Wits Business School (ETDs)

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    Hydroponic farming for saffron cultivation in South Africa
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2024) Smit, Johan
    In South Africa, saffron has exclusively been cultivated using traditional farming methods. Although farmers face an increasing range of challenges and uncertainties, hydroponic farming offers an opportunity to alleviate many of these challenges, while simultaneously increasing output and reducing input expenses. The primary objective of the planned business venture was to investigate the possibility for hydroponic saffron farming in South Africa. The study focused on the development of a hydroponic system to cultivate saffron, aiming to mitigate the daily difficulties and risks faced by conventional farmers. The study adopted a qualitative exploratory research approach. The study gathered substantial information through interviews with farmers in both the traditional saffron and non-saffron hydroponic industries. Interviewing farmers provided insights into the perspectives of persons involved in both the traditional saffron industry and the non-saffron hydroponic growing sector. Three hydroponic cultivators and one saffron farmer were interviewed face-face. Another Saffron farmer was interviewed telephonically. The study examined the necessary requirements for hydroponic saffron cultivation in South Africa, covering technical factors for saffron cultivation, operational prerequisites, financials, market analysis, and challenges. The research findings highlighted the significance of hydroponic systems within an overall context. The main driving force for the transition from traditional farming to hydroponics was climate change among the participants. An essential challenge in hydroponic saffron growing is its relatively lower profitability compared to other crops like herbs, lettuce, and tomatoes. Including the concept of opportunity cost into the breakeven analysis will lead to a reduced repayment period, hence justifying the concept of saffron cultivation with a hydroponic system. In conclusion, cultivating saffron with hydroponics is a sustainable solution when considering opportunity costs due to the value of the spice, and the increasing uncertainty of climate change affecting output.
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    Responsiveness of South African semi-commercial farmers to climate change
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2024) Maliba, Bheki; Saruchera, Fanny
    Agriculture is crucial for sustaining rural livelihoods and promoting economic growth. However, climate change threatens agriculture as it is directly linked to climate factors. This study assesses how semi-commercial farmers are responding to climate change. The objectives were to (1) examine the perceptions of South Africa’s semi-commercial farmers on climate change; (2) assess the responsiveness of semi-commercial farmers to climate change; and (3) assess the influence of adaptation strategies on the performance of semi-commercial farmers. The data was collected through a self-administered questionnaire from 90 respondents and analysed. The demographic characteristics of the semi-commercial farmers were analysed using frequencies and descriptive statistics. In addition, a correlation analysis was conducted to determine relationships between different constructs, and multiple linear regression was used to model the relationship between variables. Most of the 90 respondents were 35 to 54 years old and had a high level of tertiary education (83.33%). The analysis of years in farming reveals a moderate experience level among participants, with 56.67% engaged in farming for 10-24 years. Rainfed agricultural practices dominated, with 57.78% relying solely on natural rainfall. Regarding access to credit, the mean score of 2.21 (standard deviation = 1.06) shows that, on average, respondents disagreed with the statements in the questionnaire about access to adequate credit, affordable lending rates, easy access to finance and alternative funding sources. Crop productivity indicated a positive correlation with soil and water conservation, and there was a positive correlation between changes in temperature and soil and water conservation. This suggests that their perception of temperature changes influences semi-commercial farmers' adaption strategies and that adopting climate strategies improves crop productivity. The study proved that soil and water conservation and crop diversification significantly predict crop productivity (performance). Recognising the positive correlation between soil and water conservation and crop diversification techniques and the perceived increased crop productivity, policymakers and agricultural extension services should prioritise and advocate for these strategies. Given the significant variations in respondents' access to credit, interventions should be tailored to the different financial needs of semi- commercial farmers. It is recommended that future research incorporate more comprehensive analyses of the development prospects of semi-commercial farmers, considering regional differences and assessing the long-term impact of adaptation strategies on actual agricultural production
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    Senior Decision Makers’ Perspectives on South Africa’s Climate Change Response Strategy
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2021) Taylor, Andrew
