Critical success factors

dc.contributor.authorWalker, Jonathan Paul
dc.descriptionMBA - WBSen_US
dc.description.abstractThe Internet has changed the way newspapers do business. However, traditional print newspapers globally are seizing the opportunity, are delivering digital content and are becoming major players in the online world. This exploratory study investigates the critical success factors for, challenges faced by and future strategies being considered by South African online newspapers. In-depth, semi-structured interviews were used to gather information and opinions of industry experts operating within the South African online newspaper industry. The primary findings were that there are a number of critical success factors for an online newspaper in South Africa. The most important factors are; brand name, providing localised content, having a suitable technology platform, establishing affiliate programs and generating revenue from advertising. The main challenges included the lack of online skills in South Africa and the digital divide. Strategies being considered were implementing more mobile offerings and developing online communitiesen_US
dc.subjectNewspapers, Electronicen_US
dc.subjectNewspapers, Onlineen_US
dc.titleCritical success factorsen_US

