taxi rank ‘miniskirt’ incident, as it came to be known, exposed the sad realities of gender-based violence in contemporary South Africa. In February 2008, a 25 year old woman was sexually harassed for wearing a miniskirt at the Noord Taxi Rank. This incident, described by Nyar (2008) as degrading and shocking, is part of the fabric of South African life. The way that media represents gender-based violence has a significant role to play in curbing this social ill. Sadly, media often emphasise the need for women to be extra vigilant when moving around at night. This in essence is saying that women should take responsibility for the fact that they may be attacked at any time (Gqola, 1997). This scrutiny is also reflected in the way that media have also questioned the morals of victims of gender-based violence especially rape (Carter and Weaver, 2003). This study analysed Sowetan’s daily media output for the months of January to March 2008 to establish patterns in coverage of gender-based violence, sourcing and representation of victims. Key words Gender, gender-based violence, victims, feminist theory, patriarchy, power, media, representation, sourcingItem Audio-visual speech perception amongst bilingual speakers(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2024-03) Seedat, Ammaara; Ramona, Kunene NicolasWhy does a face articulating the syllable [ga] presented alongside an auditory /ba/ syllable result in a perceived /da/ syllable/? Language is more than words, and the human face has shown enormous communicatory significance as a mode of nonverbal communication. Multisensory integration is used in audio-visual speech perception when auditory and visual information are integrated at the same time. This integration, however, can be viewed as an involuntary process that occurs automatically. The audio-visual benefit effect occurs when auditory and visual information is synchronized, this is when the visual cue is congruent with its auditory counterpart. Literature on audio-visual speech perception, states that the magnitude of visual influences on audio-visual speech perception varies not only across languages but also across developmental stages. The reasons underlying cross-linguistic and developmental differences in audio-visual speech perception however remain unclear. With bilingualism becoming the norm rather than the exception around the world (Grosjean & Byers-Heinlein, 2018), strong research foundations for spoken-word comprehension in bilinguals have been carried out. These foundations have been grounded in classical frameworks from monolinguals and formalised in models such as the Bilingual Model of Lexical Access (BIMOLA) (Léwy, 2008) and the Bilingual Language Interaction Network for Comprehension of Speech (BLINCS) (Shook & Marian, 2013). Bilinguals may experience increased audio-visual integration when using their less dominant language because less familiarity with a language creates a greater reliance on the visual channel to make sense of auditory input. This study will therefore examine the extent to which young adult bilinguals benefit from audio-visual speech. We examine how different listening conditions affect how L2 bilinguals perceive audio-visual speech. Participants in this study were L1 English speakers learning L2 isiZulu between 17-29 years of age. Each participant was introduced to four different conditions. Namely, an audio only condition, a visual-only condition an and audio-visual condition and an incongruent condition. In the audio-only condition, the stimuli were only auditory, in the visual-only condition the stimuli were perceived without an auditory stimulus. The audio-visual stimulus was made up of both an auditory and visual stimulus whilst the incongruent stimulus was created through dubbing the audio of one word over the visual of another word. The results of the study highlighted the importance of audio-visual speech in late L2 bilingual acquisition. The differences in the phonetics and phonology of language systems might play an important role in how late L2 bilinguals perceive language in different conditions.Item Bolemogi jwa diponagalo tsa ditumisapuo mo tokafatsong ya dipuiso tsa Setswana(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2022) Pule, Violet Maphefo SefolaroThis study aimed at addressing the impact of prosodic features in reading because of its contribution to meaning in language - Setswana. The study is responding to the literacy report by Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) of 2016 which reported that more than 80% of grade 4 learners who were tested in an African language could not read for meaning. Reading in African languages appears to be problematic in the Intermediate Phase specially to comprehend the meaning intend. The main aim of the study was to investigate the impact of prosodic features in comprehending Setswana readings. The research study noted the lack of prosodic feature awareness in enhancing and supporting learner’s literacy and culture of reading, because of its valuable significance when dealing with reading fluency with regards to speech sounds, tonology and syllable. This research was based on the semiotic theoretical framework, as it is concerned with how signs are used for interpretation. The focus of the study is on the Intermediate Phase of eight schools