The nature and genesis of solution cavities (Makondos) in Transvaal Cave breccias
Brink, A. B. A.
Partridge, T. C.
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Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research
The discovery of a large part of the cranium of a
hominid, evidently closely related to Homo habilis
(Hughes and Tobias 1977) in a solution cavity
within the calcified Member 5 of the Sterkfontein
Formation (Partridge 1978) has again drawn attention
to the frequent occurrence of these features
in the hominid-bearing breccias of the Transvaal.
The authors first studied these features at
Makapansgat (fig. 1) some fifteen years ago and
have since then become aware of their very widespread
occurrence in soluble rocks in many parts
of the world. All subsequent information has
served to confirm the origin of these features, but,
since these were never published, it is worthwhile
to place these findings on record.
Solution cavities, or Makondos, in the Transvaal
cave breccias are soil-filled pits shaped like an
inverted cone. Their walls and intervening areas of
the calcified cave deposit are usually rough, and
the coalescing of adjacent cavities below the surface
is common. They seldom exceed 2 m in diameter
and 6 m in depth and occur at intervals of 2 to
3 m in the calcified cave deposit.
Main article
solution cavities; Transvaal; cave breccias