Palaeontologia africana
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ISSN (print): 0078-8554
ISSN (electronic): 2410-4418
For queries regarding content of Palaeontologia africana collections please contact Jonah Choiniere by email : or Tel : 011 717 6684
Item Annals of the Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg(Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1953)NoneItem Index to genera and species described in this issue(Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1953)NoneItem The evolution of the palate in South African Anomodontia and its classificatory significance(Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1953) Toerien, M.J .In this work an attempt is made to find a basis for the classification of the South African Anomodontia, unaffected by sex and age variations. The structure of the palate provided such a basis. The evolution of the palate was followed from the early Endothiodonts, through the genus Dicynodon and other forms formerly referred to this genus, to the more advanced Anomodonts. Of the Endothiodonts the genera Brachyprosopus, Emydopsis and Diaelurodon are transferred to Brachyuraniscus, Emydops and Pristerodon respectively. Three new genera, Broilius, Hueneus and Parringtoniella are described, as well as three new species to existing genera (Emydops kitchingi, Emydops murraysburgensis and Pristerodon buffaloensis). Owen's genus Oudenodon and van Hoepen's genus Daptocephalus are reintroduced and three new species of Dicynodon are described (D. vanderhorsti, D. antjiesfonteinensis and D. schroderi). The evolution of the palate. is followed further to the genera Cistecephalus, Aulacocephalodon, Platycyclops, Kitchingia, Pelanomodon, Lystrosaurus and Kannemeyeria.Item Publications on Specimens in the Collection of the Bernard Price Institute(Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1953)NoneItem Item Studies on new specimens of the Gorgonopsia(Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1953) Kitching, J. W.In this paper a list is given of all the described Gorgonopsian genera and species of Africa. The types are listed in a particular order according to dental formulae and age, but attention is drawn to the fact that the number of molars is unreliable for use as a basis for classification. The list also brings out that age or horizons can be very misleading unless localities are registered with greater accuracy. The paper continues with the description of four specimens in the Rubidge Collection. Broomicephalus laticeps and Dracocephalus scheepersi arc described as new genera and species, Dinogorgon oudebergensis as a new species, and the fourth is described as Alopecorhinus rubidgei Broom M.S.S., a name suggested by Broom but never used in publication. Further descriptions are based on specimens in the Bernard Price Institute's collection . Cyniscopoides broomi, Aloposausoides tenuis and Sycocephalus bigendens are described as new genera and species; Rubidgea majora, R. platyrhina, Prorubidgea robusta, Lycaenops alticeps, Aelurognathus minor and Arctops watsoni are described as new species. In addition further information is given on the known genera and species Rubidgea laticeps, Cyniscops Iongiceps, Cynarioides gracilis, Scylacocephalus watermeyeri, Lycaenoides angusticeps and Lycaenops ornatus.Item Item On some new Cynognathus Zone specimens(Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1953)This paper describes a number of new specimens recently collected in Cynognathus zone beds, now in the collection of the Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research. These specimens include two new genera and species, Cistecynodon parvus and Inusitatodon smithi. The former is related to the Galesauridae, but it may perhaps represent a new family of Cynodonts. The latter is a Gomphodont Cynodont. In addition a very perfect specimen of Bauria cynops is described and descriptions based on two other specimens affirm the validity of Broom's genus Cyclogomphodon. The paper also includes a short description of a specimen of Diademodon broomi.Item Palaeontologia africana Volume 1(Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1953)Item Item Palaeontologia Africana, Annals of the Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg(Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1954)NoneItem Palaeontologia africana Volume 2(Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1954)Item Item A bibliographic list of Reptilia from the Karroo beds of Africa(Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1954)NoneItem Palaeontologia africana Volume 3(Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1955)Item On the Cynognathidae(1955) Brink, A. S.In this paper attention is drawn to the fact that the family Cynognathidae is as a whole very badly known and in need of taxonomic revision. Unfortunately the author had too little material available to attempt a proper revision, but some suggestions are made. The paper starts with a brief historical account and continues with descriptions of a lower jaw of a Cynognathid, evidently belonging to the genus Lycaenognathus. This specimen belongs to the Bernard Price Institute. Attention is further drawn to the complete absence of convincing characteristics for distinguishing between the genera Cynognathus and Cynidiognathus, but they are nevertheless acknowledged as distinct genera. Four specimens are described as Cynidiognathus merenskyi , one of which belongs to the Bernard Price Institute and the other three to the National Museum, Bloemfontein.Item Note on a very tiny specimen of Thrinaxodon liorhinus(Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1955) Brink, A. S.This paper describes a specimen of Thrinaxodon liorhinus, evidently a mature female, with a very tiny specimen closely associated with it in the same nodule. Attention is largely given to tooth replacement. The conclusion arrived at is that Thrinaxodon has not yet reached that stage in evolution where light is thrown on the development of the typical mammalian arrangement of dental succession.Item A foraminiferal fauna from the tertiary sediments of Southern Moçambique(Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1955) Smitter, Y. H.A group of foraminifera is recorded from beds in Southern Mocambique of probable Upper Miocene age. The species listed are briefly compared with similar forms found elsewhere in the world. Three new species and one new variety are described.Item Une clavicule et un nouveau fragment mandibulaire d'Australopithecus Prometheus(Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1955) Boné, Edouard L.An acromial fragment of a collar.-bone of Australopithecus prometheus was found at the Limeworks Cave, Makapansgat (N. Transvaal). This specimen, which is the first ever discovered of the Australopithecine clavicle, is described and compared with both human (fossil and recent) and anthropoid bones. A left fragment of a lower jaw with a perfectly preserved and moderately worn third molar of the Makapan ape-man, found during the same sorting operation of the dumps (April 1955), is discussed here: size and pattern emphasize the homogeneity of the prometheus finds, their close relationship to Teianthropus, and their human affinity.Item Palaeontologia Africana, Annals of the Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Volume III(Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1955)None