Volume 23 1980

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    Palaeontologia africana Volume 23
    (Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1980)
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    The Sterkfontein Valley australopithecine succession
    (Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1980) Vrba, E. S.
    If we knew the kinds and relative frequencies of animal species belonging to a natural living community, we would be able to predict the supporting environment with some accuracy. Unfortunately for the palaeoecologist the equivalent parameters of a fossil assemblage usually differ substantially from those of the ancient living parent community. This distortion results from the action of a number of taphonomic factors during the passage of remains "from the biosphere to the lithosphere". The major steps of palaeoenvironmental reconstruction from fossils follow a circuitous route of erecting hypotheses upon hypotheses: 1. Analyses of taxonomy and relative frequency. 2. Recognition of environmental indicators (El): Which fossil groups are environmentally specialized (i.e. good Els); and precisely what kind of environments do they indicate? (estimated from modern analogy). 3. Recognition of taphonomic biases: Have the proportions of Els in the original community been distorted by preferential inclusion and survival in the assemblage? Such bias or distortion may be caused by many factors, for example seasonality and duration of deposition, geographic area sampled, mode of death, transport and accumulation, species death rate, and so forth. 4. Estimation of El proportions in the original community by correcting where necessary for taphonomic biases. 5. Interpretation of taxonomic and morphologic change: Let us assume that estimates of original EI proportions, resulting from steps 1-4, can be seen to change significantly in chronologically successive strata in one area like the Sterkfontein Valley. Must such morphologic/ taxonomic change necessarily imply a change in the ecosystem, or may it imply no more than the passage of time? A particular palaeoenvironmental study on fossil assemblages from Sterkfontein, Swartkrans and Kromdraai is followed through steps 1-5 to its conclusion.
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    Dating possibilities for the South African hominid sites
    (Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1980) Vogel, J. C.
    A brief description is given of dating methods which may in future prove to be applicable to the calcified ossiferous cave deposits of the early hominid sites in the Transvaal. Potentially the techniques based on amino acid racemisation, uranium series disequilibrium and radiation damage could provide dates for at least the upper members of the cave formations. The results would, however, have. to be calibrated in the younger time-range by radiocarbon dating of parallel samples.
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    Sedimentological characteristics of the "red muds" at Makapansgat Limeworks
    (Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1980) Turner, Brian R.
    The "red muds" which occur at Rodent Corner along the west face of the exit quarry at Makapansgat limeworks have been divided into two sedimentary facies according to lithology, sedimentary properties and biological content: (1) coarse sandstone; and (2) siltstone and fine-sandstone. These two facies form a depositional couplet or sedimentary motif that occurs throughout the deposits and can be used as a basis for interpretation of the conditions of deposition. The coarse sandstone facies consists of thin lenticular beds which contain occasional elongate bone fragments showing a pronounced sedimentary fabric. This facies was probably deposited by flowing water, but, because of its coarse grain size, scale and low granulometric contrast, traction current structures such as cross-bedding and ripple cross-lamination were not developed. The angular character of the individual grains implies a short distance of transport and local derivation of the facies. The siltstone and fine sandstone facies is red and calcareous and contains sporadically distributed coarse sand grains. It is generally thicker and laterally more persistent than the coarse sandstone facies and capped by a mudcracked surface. The general characteristics of this facies are consistent with deposition in slow-moving or standing water from quiet suspension sedimentation. Shallowing of the water, related to changes in level of the water table, led to exposure of the depositional surface and the development of mudcracks. A variation of this facies pattern occurs in the middle of the succession where two limestone layers were deposited, the upper one intimately associated with local concentrations of cave pearls which originated from the lime-rich surface waters in locally agitated pools by concentration and precipitation of carbonate about a central nucleus. The facies couplet is interpreted in terms of storm and fair weather processes and compared with modern analogues found on shallow marine shelves, alluvial plains and in lakes. The coarse sandstone facies is attributed to storms and heavy rainfall outside the cave washing in coarse sandy detritus and raising the level of the water table. Between storm episodes quiet suspension sedimentation occurred accompanied by a gradual shallowing of the water table. Thus the coarse sandstone facies provides clues to storm periodicities and rainfall and suggests a rather wet climatic regime at this time. The red muds at Rodent Corner differ from those near the "Ancient Entrance" in that they contain coarse sandy interbeds, implying that the two deposits were separated from one another, possibly by a floor high, and that the opening into the cave at this time was small and probably located close to Rodent Corner.
