Exploring learner errors and misconceptions in algebraic expressions with Grade 9 learners

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University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg


Mathematics is a crucial skill for the acquisition of relevant skills in society and is required for admission to South African universities and other higher education institutions. However, South African learners’ performance in mathematics on local and international educational achievement tests has been a major source of concern. Algebra is one area of mathematics that learners struggle with. Algebra is challenging because it is a more abstract form of mathematics and learners are unable to relate it to their daily lives. Algebra is essential because it serves as the foundation for further study in mathematics and other disciplines. Learners in Grade 9 struggle with the variables, equations, and abstract concepts found in algebra. Most errors and misconceptions that learners commit in mathematics stem from a lack of algebra background knowledge. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore algebraic expression errors and misconceptions in Grade 9. The study was based on the Vygotskian sociocultural theory of learning. According to the Vygotskian sociocultural theory, teachers and mathematics manipulative plays an essential role in facilitating learning in their learners Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). A mixed-methods study was used to explore the errors and misconceptions committed by Grade 9 learners when solving algebraic expressions. The data was collected through tests and learner interviews from a class of 22 Grade9s. After analysing the pre-test data and identifying common errors and misconceptions, an intervention involving the use of algebra tiles to teach algebraic expressions was implemented. Firstly, my study supports the error types identified in the literature. Secondly, my study demonstrates an improvement in performance on the post-test following an intervention using algebra tiles. According to research, the use of manipulatives helps learner construct a conceptual understanding by consolidating abstract ideas. This study adds to previous research indicating the usefulness of manipulatives in mathematics classrooms.


A research report to satisfy the requirements of a Master’s Degree in Education (MEd) to the Faculty of Humanities, Wits School of Education, at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023.


Algebraic expressions (grade 9 learners), Errors and misconceptions, Algebra tiles, Mathematics, Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), UCTD


Stemele, Bulelwa Penelope. (2023). Exploring learner errors and misconceptions in algebraic expressions with Grade 9 learners. [Master's dissertation, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg]. https://hdl.handle.net/10539/41518



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