Deep-lying hole states in nuclei
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Klevansky, Sandra Pamela
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The strength function for deep-lying hole states in a
nucleus is examined from a many-body point of view.
Due to their interaction with the compound state background,
such single hole excitations are interpreted
as quasihole states that are not eigenstates of the
nuclear Hamiltonian. These states show up as giant
resonances in the strength function, with position and
width determined by the real and imaginary parts of the
quasihole energy. A formal theory of the strength and
fragmentation of such states is developed by splitting
the self-energy into background and doorway state contributions.
The theory is applied to the calculation
of the strength function for the isotopes of Bn using
doorway states of a collective nature that consist of
a hole plus collective vibrations of the target nucleus.
A microscopic description of both the collective
excitations and the hole state that it dresses/ is
given in terms of a modified Random Phase Approximation
procedure that uses Green's functions for the individual
single particle and single hole states that have
been dressed by their interaction with the nuclear
background. specific calculations for the isotope
115Sn, that are essentially free of adjustable parameters,
shows excellent agreement with experiment.