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Item Peat dynamics in the Angolan Highlands(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-03) Lourenco, Mauro Cesar; Woodborne, Stephan; Fitchett, JenniferThe Angolan Highlands is a war stricken, threatened, and under-studied area. The region is hydrologically and ecologically important and supports extensive tropical peatland deposits. Peatland preservation has been acknowledged to address climate change, is sensitive to drought and fire, and is directly influenced by vegetation and hydrological conditions. However, little research has been conducted in the Angolan Highlands. This study addresses gaps in the literature through four key contributions. The first is a critical review of peat definitions: the implications of disparate definitions are detailed, and a new proposed definition for peatlands in the interest of climate science is provided. The second is the first map of peatland extent in the Angolan Highlands, containing details on the age and growth dynamics. The study presents a conservative estimate of peatland extent that is much larger than previously estimated for Angola and is a crucial first step in facilitating the preservation of this deposit. The third contribution is the first historical assessment of drought and vegetation response in the region. This contains a 40-year drought and 20-year vegetation history, demonstrating that drought occurrence is increasing and there is a strong relationship between precipitation and the peatland vegetation region. The fourth contribution is the first assessment of the contemporary (2001-2020) fire regime of these peatlands, and reveals that among all land cover classes, peatlands burn more frequently and at a higher proportion. Investigation into the peat dynamics of the Angolan Highlands indicate that they have critical importance and are naturally resistant to both droughts and fire. Failure to preserve these deposits will have direct implications on the communities, environment, and surrounding areas.Item Estimating rooftop solar energy potential using spatial radiation models and thermal remote sensing: The case of Witwatersrand University(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Ndemera, Rudo Hilda; Adem, Ali K.; Adam, ElhadiThe main purpose of this research was to estimate the University of Witwatersrand building’s rooftop solar energy potential using the GIS-based solar Area Solar Radiation (ASR) analyst upward hemispherical view shed algorithm. The two major datasets used in this research for rooftop solar energy potential modelling are building footprint data and the Digital Surface Model. Building footprint data, specifically rooftop area was extracted using machine learning CNTK unified toolkit and deep neural networks. The data was presented as individual polygon shape files for each building. The high-resolution Digital Surface Model imagery was sourced from the Advanced Land Observation Satellite. Pre-processing of the imagery was done for atmospheric correction. The DSM was then used in the Area Solar Radiation model to create an upward view shed for every point on the study area which is essential for computing solar radiation maps. The efficiency of using this algorithm is that it considers the shading effects caused by surrounding topography and surrounding man-made features, alterations in the azimuth angle and the position of the sun. Apart from the incoming solar radiation reaching the rooftops, the elevation and orientation of the rooftop cells limit the solar panel tilt angle and intensity of the incoming solar radiation, respectively. These factors were used in setting the suitability criteria together with solar radiation for the identification of suitable rooftop cells in this research. The relationship between land surface temperature and solar radiation values was assessed to determine if it can be used as an indicator for solar panel efficiency. Results from this research indicate that the University of Witwatersrand receives high levels of incoming solar radiation and has a high solar energy rooftop generation capacity that can meet the energy demand on campus. To improve accuracy of the research results, a drone could have been used to measure insolation across the study area to improve the spatial resolution. However, this was not possible due to various restrictions.Item Mapping and monitoring land transformation of Boane district, Mozambique (1980 – 2020), using remote sensing(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Dengo, Claudio Antonio; Atif, Iqra; Adam, ElhadiAlthough natural and environmental factors play a significant role in land transformation, human actions dominate. Therefore, to better understand the present land uses and predict the future, accurate information describing the nature and extent of changes over time is necessary and critical, especially for developing countries. It is estimated that these countries will account for 50% of the world's population growth in the next few years. Hence, this research was an attempt to assess and monitor land cover changes in Boane, Mozambique, over