ICADLA 3: International Conference on African Digital Libraries and Archives
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Item Collaborrative Approcahes to Building Digital Repositories in Africa(Third International Conference on African Digital Libraries and Archives (ICADLA-3), 2016-06-21) Bwamkuu, Africa JWhile there is exponential growth of local generated intellectual output from Africa, remains are challenges to make the local content visible and available at the global level. By 29th January, 2013, out of 2256 repositories listed in the Directory of Open Access Repositories (DOAR) at www.opendoar.org, only 60 repositories are in Africa, which is 2.66% of total repositories in DOAR. This statistics is consistent with many available studies which indicates that Africa’s’ contribution to the global knowledge is limited. The report released by Thomson Reuters on April 2010 also confirms that Africa's contribution to the global body of scientific research is very small and does little to benefit its own populations. With over 30 academic institutions that award bachelors, masters and PhD each year, Ethiopia faces the same challenges, make intellectual output accessible at the global level. Recognizing this fact, Ethiopian major actors in the educational field, in particular, the Consortium of Ethiopian Academic and Research Libraries (CEARL) and the National Education and Research Network of Ethiopia (EthERNet), have been actively exploring ways to address the challenge using the modern technology. CEARL, as content provider and EthERNet, as infrastructure operator, has been collaborating to unlock Ethiopian academic institutions’ knowledge using common digital repository. The collaboration is guided by Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that harmonizes individual institutional policy framework. The paper explores the collaborative approaches whereby individual institutions pooled together resources and at the same time, jointly engage international partners specifically the International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP), the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), the African Digital Library Support Network (ADLSN) and the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) to bring about the national repository.Item The 3rd International Conference on African Digital Libraries and Archives Digital Libraries and Archives in Africa: Changing Lives and Building Communities(Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco, 2016-06-21) Al Akhawayn UniversityThe corpus of Moroccan manuscripts is estimated at more than 80,000 titles and 200,000 volumes held at a number of public and private libraries—mostly religious institutions and zawāyā. These collections are invaluable both as repositories of human knowledge and memory and for their aesthetic value in terms of calligraphy, illumination, iconography and craftsmanship. Several medieval authors position Morocco as an important center in the Muslim West (al-Gharb al-Islami) for manuscript production, illumination, binding and exchange. However, except for a few scattered publications, a history of North African Arabic calligraphy (al-khatt al-maghribi) remains to be written. By providing the tools for making these collections readily accessible to the scholarly community in the Maghrib and beyond, ICT will make possible the study of North African scripts within the broader context of Arabic calligraphy and the Islamic arts of the book in general. The two main manuscript collections in Morocco are hosted at the National Library of Morocco (Bibliothèque nationale du royaume du Maroc, or BNRM, formerly General Library and Archive) in Rabat (12,140 titles), and the Qarawiyyin Library in Fez (5,600 titles, 3,157 of which in several volumes). Theses collections originated mostly from waqf (pious endowments) and state appropriation of private collections (e.g., 1,311 and 3,371 titles from the al-Glawi and al-Kattani collections respectively). They are written almost entirely in Arabic and in various scripts; Amazigh (Berber) manuscripts in Arabic script and Hebrew manuscripts constitute less than one percent of the total collections.Item An Investigation in to the digital scanning of photographs in archival collections(2016-06-21) Somers, NellieThis paper provides an overview of copyright and ownership, with a specific focus on photographic copyright and ownership and how copyright affects photographic researchers. The discussion also covers the duration of copyright in photographs and copyright protection in the new era. Solutions are offered to some of the more commonly occurring problems that may face archivists, librarians and individuals responsible for private and public collections.Item Management of institutional digital library with Invenio software: IDS example, the Document Server IDEP(2016-06-21) Antonin Benoît DioufThe world is undergoing a digital revolution as during revolutions Earlier factors that have been profound changes in the evolution of man, Africa still remains outside the process and may be even more distanced from the most advanced continents in terms of development. This is why it is very commendable that wills manifest reflection to create frameworks, exchange and sharing of practices that are only beneficial for awareness on this important issue of time is the most widespread as possible in the continent. It is in this context the need to include the relevance of the creation of the International Conference on Libraries and archives Digital African (ICADLA), now in its third edition this year 2013 and other well initiatives that participate in the same movement. Taking advantage of the opportunity offered by this conference, it seemed important, even essential to share the experience of the African Institute of Economic Development and Planning (IDEP) United Nations in creating and managing a digital library. All the more that the Institute is at the crossroads roads after 50 years of accumulation and a documentary produced both internally and from external sources. It is then imperative to take part in the digital revolution course and make it available on the networks that we have as resources to discover. 