where Setswana is taught as a Home and/or as a First Additional Language. The mixed method approaches (qualitative and quantitative methods) were used to collect and analysed data. Random sampling was used to select participants. Descriptive method was used to analysed both methods. The study is of the idea that new ways of stressing prosodic markings (such as tones, accent, stress, and rhythm) must be accorded special attention in the education system in South Africa in such a manner that learners are able to extract meaning and comprehend what they read. The study found that there is a lot of confusion when words are not marked, as learners cannot know which meaning is intended. As mentioned, the problem in reading Setswana books is not in reading, but in comprehending. The study of prosodic features came as a best study that plays an important role in extracting the meaning from words, reading fluency and enhancing reading culture. Comprehending is a very important elements in the four skills that are focused on in the teaching of reading, and it has only been listed as sub-skill, not as a main skill that needed to be acquired throughout because no skill will be successfully achieved without the skill of comprehending.Item Challenges faced by court interpreters while interpreting for children in South African courts(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2024) Chikele, Heather Mikateko; Maliko, Natasha Parkins; Dladla, Celimpilo P.The study investigated the challenges faced by court interpreters in South Africa when working with child witnesses within the legal system. The objectives of the study included investigating interpreter challenges, identifying their role in safeguarding children’s well-being and rights, and evaluating the effectiveness of interpreter training. The country’s linguistic diversity, characterized by 12 official languages and distinct cultural distinctions, adds layers of complexity for interpreters (Powell, et al., 2017). The problems encountered during the process includes linguistic barriers, encompassing the clear conveyance of child testimonies, interpretation of child-friendly legal terminology, and ensuring the child’s understanding of legal proceedings. The study recognized the involved interplay of language, culture and age, which highlights the need for interpreters to address the emotional state, comprehension level, and communication capacities of child witnesses. To tackle these challenges, the study highlighted the crucial requirement for specialized training and support for court interpreters handling cases involving children in South African courts (Moeketsi & Wallmach, 2005). This involved cultivating a sophisticated understanding of child psychology, cultural sensitivity, and legal terminology to effectively bridge communication gaps (Jianqing, 2008). By doing so, the study contended that South Africa could strengthen its commitment to safeguarding children’s rights and welfare within the legal system, ultimately ensuring equitable access to justice for all residents. The study utilized a quantitative research methodology, utilising a structured questionnaire distributed through Google Forms. The questionnaire was designed to gather insights from court interpreters about their experiences and challenges. The questions were crafted to elicit detailed responses on topics such as the impact of the child’s age on interpretation, linguistic and cultural challenges, and training and qualifications of court interpreters. The research focused on obtaining valuable information directly from court interpreters through the survey instrument, so as to understand their perspectives in a more streamlined manner (Cheung, 2014).Item Consumption, Femininity and the City in the Real Housewives of Johannesburg: A Content Analysis of a Franchise(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2021) Hellberg, Tessa; Iqani, MehitaThe following study explores how consumption, femininity and theorizations of the city are presented to the audience in The Real Housewives of Johannesburg. While the Real Housewives franchise is a global text with numerous iterations in a range of countries, The Real Housewives of Johannesburg is the first South African (and African) version of the programme. The study begins with an outline of the ways in which the city is represented, before moving to define the ‘spirit’ of Johannesburg. As will be demonstrated through the findings of a quantitative content analysis, this is inherently tied to automobility. By way of a subsequent textual analysis, challenges to automobility are also discussed, along with an analysis of luxury consumption in Johannesburg, and the ways in which it is racialized. This research then considers how the postfeminist undertones for which the Real Housewives is known translate into a South African context. Issues like sexual respectability are explored in-depth, as is the concept of being the ‘perfect’ hostess. The thesis concludes with a note concerning how The Real Housewives of Johannesburg highlight local South African cultures through glocalization of a global media text.Item Consumption, Waste and the Middle-Class Mindset: A Qualitative Exploration of Gendered Attitudes and Beliefs in South African Suburbs(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-10) Borralho, Carina