the past 40 years and predict what to expect in the next 30 years. This district has been challenged by a fast-growing population and land use dynamic, with quantitative information, driving forces and impacts remaining unknown. Through a supervised process in a cloud base Google Earth Engine platform, a set of five Landsat images at ten-year intervals were classified using a random forest algorithm. Seven land classes, i.e., agriculture, forest, built-up, barren, rock, wetland and water bodies, were extracted and compared through a pixel-by-pixel process as one of the most precise and accurate methods in remote sensing and geographic information system applications. The results indicate an active alternate between all land classes, with significant changes observed within agriculture, forest and build-up classes. As it is, while agriculture (-26.1%) and forest (-21.4%) showed a continuously decreasing pattern, build-up class (45.8%) increased tremendously. Consequently, over 69% of the forest area and 59% of the agricultural area shifted into build-up, i.e., was degraded or destroyed. Similarly, the conversion of barren land area (57.2%) and rock area (47.3%) into build-up indicates that those areas were cleaned. The overall classification accuracy averaged 90% and a kappa coefficient of 0.8779 were obtained. The CA-Markov model, used to assess future land uses, indicates that build-up will continue to increase significantly, covering 60% of the total area. From this finding, the land cover situation in the next 30 years will be critical if no action is taken to stop this uncontrolled urban sprawl. An adequate land use plan must be drawn, clearly indicating the locations for different activities and actions for implementation.Item Evaluating the spatiotemporal changes of urban wetlands in Klip River wetland, South Africa(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-09) Nxumalo, Nolwazi; Knight, Jasper; Adam, ElhadiThis study assesses the impacts of land use / land cover (LULC) change in an urban wetland over the past 30 years utilizing machine learning and satellite-based techniques. This study looked at LULC distributions in the Klip River wetland in Gauteng, South Africa. The aims and methods used in this study were: (1) to conduct a comprehensive analysis to map and evaluate the effects of LULC changes in the Klip River wetland spanning from 1990 to 2020, employing Landsat datasets at intervals of 10 years, and to quantify both spatial and temporal alterations in urban wetland area. (2) To predict the change in urban wetland area due to specific LULC changes for 2030 and 2040 using the MOLUSCE plugin in QGIS. This model is based on observed LULC including bare soil, built-up area, water, wetland, and other vegetation in the quaternary catchment C22A of the Klip River wetland, using multispectral satellite images obtained from Landsat 5 (1990), Landsat 7 (2000 and 2010) and Landsat 8 OLI (2020). (3) For the results of this study, thematic maps were classified using the Random Forest algorithm in Google Earth Engine. Change maps were produced using QGIS to determine the spatiotemporal changes within the study area. To simulate future LULC for 2030 and 2040, the MOLUSCE plugin in QGIS v2.8.18 was used. The overall accuracies achieved for the classified maps for 1990, 2000, 2010, and 2020 were 85.19%, 89.80%, 84.09%, and 88.12%, respectively. The results indicated a significant decrease in wetland area from 14.82% (6949.39 ha) in 1990 to 5.54% (2759.2 ha) in 2020. The major causes of these changes were the build-up area, which increased from 0.17% (80.36 ha) in 1990 to 45.96% (22 901 ha) in 2020—the projected years 2030 and 2040 achieved a kappa value of 0.71 and 0.61, respectively. The results indicate that built-up areas continue to increase annually, while wetlands will decrease. These LULC transformations posed a severe threat to the wetlands. Hence, proper management of wetland ecosystems is required, and if not implemented soon, the wetland ecosystem will be lost.Item The role of institutional arrangements in post-flood disaster management in South Africa, focusing on Kwa-Zulu Natal Province, Mphela Township and Ncakubana Communities(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-10) Nyide, Sindisiwe; Grab, Stefan; Simatele, Mulala DannySouth African officials and communities grapple with various matters after flood disasters. This thesis used a combination of qualitative and quantitative data collection approaches to explore possible systematic and structural weaknesses in addressing post-flood disasters in South Africa. The study investigated whether post-disaster management in disaster-vulnerable urban and rural communities contributes towards disaster resilience and adaptive capacity to achieve sustainable development. The need stemmed from the Country's high frequency and magnitude of disasters, including floods, droughts, and fires. The Government implemented different policies and strategies after 1994 to address flood disasters. While acknowledging some success in managing these disasters with the current adaptive measures, the frequency and