Mathematical analysis of a lymphatic filariasis model with quarantine and treatment

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Mwamtobe, P.M.
Simelane, S.M.
Abelman, S.
Tchuenche, J.M.

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BioMed Central Ltd.


Background: Lymphatic filariasis is a globally neglected tropical parasitic disease which affects individuals of all ages and leads to an altered lymphatic system and abnormal enlargement of body parts. Methods: A mathematical model of lymphatic filariaris with intervention strategies is developed and analyzed. Control of infections is analyzed within the model through medical treatment of infected-acute individuals and quarantine of infected-chronic individuals. Results: We derive the effective reproduction number, R 0 , $\mathcal {R}_{0},$ and its interpretation/investigation suggests that treatment contributes to a reduction in lymphatic filariasis cases faster than quarantine. However, this reduction is greater when the two intervention approaches are applied concurrently. Conclusions: Numerical simulations are carried out to monitor the dynamics of the filariasis model sub-populations for various parameter values of the associated reproduction threshold. Lastly, sensitivity analysis on key parameters that drive the disease dynamics is performed in order to identify their relative importance on the disease transmission.



Decision support system, Elephantiasis, Filarial, Human, Quarantine, Statistics and numerical data, Theoretical model, Transmission, Intervention strategies, Latent stage, Reproduction number, DISEASE TRANSMISSION, INTEGRATED VECTOR, MALARIA, INFECTION, IMPACT, MANAGEMENT, LYMFASIM, IMMUNITY, EPIFIL


Mwamtobe, P.M. et al. 2017. Mathematical analysis of a lymphatic filariasis model with quarantine and treatment. BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 17, Article number 265.



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