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    "Australopithecus afarensis" and A. Africanus: Critique and an alternative hypothesis
    (Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1980) Tobias, Phillip V.
    During the seventies, a succession of East African discoveries has been claimed to represent the "true" ancestral line of modern man, thus relegating A. africanus, and especially its Transvaal subspecies, to a subordinate role in hominid phylogeny. The latest such attempt has been the claim of Johanson and his co-workers that the 3, 7-2,6 My-old hominids of Laetoli in Tanzania and of Hadar in Ethiopia represent a new species, "A. afarensis", which led to H. habilis, whilst A. africanus represents early stages in a specialized side-branch leading to A. robustus and A. boisei. A critique of the diagnostic criteria of "A. afarensis" reveals that on the available evidence, the Laetoli and Hadar fossils cannot be distinguished at specific level from A. africanus transvaalensis. Furthermore, it is by no means clear that the pooling for statistical and comparative purposes of the Hadar and Laetoli fossils is justified. Hominids from the two sites are separated by about 800 000 years and about 1 600 km as well as by morphometric differences. As an alternative hypothesis, it is proposed that the Laetoli and Hadar hominids belong to the same lineage as that represented by the hominids of Makapansgat Members 3 and 4 and of Sterkfontein Member 4. Moreover, it is hypothesized that the Laetoli and Hadar hominids cannot be separated morphologically from A. africanus and that they represent two new subspecies of that species. Since "A. afarensis" is tied to a Laetoli specimen as holotype, only the Laetoli specimens should be designated A. africanus afarensis (though A. africanus tanzaniensis suggested by the author in 1978 would have been a more appropriate nomen) and the Hadar fossils A. africanus aethiopicus. These newest East African discoveries afford strong confirmation of the hypothesis that A. africanus is the common ancestor of the two later hominid lineages, A. robustuslboisei and Homo, leading from H. habilis through H. erectus to H. sapiens.
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    On the genesis of bipedalism
    (Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1980) Suzman, Ivan M.
    Bipedalism is the hallmark of the Hominidae, past and present. Only against this fundamental adaptive background could cerebral, dental and manual modifications develop to change ape into ape-man, and ape-man into man. Yet surprisingly little is known of its origin, of the variety of forms of locomotor behaviour it has encompassed, or about the sequence of postural refinements which has led to our modern pattern of stance and gait. In an attempt to trace the Plio-Pleistocene history of two-footedness, lower limb fossils of early hominids are examined here. South and East African sites are covered, with special reference to the period 3,6 to 1 ,5 My ago. Numerous structural challenges had to be met so that uprightness could evolve successfully. Several are considered of special interest here, including sacroiliac joint consolidation, a lumbo-acetabular weight transfer mechanism, acetabular remodelling and femorotibial alignment. These features have contributed to the attainment of balance over two limbs, minimal eccentric joint movements and a flow of body weight close to or through joint centres. A primary palaeoanthropological question is then discussed: the time period during which cladogenesis brought about the emergence of earliest Homo from an Australopithecus stock. Lower limb evidence is used to evaluate whether A. africanus postdated this split, and in so doing the possibility is considered that southern African australopithecines exhibited parallel evolution to Homo, rather than having been ancestral. Finally, comparisons are drawn between certain East and South African features of pelvic and lower limb evolution. A chronology of osseous aspects of such evolution is proposed.
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    Bone collecting by striped hyaenas, Hyaena hyaena, in Israel
    (Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1980) Skinner, J. D.; Davis, S.; Ilani, G.