intensity of disasters have increased, causing significant loss of life, environmental damage, and properties, particularly among the vulnerable population. Since this was a national study, participants came from across South Africa. The random sampling selected 35 Ncakubana Village and Mphela Township community members. Other selected participants were seven and six focus group members, respectively. In contrast, purposive and snowball samples chose 34 disaster management officials. Moreover, the purposive sampling selected two ward councillors and six advisory forum members. There were open-ended and closed-ended questions in the interview schedules and questionnaire surveys. The researcher also used observation to gather information on variables of interest during transect walks in the study areas. The study conducted an intensive documentary analysis to obtain more information. Descriptive statistical techniques, Microsoft Excel, and Statistical Package for the Social Sciences were employed to examine the quantitative data. Thematic analysis was for qualitative data analysis to review data from open-ended questions and literature. The study employed Atlasti software for inductive content analysis to identify research codes and themes and the Word Cloud tool to visualise textual data. For quantitative results, 33 disaster management officials responded that disaster-specific Acts and Policies are in place. According to 21 disaster management officials, or 62% of all participants, their organisations have vulnerable groups' specific policies. Multistakeholder complications were the most frequently mentioned challenge by participants. They mentioned them 23 times, 68% of the total participants. Challenges stated, among others, included funding and administrative matters. Most of the respondents, 75% identified funding as the biggest problem. Qualitatively, the thesis uncovered that disaster management is a multi-sectoral and multidisciplinary field. Although various institutional arrangements exist, they do not seem appropriate for assisting vulnerable groups post-disaster. Floods appeared to be the most frequent natural disaster in South Africa. Floods severely affected vulnerable people, particularly women, the elderly, children, and people with physical disabilities. While officials have made some progress on implementing post-flood disaster projects, they appear inadequate to assist vulnerable groups in dealing with floods. Furthermore, regrettably, despite the level of success in addressing disasters, most measures have failed to achieve the intended results for various reasons. The participants identified multiple tangible and intangible opportunities. They subsequently proposed that Disaster Management Centres develop various noteworthy documents, intensify the dissemination of post-disaster information across numerous platforms, obtain post-disaster funding and adequate personnel, and establish or revitalise structures. The suggested consolidated long-term measures by the participants yielded a proposed South African Post-flood Disaster Checklist or Model, which was non-existent in South Africa. By implementing more effective and efficient post-disaster measures, the proposed tool can help policymakers and strategic partners standardise post-disaster resilience and adaptive capacity in various sectors' sustainability contexts. The aim is to have post-flood disaster resilient communities with adaptive capacity to achieve sustainable development.Item Climate Variability and Asset Adaptation of Small-scale Farmers in Zimbabwe's Gokwe South District:A Search for Knowledge Integration Approach(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-05) Chatsiwa, Jaison; Simatele, Mulala DannyGlobally, climate change and variability threaten food production and security for an unforeseeable future leaving millions of people vulnerable to hunger and malnutrition related diseases. Climatic models are projecting that Zimbabwe’s climate will be hanging drastically with a high possibility of experiencing extreme weather patterns impacting the livelihoods of small-scale farmers who rely on rain-fed agriculture for their livelihoods. This study aims to investigate the role of asset portfolios in reducing the climate vulnerability of small-scale farmers of Gokwe South in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe’s agricultural production both crop and livestock production has been negatively impacted due to the dwindling rainfall and increase in temperature and climate related risks and disasters. The quality and quantity of asset portfolios determine the adaptive strategies and their success against the challenges of climate variability. Despite these effects, small-scale farmers in the Gokwe South district are using their asset portfolios to increase their adaptive capacity and resilience to fight against the challenges of climate variability. Therefore, this thesis revealed a paradigm shift from asset vulnerability to pro-poor asset adaptation. The paradigm shift crafted the ‘Theory of Change’ which is useful for climate variability adaptation strategies in the Gokwe South