6 months ago we set up a functional digital library with a minimal deployment costs, it related to the free and open nature of the software we used. Experience even more relevant to share the African context in general is marked by a scarcity of financial resources in the field of document management and librarianship. In this article we present our pan-African institution with filigree everything its specificity for documentation and which is the ingredient that is the basis of the draft creation of digital library. We then describe the functional characteristics of software before finishing with prospects on a continental scale, who register relationship with the need to make Africa a digital content provider like any other continents.Item 3RD International Conference on African Digital Libraries & Archives (ICADLA-3) Programme(AL AKHAWAYN UNIVERSITY, IFRANE, MOROCCO, 2016-06-21) AL AKHAWAYN UNIVERSITYProgrammeItem Managing a digital library Institutional with the Invenio software: IDS, the document server of IDEP(Head Librarian, IDEP, 2016-06-21) Dakar, SenegalManaging a digital library Institutional with the Invenio software:IDS, the document server of IDEP. PresentationItem Item Digitization capacity and skills of academic librarians in Nigeria(University , Nigeria, 2016-06-21) Adeleke, Akinniyi A; Senior LibrarianIn order to increase their global visibility and better performance in the web ranking of world universities, more Nigerian universities have been devising creative means of increasing their digital contents in the public domain resulting in more sharability of institutional resources. Digitization builds capacity for the university library system to realize its mandate of supporting learning, teaching and research activities of its parent institutions through the instrumentality of the emerging and evolving information and communications technologies (ICTs). However, certain skill sets and competencies are required by librarians in Nigerian universities to establish and maintain digital collections in their respective institutions. A questionnaire survey is conducted on this category of information professionals in ten selected private and public universities that have minimum ICT infrastructure required for digitization. The collected data are analyzed and results presented in simple descriptive statistics.Item Digitizing Egyptian National Documents Archive: Challenges and Solutions(Alexandria University, 2016-06-21) Samir, Ahmed; Elsayed, Bassem; Adly, Noha; Nagi, MagdyThe Egyptian National Documents Archive (Dar El-Mahfouzat) dates back to 1805, to Mohamed Ali’s era. This renders the archive a crucial and valuable aspect of Egyptian heritage. Dar El-Mahfouzat has partnered with the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) for creating a digital archive for a collection of documents comprising more than six million pages physically pertaining to the Archive for digital preservation and access. In implementing this project, the BA has undertaken three main aspects simultaneously; building the digitization facility, developing and installing the necessary software tools and building the capacities of the staff. Each aspect represented a challenge accompanied with the notion of deploying state-of-the-art technologies for a proficient digital output. Two million pages have been digitized to date and the digital archive has been created to support multilevel authorization to secure access to classified documents. This paper will elaborately reflect the work done by the BA in creating the digitization workflow, and developing the associated tools for archiving digitally a grand historical facility in Egypt, while demonstrating the challenges encountered and their handling.Item Implementation and usage of digital Libraries: A case study of Bunda College Greenstone digital Library in Malawi.(Mzuzu University, 2016-06-21) Majawa, Felix PatrickThe study investigated how the Bunda College Digital Library was implemented and used. 91 undergraduates, 10 postgraduates and 43 academic staff responded to questionnaires on the digital library usage. Facebook instant messages and phone interview were used to obtain data from library staff about managerial and technical activities. The digital library (DL) was created to address the need for digitizing documents on Malawi and/or by Malawians. Staff members were trained in the DL activities, however it lacked funding and largely utilized available resources. All the three categories of respondents agreed that the digital library was useful. Engaging in DL consultancy services, employing one library staff on temporary basis and including activities of the DL in the annual budgets were presented as the major recommendations. The study was limited in the sense that 3rd and 4th undergraduate students were on holiday during the data collection period and many postgraduates were out for their field research. This affected the richness of the study. Bunda College Library staff, Malawian librarians and Bachelor of Library Science students at Mzuzu University would find this research useful. Although similar research initiatives have been carried out, this research is unique as it tackles managerial and technical aspects of DL implementation as well as usage by the end users.Item Digitization Capacity and Skills of Academic Librarian in Nigeria(Redeemer’s University, Nigeria, 2016-06-21) Adeleke, Akinniyi AIncreasing number of Nigerian universities is devising creative means of