    Differences in bone collecting behaviour of three species of hyaena and porcupines are discussed. Observations on feeding behaviour of striped hyaenas are described as well as their habit of carrying pieces away particularly if feeding cubs at maternity dens. At one maternity den near Arad the floor of the main cavern was littered with bones which covered an area of 40 m2. Of this 2,0 m2 was sampled and found to contain 267 bones and bone fragments from no fewer than 57 individuals, mainly of domestic species such as camel, donkey, caprovines and dogs.
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    Models in geomorphology- Quaternary evolution of the actual relief pattern of coastal central and northern Namib desert
    (Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1980) Rust, U.
    Field and laboratory results gained at various SWA/Namibian sites between the Kuiseb river in the south and the Unjab river in the north are presented. At the Namib coast under study two low stands of sea level and two high stands, one of them of Intra-Wurmian age, can be proved. From Toscanini northward a third (? Holocene) high stand exists besides the other two. The former shore lines can be linked spatially and temporally to the terrestrial relief sequences by means of fluvial and eolian land forms and sediments. Thus the changing patterns of more arid or more humid environments at different morphoclimatic stages up to the present one can be described. Furthermore, it is evident that the geomorphic processes themselves change regionally, and it is seen that the Central Namib desert is a geomorphologically unique area in comparison with the Skeleton Coast and the southern dune area. Finally, the tendencies of Quaternary landscape evolution even enable us to deduce some geoecological consequences concerning man's activities in this desert.
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    Carnivore damage to antelope bones and its archaeological implications
    (Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1980) Richardson, P. R. K.
    The rates of survival, damage, fragmentation and degree of articulation of the bones of 89 bovids eaten by a variety of carnivores in the Transvaal are presented and evaluated. These results are entirely predictable considering the size, density, shape and mode of attachment of the bones. With the exception of the brown and spotted hyaenas the extent of damage to these bones can be directly related to the sizes of the bovids and the carnivores concerned. The hyaenas have disproportionately high abilities to crush bones, particularly the long limb bones. The bones all had fairly uniform survival rates except the ribs, carpals, tarsals, phalanges and caudal vertebrae, which are easily eaten or removed. Mandibles and scapulae had exceptionally low articulation rates, and long bones, crania and ribs had the highest fragmentation rates. Small bovid bones were far more susceptible to damage by trampling than those of larger bovids. Certain differences between carnivore and hominid damage to bones are mentioned. These relate primarily to hominids using their hands to dismember and damage bones selectively, particularly long bones which are broken in half to extract the marrow. A different pattern of survival of long bone epiphyses resulting from hominid activity can be predicted from that caused by carnivores, especially hyaenas. The pattern of survival of epiphyses at Makapansgat is that predicted for hominids, whereas the pattern at Swartklip I, an accepted hyaena site, is the opposite. It is therefore suggested that australopithecines were the primary bone collectors at Makapansgat. Further data on the differences between carnivore and hominid damage are also presented.
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    The sedimentology of some Transvaal hominid cave deposits and its environmental and chronological implications
    (Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1980) Partridge, T. C.
    The sedimentology of cave deposits is principally influenced by two sets of factors: (1) those relating to the morphology of the depository and its evolution through time; and (2) those resulting from external influences, including the production of sediments and their introduction into the cave under varying conditions of climate and vegetation cover. The interaction of these two sets of factors often poses unique sedimentological problems which differ markedly from those encountered in other sedimentary environments. In particular, the imprint of intracavernous conditions on specific sedimentary facies frequently complicates interpretations relative to extracavernous environmental influences. Inferences from sedimentological studies should, therefore, be supplemented as far as possible with other evidence - for example from isotope analyses, palynology and faunal studies - in any meaningful attempt to reconstruct ancient environments from these deposits. The sequence of intracavernous events which occurred during the accumulation of the Makapansgat and Sterkfontein Formations will be outlined in relation to the probable imprint of external changes. When viewed in conjunction with the evidence of variations in the concentrations of 13C and 18O in the various stratigraphic units and with interpretations relative to the extent of the cover of woody vegetation near each site, a fairly consistent picture of climate fluctuations emerges. These early fluctuations may, in a general way, parallel those recorded by Shackleton and Opdyke in the northern hemisphere for the period between 3,2 My B.P. and the beginning of the Quaternary.