district as the small-scale farmers change from asset vulnerability to asset adaptation. The Theory of Change encourages contextual analysis of the area and theme under study. A Theory of Change is a method that explains how a given intervention, or set of interventions, is expected to lead to specific development change, drawing on a causal analysis based on available evidence. This study used the Participatory Climate Change Adaptation Appraisal (PCCAA) as the primary data collection tool and the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) known as the emancipatory methodology, to collect data in rural areas. A mixed methodological approach involving qualitative and quantitative was applied. We used thematic content analysis to analyse qualitative data collected during the data collection exercise. During the study period, computer-Aided Qualitative Data Software was used to store data in a sorted manner. The parametric variables were coded using the Predictive Analytic Software. This enabled to performance of statistical analysis and obtaining descriptive statistical outcomes were obtained. The assessment of the effect of the factors on climate adaptation strategies was done through the Likert scale. Indigenous knowledge remained widely used as a source of climate knowledge in the Gokwe South district. The research results showed that indigenous knowledge (IK) is unpredictable, productive assets and adaptive assets are inadequate, technoscience and institutional support are poor support to implement viable adaptation strategies is lacking, and poor distribution and dissemination of climate and weather information to small-scale farmers in the Gokwe South district is poor and asset portfolios and asset mix is poor. The available asset portfolios determine the adaptation strategies used in the Gokwe South district. Results show that climate vulnerability varies spatially and temporally across the Gokwe South district. The studied five constituencies for the Gokwe district have a mean vulnerability index of 3.04 with the highest index being 5 as being well adapted. Sengwa and Mapfungabutsi are highly vulnerable to the vagaries of climate variability in the Gokwe South district. The researchers recommend strong institutional support from the government. The fact that small-scale farmers should integrate their IK and modern science climate knowledge small-scale farmers in the Gokwe South district should adopt proactive or anticipatory adaptation, government climate-smart agricultural policies, and a bottom-up approach to climate variability. The quality and quantity of asset portfolios are key resources affecting the level of vulnerability to climate variability. The asset mix was seen to be significant in reducing the vulnerability of small-scale farmers in Sengwa and Mapfungabutsi, constituencies worst affected due to poor asset endowment of farmers in the Gokwe South district. The results have shown that the financial asset is the most important asset affecting vulnerability because it can be converted into other assets through buying. Weak institutional intervention renders many small-scale farmers helpless to climate variability, and the government is not fully supporting small-scale farmers to increase their adaptive capacity and resilience.Item Social vulnerability in the adaptation of rural communities to climate change in Imo State, Nigeria(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2024) Okoro, Franklin Chimaobi; Knight, JasperRural communities in developing countries such as Nigeria are faced with frequent extreme weather/climate events that impact their economy, health, and environment due to the combination of high social vulnerabilities, low social resilience, and low adaptive capacities. The aim of this study is to investigate the root causes of social vulnerability in rural communities in Nigeria and how rural households use their social capital and networks to adapt to the impacts of climate change. The study used ten (10) social vulnerability indicators (factors) to ascertain their influence on social resilience and adaptive capacity during climate related disasters. To achieve this purpose, three communities in Imo State, Southern Nigeria were selected, and distributed 240 structured questionnaires to rural household heads, interviewed 18 local stakeholders and climate change actors (government agencies), and conducted three (3) Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with group of farmers from the three selected communities. The questionnaire survey, interview, and FGD guides contained open-ended questions that allowed participants to report freely. The quantitative data derived from the questionnaire survey were subjected to descriptive analysis using SPSS while the qualitative data were subjected to thematic analysis to derive relevant themes for discussions. The result of the study shows that social vulnerability is a function of age, gender, education, household size, income, sources of livelihood, disability, means of transport, access to healthcare, and alternative accommodation being available during climate emergencies. The