De Freitas; Iqani, MehitaThis dissertation explores the complicated relationship between South Africa’s growing middle class, and their patterns around consumption and waste. Crucially, it identifies who the middle class hold responsible for consumerism and waste management. It also looks at these ideas through the lens of gender to uncover variations in the way different genders perceive and approach consumption and waste. A qualitative approach was used (using interviews, waste diaries, and a survey). Preliminary findings indicate that middle-class white South African women tend to engage in conspicuous consumption, impacting their waste generation. However, women's family-oriented consumption also influences their purchasing and waste habits. Surprisingly, participants viewed women favourably in terms of consumption and waste, despite waste-diary evidence to the contrary. This research contributes valuable insight into consumption and waste as social, cultural, racial, and gendered matters – instead of purely environmental ones. Ultimately, it shows that gender, race and socio-economic class play a role in how much an individual consumes and wastes, and highlights the need for increased education around these topics in South Africa.Item Dante: Traces of the Prophetic(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-06) Mfenyana, Deneo Thabisa; Houliston, VictorThe purpose of this project is the scrutiny of the vocational claims that Dante makes throughout his Commedia. Engaging the prophet-poet dichotomy through gradations of authorial authority, I place Dante within many vocations from prophet to poet, including mystic, philosopher and theologian, settling ultimately on Dante as a sort of seer, one who communicates parables as The Christ is known to do, but, making it expressly clear that his theological inaccuracies place him beneath biblical prophets in authority. The conscious strategies that Dante employs to secure auctoritas for his poem such as employing the biblical mystical senses, and resting on the shoulders of Virgil his philosophical and poetic auctor will be examined, showing intent in Dante to induce suspension of disbelief in his readers pertaining his vocational claims.Item Exploring the use of Process Drama in dialogues on Race and Memory among black ‘Born Frees’ of South Africa(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2018) Radebe, Tebogo; Lepere, RefiloeThis research project examines the use of Process Drama in creating dialogue about race and memory among Black Born Frees in South Africa. Process Drama was used as a dialogue facilitation tool, which involved both participants and a facilitator in role. The study further unpacks how process drama impacted participants’ attitudes on race and memory. Reflective practice is employed to interrogate how Process Drama creates empathy, to enable reflection on lived experiences, to lead to an examination of stereotypes around race and memory through constructive dialogue. The research focuses on the facilitation of improvised, episodic scenes and creation of images structured around themes of race and memory leading to post 1994 democratic South Africa. From the facilitation process, it emerged that improvisation in the dramatic action enables dialogue by allowing the participants to raise each other’s awareness by sharing various perspectives and understandings. Using a Process Recording as a tool for analysing the facilitator in action the paper makes a case for performative writing as way to present the process and findings of the research. The method of allowing the participants voices to be heard and validated began a process of healing psychological and emotional wounds among the black born frees.Item Femicide in South Africa: Ideal Victims, Visible Bodies, and Invisible Perpetrators(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-05) Nyathi, Tebogo; Falkof, NickySouth Africa’s femicide rate is five times the global average (Statistics South Africa 2018). In recent years, we have seen increased scholarly attention examining media reporting of femicide. These studies have been critical the way South African media have and continue to cover femicide. This study seeks to add to this existing knowledge by exploring the media coverage of three sexual violence murders. This study explores the online news media coverage of three case studies. These case studies are the rape and murder of University of Cape Town student Uyinene Mrwetyana, the rape and murder of Lynette Volschenk, and the rape and murder of grade 7 pupil Janika Mallo. All these murders happened in Cape Town in August 2019 and received prominent media coverage. This study utilizes thematic analytic tools to explore dominant patterns in the data through the framework of representation and intersectionality. The study aims to do a close reading and identify discourses embedded in news media texts to highlight their functions, effects, and social and ideological implications for society. The findings reveal an increased focus on the visible bodily injuries of victims and media used spectacular language to present this. The focus on the bodily injuries resulted in making perpetrators invisible. The analysis confirmed that certain victims matter to media more than others. Furthermore, media represented femicide as