Adoption and use of internet of things and the implications for adaptive regulation

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University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg


Internet of Things (IoT) is evolving, developing and finding use in many industries where it is mainly used for automating, controlling, tracking and monitoring of different assets and processes, and also to digitalise and optimise business processes. One of IoT’s main characteristics is the interconnection of physical and virtual objects, the involvement of various stakeholders and the vast amount of data that is collected, communicated, stored and analysed in its ecosystem. IoT is projected to continue on its tremendous growth path for years to come, and to also permeate many more industries. However, IoT has inherent challenges of security and privacy due to its characteristics and therefore requires relevant regulation so as to address the challenges related to it and enable its continued growth, adoption and use. The study explored the adoption and use of IoT in South Africa, looked into security and privacy challenges for IoT and ways to address them, ways in which current regulatory approaches are affecting IoT and how regulation that is relevant to IoT can be developed. The researcher followed a qualitative research approach, collected data from participants through in-depth interviews and employed thematic analysis to discover themes from data that was collected. The study’s findings are categorised according to three themes that emerged from the literature review namely: adoption and use of IoT, security and privacy challenges for IoT and ways to develop adaptive regulation for IoT. The Socio Technical Systems (STS) framework was a theoretical lens that was used to analyse data by mapping the study’s findings against STS components to explore the social and technical aspects of IoT. To define and understand the relationship between the social and technical subsystems of STS, an interaction between the elements of these two subsystems namely technology, tasks, structure and people was done. Under the technical subsystem, the findings brought to light the challenge that interoperability, security and privacy has on the adoption and use of IoT and the activities that enable the adoption and use of IoT. The findings under the social subsystem highlighted regulatory measures that are required to enable the adoption and use of IoT, regulatory ways to address the challenges of security and privacy as well as the need for IoT stakeholders to work collaboratively to encourage the growth, adoption and use of IoT and to address challenges related to it. The interaction of the STS elements identified collaborations and collaborative mechanisms as ways to address the challenges of IoT and develop regulation that is adaptive to its development. Based on the researcher’s analysis IoT requires a collaborative approach to address the challenges that its development, adoption and use are confronted with and to also develop regulation that is relevant and encouraging of its adoption and use.


A research report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts ( ICT Policy and Regulation) to the Faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2024


Evolving technology, Adoption and use, Security and privacy, Adaptive regulation, Collaboration.


Jarvis, Boipelo. (2024). Adoption and use of internet of things and the implications for adaptive regulation [Master’s dissertation, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg].



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