study further shows that social vulnerability of rural residents was exacerbated by societal vulnerability influenced by political, economic, cultural, and social factors. Although there are other weather/climate extreme events (disasters), however, the most prominent is floods, constituting 48.3% of the weather/climate events experienced in the study area with its impacts requiring more efficient climate adaptation strategies other than the traditional measures like relocation/migration, use of early maturing crop varieties, early planting and harvesting. However, rural households drew support from government, NGOs, and oil companies but the help from family members, friends, neighbours, social group members (social networks) were more beneficial and helped more rural residents to improve their social resilience. The study recommends that rural residents be encouraged to join social groups since their memberships in such groups will help to improve their social resilience, and that government and its agencies should engage multi-stakeholders in their genuine efforts to develop more effective measures for climate change adaptation.Item Palynological insights into an 11,700-year sequence of vegetation change in mashishing, Mpumalanga, northeastern South Africa(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Olatoyan, Jerry O.; Schoeman, Alex; Neumann, Frank; Sievers, Christine; Orijemie, Emuobosa; Evans, MaryIn this thesis, the issue of distinguishing anthropogenic and climatic drivers of vegetation change was explored through the analysis of pollen, phytoliths and microcharcoal in core sediment records from Mashishing Fen in the Thaba Chweu Municipality, Mpumalanga province, northeastern South Africa, that date from ca. 11.2 – 11.7 ka BP to the present. In southern Africa, generally, the distinction between the contributions of anthropogenic and climatic factors to vegetation changes poses a complex challenge in palaeoenvironmental research. This difficulty often arises due to limited, well-dated palaeoenvironmental sequences suitable for correlations between archaeological and palaeoecological records. For the last 2000 years, there has been a scarcity of direct evidence for farming, such as grains and other domesticated plants, and pastoralism. A further difficulty is that some plant taxa may be indicators for intense droughts but also signify anthropogenic disturbances. At the centre of the thesis are three papers. The first comprises a synthesis of existing literature of archaeobotanical evidence that was done to evaluate the relationship between climate, anthropogenic activities, and vegetation change during the first millennium CE in southern Africa. I focussed on this context in the paper because it is a time in which the arrival of pastoralism and farming in the region makes it the most likely period during which distinct anthropogenic vegetation change occurred. The published data demonstrates that microfossil assemblages are potential indicators of anthropogenic activities of pre-European pastoralists and farmers of the region, with patterns including a decline in tree pollen and increases in microcharcoal, spores of coprophilous fungi, open land/disturbance indicators, and ruderal species. The second paper addresses some of the limitations of palynology as a method. A modern pollen- and phytolith-vegetation study was conducted on surface sediment samples linked to the botanical survey of five vegetation survey plots at and around Mashishing Fen to investigate the relationships between the modern pollen and phytoliths in the surface samples and the contemporary vegetation within the area. The results support the accepted view that pollen and phytoliths often do not track similar vegetation signals. The modern pollen assemblages clearly track forest and wetland vegetation, and the modern phytolith assemblages reflect grassland vegetation in the area. The study confirmed that differential phytolith and pollen production, dispersal and preservation substantially influence the proxy records and that combining phytolith and pollen data provides a more accurate basis for plant fossil interpretations in palaeoenvironmental studies. The results of this paper constrained my interpretation of the pollen data used in the third paper. Finally, pollen, spores and microcharcoal data from the core sediment records from Mashishing Fen (formerly the Lydenburg Fen) provide palaeoenvironmental records for approximately the last 11,2 to 11,7 ka years–most of the Holocene. The data is interpreted through the patterns identified in the first paper, including potential indicators of anthropogenic activities. The data of the earlier period provide a backdrop to possible anthropogenic change in the first millennium CE; the extended data illustrate paleoenvironmental changes that took place in a region occupied by hunter-gatherers but predate any possible anthropogenic influences by pastoralists or farmers. The core data suggests that the early Holocene began with moist and warm conditions that were followed by fluctuations between wet and dry conditions during the mid-Holocene and the