The impact of Internal branding on employees’ brand supporting behaviour in South Africa

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The rapid shift in the financial services industry, triggered by the continuous changes in customer behaviour, has brought so much competition for both loyal customers and employees. In order to understad the specific needs of the customer, businesses have to invest in training and educating their employees about their brands. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between internal branding and brand supporting behaviour of financial services employees in South Africa. The study investigated the relationship between internal branding and brand identification, brand commitment, brand awareness within the financial services sector in a South African context, and how these ultimately influences employee brand supporting behaviour. The research methodology employed was a quantitative study, with respondents from one of the 5 major banks in South Africa. Study participants were selected through a combination of purposive and random (convenience) sampling. A structured questionnaire was the primary data collection method. A total of 241 responses were received and analysed using the Structural Equation modelling technique and Correlation analysis with descriptive statistics. The correlations between the latent and exogenous variables were recorded as high suggesting strong relationships between the tested variables. The findings of the study supported all the six hypotheses formulated, showing a positive and significant relationship between Internal Branding and Brand Identification, Brand Commitment and Brand awareness. The study also concluded that from the relationship between Brand Identification, Brand Commitment, Brand awareness and Brand supporting behaviour is significant and positive. The relationship between the demographic variable, gender and Brand Supporting Behaviour was also tested using the independent-samples ttest which indicated that the group means between male and female participants are not statistically different on all the variables under study


A research report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Management in Strategic Marketing to the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2020


Internal branding, Branding and brand




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