increasing their digital contents in the public domain by digitizing intellectual outputs of their faculty members. Digitization accords academic institutions the opportunity of making their institutional resources available thereby increasing their visibility and better performance in ongoing web ranking of world universities. However, certain skill sets and competencies are required by librarians who are responsible to establish and maintain digital collections in their respective institutions. This study therefore to investigated the level of librarians ’possession of these skills. A survey was conducted on librarians in eleven selected private and public universities in Nigeria that have minimum ICT infrastructure required for digitization. Eighty six librarians responded and data analysis revealed that digitization was still at its infancy in the libraries and few librarians were involved in the process. The study also found librarians score themselves below average in many of the specific digitization skills even though they considered them important. Also, majority of the librarians had no formal professional training in digitization and only a few spent time for personal skills development in the process.Item Building an online indigeous knowledge Library on culture, Environment and History: Case Study of Elimu Asilia(National Museums of Kenya, 2016-06-21) Owano, AshahKenyan libraries and information centres are inadequately equipped with local indigenous knowledge (IK) content to contribute to global digital knowledge economy. Scarcity of community stories and information on the web undermines the role of librarians and other information workers, denying local communities opportunity to participate in the development of local content about their communities and encourage them to use and appreciate local library services. All over the world, indigenous knowledge has been recognized as distinct, legitimate, valuable and vulnerable system of knowledge that requires appropriate skills to handle and manage. In Kenya, like most African countries, events and accounts were transmitted orally from one generation to another. The data/information was hardly documented. This paper presents a case study of ‘Elimu Asilia’, a participatory platform for developing local content where National Museums of Kenya librarians working with researchers and volunteers interact with local communities including children in the collection, preparation, preservation, sharing, exchange and dissemination of IK on culture, environment and history for memory, national sustainability and eco-social development using information communication technologies. It is envisaged that this platform will contribute towards the reduction of digital divide, sharing of community IK and promote global online communities for indigenous knowledge.Item Digitization: An examination of the capacity and skills of academic Librarians in Nigeria(Redeemer’s University, Nigeria, 2016-06-22) Adeleke, Akinniyi AMore university libraries are building institutional repositories in Nigeria University of Jos was the first to break the ice in 2009 FUT, Owerri is digitizing postgraduate theses and dissertations Redeemer’s University digitized past question papers in 2011 Other efforts are ongoing.Item Optimum curriculum for effective digital management of cultural heritage: The Uganda perspective(AL AKHAWAYN UNIVERSITY, IFRANE, MOROCCO, 2016-06-22) Kigongo-Bukenya, Isaac M. N.Concern for cultural heritage not a new phenomenon in Uganda Cultural institutions preserve and pass on cultural heritage Several legal deposit provisions in Uganda - Supplemented by the Copyright and Neighboring Act, 2006 Digitization of cultural heritage began at MakLib in the late nineties The Africana Section collects traditional cultures on tombs, shrines, etc Since 2007 WDL digitizing Uganda Cultural Heritage pooled with WDL partners in the world Difference between Makerere Digitized cultural heritage and that of the WDL (U) is accessibility by allItem Challenges of building digital repositories in Africa: A case study of best practise(Dakar, Sénégal, 2016-06-22) Bakhoum, NafissatouCreating the sustainable means to safeguard and make the African scientific memory evolutive for future generations make challenges regarding preservation and knowledge sharing most acute. Then, many initiatives have been developed to generate synergies at a national and regional level in order to raise awareness in the urgent need to implement policies and programs to safeguard and valorize the rich African historical, scholarly and cultural heritage. But, despite resolutions and recommendations outlining road maps to root out the continent from isolation regarding the internationally networked system of knowledge production and sharing, there are now few relevant African contents freely accessible. And this, in spite of the existing potential and huge progress made in ICT outputs. In the general African context, with limited economic resources, one can therefore understand why such challenges are of urgent pressure. 1 - Challenges attached to the preservation and valorization of African scholarly contents. 