decline of trees with the dominance of open-land indicators during the later Holocene, thereby providing the basis for correlating the palaeoecological records with the archaeological records in the regionItem Assessing livelihood vulnerability and adaptation to climate variability and change among farming households in Plateau State, north-central Nigeria(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2024) Hassan, Buhari; Knight, JasperIt has been projected that sub-Saharan Africa would be severely affected by climate change in form of persistent and increasing climate variability. Nigeria’s situation as a developing country coupled with the fact that agricultural activities are primarily rainfed, provides a suitable case study in which to assess the vulnerability of farming households to climate variability and change. Lack of data on the nature and extent of vulnerability to climate variability (particularly annual changes in rainfall and temperature patterns) on food production systems and livelihoods in Nigeria hinders the development of effective policies to mitigate the adverse impacts of climate change and variability. The study aims to improve understanding of the socio-economic, institutional, biological and physical factors that contribute to vulnerability of farming households to climate change and variability in Nigeria. By combining descriptive, participatory and statistical analysis as well as field observations, this research develops a holistic approach to assess the level of exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity of farming households. Multistage sampling was used to purposely select communities in Bokkos Local Government Area, Plateau State, for the study, while farming households were randomly selected for the household questionnaire survey within four communities. Purposive sampling was used to identify key informants for interviews. Observation and taking photographs of farmers’ activities were used to complement the other data collection methods. Qualitative data was analysed using descriptive and content analysis, while the quantitative data was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) (v 27) and Microsoft Excel (v2020). The level of vulnerability of farming households was determined using the Sustainable Livelihood Approach. Results show that farmers are exposed to climate variability in form of changing rainfall patterns which includes late onset of rains, dry spells, and early cessation of rains and crop loss due to pests and disease infestation. Results show that the vulnerability of farming households can be linked to access to household livelihood capital assets and that households are characterised by low levels of financial, social and physical capital. Smallholder farming households adopt a range of on-farm and off-farm adaptation strategies including changing planting time, crop diversification, engaging in irrigation farming, intensifying the use of fertilizers, manure and agro-chemicals to boost crop yield, and planting of disease-resistant and drought-tolerant crop varieties. Farming households experience a number of challenges which include a lack of financial resources which has a strong influence on enhancing other capital assets such as physical and natural capitals; poor access to mechanised agricultural equipment, lack of training on how to deal with climate change and variability, limited access to improved crop varieties as well as a lack of institutional support, which constitute serious barriers to adaptation to climate variability. In applying these results to climate change adaptation it is recommended that policymakers need to institute specific and implementable climate change adaptation policies that will enable farmers to utilize their capital assets on effective adaptation measures and also engage in viable alternative livelihood diversification strategies, enhance agricultural productivity and resilience and improve institutional support including access to information and trainingItem Determining the spatial variations of evapotranspiration rates in a semiarid region(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2024) Sorour, Wendy; Shoko, CletahEvapotranspiration (ET) is one of the biggest ways in which water is transferred from water resources into the atmosphere as water vapor and understanding its variations is important for water resource management. This study determined land use land cover (LULC)-based ET and the influence of climatic events in Western Cape. Landsat 8, Surface Energy Balance System, Support Vector Machine, humidity, wind speed, surface pressure, temperature, and sunshine hours were used, during El Nino in 2015-2016, normal year in 2019-2020, and La Nina in 2020-2021. Median ET was calculated for each LULC type to determine their effect on ET. Climatic events increased ET compared to the normal year and increasing temperatures and rainfall during EL Nino and La Nina years respectively were the main drivers. Water had the lowest ET, and agricultural land had the highest. The results of this study can be used to create better water resource management plans