a current crisis and ignored the historical structures that enable the prevalence of sexual violence. Although, this study is not comparative media analysis and does not provide media to show that some murders are under reported, because it is only looking at three cases the analysis does demonstrate that other murders matter more than others. The study concludes that the way media cover femicide does not present the ‘true reality’ of sexual violence in South Africa and we are still far from finding long lasting solutions to the rampant violence.Item Igxathu Likamaskandi Ekulweni Nokucwaswa Kwabantu Abamnyama Ngaphambi Nangemuva Kwenkululeko Eningizimu Afrika: Umfaz’omnyama, Uphuzekhemisi Kanye Nezingane Zoma(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-06) Buthelezi, Xolani Norman; Mhlambi, Innocentia JabuliseliIQOQO Kuloku kucubungula kuvezwe lokho okutholakele nokumele ngabe kwenzeka ngesikhathi kwenziwa ukucubungula ngeqhaza lomaskandi ekulweni nokucwaswa kwabantu abamnyama ngaphambi nangemuva kwenkululeko eNingizimu Afrika. Kuyagqama ngaloku cubungula ukuthi bakhona ababhali okuthe ngesikhathi sobandlululo baqoka ukubhala izingoma ezikugxekayo okube yimiphumela nemithelela emibi yokunganyelwa ngenkani ngabamhlophe kwezwe laseNingizimu Afrika nezwekazi lonke lase-Afrika. Kucacile futhi ukuthi uMfaz’Omnyama, uPhuzekhemisi neZingane Zoma babhalile kakhulu bekhala ngayo le miphumela nemithelela yokucwaswa kwabantu abamnyama ngaphambi nangemuva kwenkululeko eNingizimu Afrika. Izingoma zabo ziyahlukaniseka ngokwezindikimba ababekhononda ngazo. Kukhona lezo ezikhononda ngokuthathwa kwezwe laseNingizimu Afrika ngenkani, ukuhamba kobaba emakhaya isikhathi eside abanye bangabe besabuya, ukungabi nabuntu kwabamhlophe nalabo asebengamele izwe okungosopolitiki, ukulahleka kwamasiko nenhlonipho kubantu ngenxa yemfundo yabamhlophe. Ayavela futhi namazinga okukhononda njengoba kuvelile ukuthi kukhona izingoma zabo ezivezayo nje kuphela ukuhlupheka kwabantu boMdabu nabesifazane, kube khona lezo ezigxeka osopolitiki ziphinde zihambisane nabo ngenxa yenkece namandla abanawo ekuthuthukiseni labo abangenalutho, bese kuba khona lezo ezishoshozela ukuba kwenziwe okuthile ukuze kuguqulwe isimo sempilo nenhlalo yabantu eNingizimu Afrika.Item Just Me and You, Ms W(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-03) Hoffman, Alexandra Laurel; Law-Viljoen, BronwynItem Language accessibility in academic publishing: the role of the editor in bridging the linguistic gap(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2022) Tabata, PhindileAccessibility to academic text has often been understood to refer to factors other than language, such as physically being able to access the text, which has led to discussions on open access systems. In this research, the question of accessibility refers to the editor’s understanding of the reader’s ability to comprehend academic text. The purpose of this research was to understand how editors of academic books consider the varying language backgrounds of South African academics. The research used the concept of the linguistic gap to identify the role of the editor in navigating the gap that exists between academic authors and their audience. The investigation made use of a qualitative research method, which included primary and secondary data collection. This was made up of literature that was consulted to build the literature review, along with the discussions with the participants. The data collection method of the research included the information gathered in the literature review, along with the interviews conducted with the research participants. This method was relevant to understanding the role of the editor in making academic text accessible, because it equipped the researcher to investigate the experiences of academic editors and publishers in ensuring that the text that is published is accessible to the reader. The study showed that there is definitely a gap that exists between the academic author and the reader. The cause of this gap was identified as being two-fold, the first cause being the miscommunication between first language and second language speakers of English. The second reason is the varying levels of education between the author and the reader. The research findings have shown that the role of the editor is to ensure that the message communicated by the author is seamlessly received by the reader. The editor exists within a balance of ensuring that they meet the editing brief that has been specified by the publisher, along with making sure that the author is satisfied with the edit conducted on the text and, lastly, ensuring that the reader is able to understand what is being communicated. Recommendations for further research include, picking up where this research left off, by including academic authors and readers of different levels in the study. This would provide a holistic view on the question of language accessibility in academic publishing.Item Literary and visual representations of queer ecologies in South Africa’s maritime and terrestrial environments(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-09) Dimond, Harvey Lewis; Hofmeyr, IsabelNot AvailableItem Media coverage of South Africa reserve bank monetary policy commitee work: a case study of CNBC Africa 