The use of artificial intelligence to improve the agility of tactical marketing plans in South Africa
Kalan, Mithun
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The complexities of markets are increasing and the competition is becoming more intense between rivals within industries and sometimes across industries. Historically artificial intelligence technology has been implemented on strategic aspects of marketing with limited coverage of the tactical aspects. This study intends to explore the ability of artificial intelligence technology to improve the agility of tactical marketing plans in South Africa. In-depth semi-structured interviews were used to obtain the views of marketing professionals and technology professionals. The main findings were that there are many elements of the marketing mix that can be modelled by a computer. Once modelled, artificial intelligence technology can be used to understand the market dynamics and support decisions for the most appropriate course of action in the implementation of a marketing plan. The use of the technology will increase the speed of response and therefore improving the agility of tactical marketing plans
Marketing plans, Marketing, Artificial intelligence