2 - Presenting a case study of best practice: the digital repository of IFAN Ch A Diop.Item Jstor Digitization Project in Nigerian University Libraries: Policy Issues in Building and Sustaining Digital Collections(Bayero University, 2016-06-22) Diso, Lukman IITHAKA (JSTOR) initiated a pilot digitization project in 2010, collaborating with two Nigerian universities, Bayero University, Kano (BUK) and University of Ibadan (UI). The collaboration involves the establishment of a digital lab in each of the university libraries.The sequence of the project involves basically three phases: Planning: strategic meetings, signing of MOU and training Selection and assessment of materials, infrastructure, provision of equipment and hardware, and generation of metadata. Follow-up by Decopod, publishing digital output at institutions, project evaluation, writing preliminary report and submission of final report.December 2011 or before was the expected date of completion with costs not exceeding $4050 to be borne by ITHAKA. Both institutions have selected materials and commenced digitization with progress at different rates.Both are well behind schedule. BUK’s completion target for metadata generation was February end 2013.UI’s completion target was June 2013.What follows after the completion will be guided by the MOU. This paper aims to examine : The objectives of this project as articulated in the MOU The generation and management of “the selected materials”. The technology system deployed to execute the project The policy issues The institutional capacity building potential of the project .Item Implementation of workshops scanning and creation of electronic libraries in Francophone Africa: transfer of skills and partnerships(2016-06-22) ROSSI, Pier LuigiSince 2001 the IRD (Institut de recherche pour le développement) we undertook multiple actions in several Francophone African countries for digitization and internet access setting products scientific document collections by University or Institutes research in these countries. Between October 2008 and September 2009, with support from the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, we have set up 26 workshops scanning in 7 countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Madagascar, Mauritius, Niger, Senegal, Tunisia). To do this we have ensured the installation of equipment, training in digital technologies, electronic library building with the "Greenstone" software. The collaborative website "beep" (www.beep.ird.fr) promotes the enhancement and visibility of electronic collections produced by our African partners. During the year 2012 we ensured the implementation of two workshops scan at the University of Lomé and a workshop at the Department of Demography at the University of Ouagadougou. In 2013 our actions will continue in Cameroon (Iford), Morocco and several countries under the cams (African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education).Item Role of digitization in the conservation of heritage collections and the democratization of information(Chief digitization project to BNRM, 2016-06-22) AAKKI, HassanDigitization is one of the priority projects of the National Library of the Kingdom of Morocco. The aim is to promote, preserve, promote and facilitate access via the Internet to our property holdings, including precious, fragile, unique, rare and most documents requested by users BNRM. History BNRM 1924: Creation of the General Library and the fund of the Institute of Higher Studies Moroccan was the first nucleus of its collections. 1926: The General Library, became "General Library and Archives 1927 C. Funk Brentano succeeded Cenival Stone, who took over the management of Morocco's Historical Section in Paris. 1932 promulgated the law establishing the Legal Deposit which will strengthen the acquisition of the Library building. After independence, the Conservatives of the General Library and Archives were successively: o Messrs Abdallah Regragui, o Ben Mohamed al Abbas al Kabbaj, o Mohay Eddine al Machrafi, o Aberrahmane el Fassi, o Mohamed Bencherifa, o Ahmed Toufiq, o currently Driss Khrouz since September 2003. 2003 • Decision: construction of a modern library meet the requirements of international standards. • Dahir of 11 November 2003 endows the General Library and Archives a public institution status and change his nomination «National Library of the Kingdom of Morocco." 2008 October 15, 2008 • the new National Library of the Kingdom of Morocco, based in Rabat city center between Boulevard Ibn Hazm and Ibn Khaldun Boulevard, was inaugurated by His Majesty Mohammed VI. History of the Digital Library of Morocco (BNM) 2009 Create a scan workshop within the BNRM Acquisition of scanning hardware Training and Mentoring scanning teams Start of production 2010: Launch of Version BNM 2011: Launch of manuscripts digitization program Launch of journals digitization program Scan the first issues of some headlines OCRrisation magazines and Latin books Launch of scanning program specialized collections Launch of scanning program audiovisual documents 2012: Project manuscripts mass digitization (1,000,000 pages) Purchase of a backup solution Design and implementation of portal BNRMItem Optimum curriculum for effective digital management of cultural heritage: The Uganda perspective(Uganda Christian University (UCU), 2016-06-22) Kigongo-Bukenya, Prof Isaac M. NLIS Education curriculum in Uganda is as old as the East African School of Library and Information Science (EASLIS) which started producing Information Professionals (IPs) since 1963. This paper probes whether Uganda LIS Education Curriculum currently offered by EASLIS is capable of graduating IPs specialized in digitization. It is premised on the hypothesis that an optimum curriculum is key to Digital Library Education in producing IPs to spearhead effective digitization management. Ma, O’Brien and Clegg (2006:165-174) concur that Digital Library Education (DLE) has assumed increasing importance. Sreenivasulu (2000: 12-20) agrees that the best IPs to implement digitization, are those “combining librarianship and technology”.Item Building an Online Indigenous Knowledge Library on Culture, Environment, and History: Case Study of Elimu Asilia(National Museums of Kenya, 2016-06-22) Owano, AshahAfrican communities did not record events and accounts in writing Mode of communication and transfer of IK was Oral There is lack of Kenyan community stories and information on the web Libraries have inadequate local content to contribute to global knowledge economy