2014-2017(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2019) Segawa, ArnoldThis thesis examines how the media, particularly CNBC Africa covers the work of the South African Reserve Bank (SARB). The thesis takes a two-pronged approach to explore this with one arm inspecting the sociological and psychological aspects of engaging guests in the CNBC Africa Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) panel discussions and the other, looking at what CNBC Africa holds salient when covering the MPC panel discussions. By examining MPC panel discussion data from 2014 to 2017, the thesis contrasts both quantitative and qualitative methods to arrive at a quantitative dataset that shows what CNBC Africa holds salient during their coverage posing questions on whether this aligns with the SARB mandate. On the other hand, the thesis explores the sociological and psychological aspects of news and debate production, particularly how MPC panelists for the special broadcast are selected. The thesis aims to contribute to the scarce literature on monetary policy communication and media engagement as the adoption of inflation targeting has fast-fostered transparency in central banks in the past three decades. The thesis applies theories of Agenda Setting by McCombs and Shaw (1972) to examine the salient aspects of the CNBC Africa MPC panel discussion. In addition, it explores Tversky and Kahneman’s (1992) revolutionary work on dual process theory to inspect the psychological aspects of inviting panelists. The thesis finds that during the CNBC Africa MPC discussion, ‘interest rates’ as a key word in context dominates the conversation over and above any other topic and a closer examination of the data reveals a strong frequency of interest rates in a ‘global context’ further asserting South Africa’s exposure to global headwinds and external shocks. Furthermore, this shows a deviation between SARB’s mandate and CNBC Africa’s MPC panel discussions in regards to salience. This is because SARB pushes to achieve and maintain price stability in the interest of balanced and sustainable economic growth in South Africa through achieving price stability by setting an inflation target that serves as a yardstick against which price stability is measured. With this mandate, price stability and, therefore, inflation are the core focus of the SARB with interest rates being a mere tool to achieve price stability. The deviation of CNBC Africa’s and SARB’s frames is further illustrated in the data as ‘interest rates’ dominate the conversation during the CNBC Africa MPC panel discussion at the expense of ‘inflation.’ The thesis submits that in order to merge the SARB’s and CNBC Africa’s frames, the latter need cover the MPC announcement in a three-pronged approach that encloses SARB’s economic outlook with emphasis on the forward-looking stance, path of future policy rates and cover policy decisions in their entiretyItem Phonological memory and sentence processing in South African L2 English-speaking children(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-08-25) MADZIWO, ALEXIA RUVARASHE; Kunene, Ramona NicolasOut of the many factors that have impacted the state of education in South Africa (resulting in low literacy rates and high rates of academic failure), it is critical to investigate the linguistic implications on education. Comprehension has been pinpointed as a site of further research and intervention; therefore, this current study aimed to investigate the possible contributions that phonological short-term memory (pSTM) has on spoken sentence comprehension of South African second language (L2) English-speaking children from southern African Bantu language backgrounds. Discourse has claimed pSTM – a temporary auditory information memory store – to be an independent language process system from that of comprehension. However, it presents an interesting focal point for a few reasons including the following: i) L2 English-speaking children from southern African Bantu languages are confronted with the phonologically distinct English language in educational spaces; ii) children need to store sentences to process and respond to them; and iii) children’s complex linguistic skills have not yet been developed – thus, there is dependence on lower-level linguistic skills. In this study, 25 children from Polokwane, Capricorn District, participated in tasks to identify the effects of pSTM in relation to sentence processing. The researcher then analysed the developmental aspects of these processes. The corpus fell into two separate groups: i) the Grade 1, 6–7-year olds and ii) the Grade 4, 9–10-year-olds. Three tasks were presented to the participants: i) the nonword repetition task to assess their pSTM capacity, ii) a sentence-repetition task, and iii) a sentence-picture naming task. The results indicated that pSTM capacity was present from age 6 and improved with age. However, there was no clear contribution to sentence processing; despite high pSTM capacity results, sentence comprehension and repetition results remained low. In this study, we also found the following: i) syntax was a marker for comprehension issues; ii) sentence repetition showed better results than comprehension, indicating a possibly stronger link between pSTM and sentence repetition; iii) possible language interactions during pSTM disyllabic recall were noted.