    This research seeks to analyse the perspectives of senior decision makers of South Africa’s climate change response strategy, using Q Methodology as the principal research methodology. The research reveals 4 statistically significant perspectives and seeks to distil traits which exemplify these perspectives. These perspectives have been located within the current international commitments and domestic climate change response strategy of the Republic of South Africa. This research argues that the interdependence of the actors who are responsible for driving the climate change response strategy require a coordinated and structured approach to achieve meaningful change. This approach must be based on multi-sectoral cooperation, led by a nationally coordinated drive to implement decarbonisation strategies compatible with the undertakings made in terms of the Paris Climate Agreement. These strategies must be underpinned by a coherent response which sufficiently balances the trade-offs implicit in balancing a complex system such as climate change, more specifically, when set against the unique background of South Africa’s demographics, structural and economic inequality and natural environment
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    Corporate Entrepreneurship and Environmental Sustainability in South Africa’s Chemicals Sector
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Ntshani, Itukiseng; Pooe, Kagiso (TK)
    Companies in the South African chemicals industry are under pressure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from their operations while ensuring job preservation andvalue creation for all their stakeholders. Greenhouse gases primarily emanate from burning and processing fossil fuels like crude oil and natural gas. Over 90% of the feedstock for chemical production is obtained from fossil fuels (IEA, 2018), which is not environmentally sustainable. Literature suggests that applying the concept of corporate entrepreneurship can play a vital role in developing solutions to enhance a company’s economic, environmental, and social outcomes (Aparicio et al., 2020). Despite this suggestion, the amount of research done on the application of corporate entrepreneurship to address environmental sustainability challenges is limited, especially in the South African context. This study applies a qualitative research methodology, using a case study research method to investigate if corporate entrepreneurship can address environmental sustainability challenges in South Africa’s chemicals manufacturing sector. Secondary data on companies in South Africa’s chemicals manufacturing value chain was obtained from various digital platforms and triangulated with primary data from interviews to conduct this research. Interview participants included individuals from environmental conservation NGOs and government agencies. The collected data was analyzed in ATLAS.ti through coding and visualization techniques. The results indicate that companies in South Africa’s chemicals manufacturing sector are applying elements of corporate entrepreneurship theory to develop strategies to address environmental sustainability challenges. Individuals from environmental conservation NGOs and government agencies believe corporate entrepreneurship can effectively address environmental sustainability challenges in the chemical manufacturing sector. Most strategies, plans, and projects announced by the companies are yet to be implemented. Therefore, it is yet to be confirmed if these strategies will effectively address the environmental sustainability challenges
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    Challenges facing small, medium and micro enterprises servicing operational wind farms in the Eastern cape, South Africa
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Maraba, Mahlatse; Young, Bruce
    Climate change has resulted in a review of how electricity is generated with the focus now being on renewable energy sources. In South Africa, this focus is facilitated by the Renewable Independent Power Producer Program (REIPPPP) which seeks to introduce an energy mix of solar, wind, biomass, and hydro into the traditional coal-dependent systems. REIPPPP promised economic benefits and some of the intended beneficiaries are Small Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs). The purpose of this study is therefore to understand the challenges facing SMMEs in wind farms that are in the operational phase to understand if they are benefitting from REIPPPP. A qualitative approach, using semi-structured interviews to obtain data from respondents offering various services to operational wind farms was employed. A sample size of 9 respondents was used to obtain this data. Applying thematic analysis to the collected data it was found that the challenges facing SMMEs are mainly due to lack of support, lack of finance, human capital, lack of policies and difficulty accessing the job market in the wind farms. All these challenges are as per Isenberg’s domains of entrepreneurship framework (Isenberg, 2010). Further themes that emerged are unfair competition SMMEs face and non-compliance issues by both the SMMEs and the wind farms. Given these challenges, SMMEs were negative towards REIPPPP. There is still a large potential for more renewable energy projects to be implemented in South Africa thus, these challenges must be well understood and addressed going forward for SMMEs to fully benefit. Some of the recommendations are for policies and regulations to be implemented by the government to ensure that SMMEs operate on a level playing field. It is foreseen that by addressing policies as a root cause, the remainder of the challenges can easily be addressed.
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    Assessing the Retrofitting of Office Buildings in the City of Johannesburg, South Africa
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Katumba, Bamoni Nathalie; Hildebrandt, Diane
    Climate change caused by greenhouse gasses (GHG) has become a challenge to the world and South Africa (SA) alike. SA emits 450 million tons per annum (TPA) of carbon dioxide (CO2) and is the 12th largest CO2 emitter in the world. Buildings account for 50% of GHG, globally; therefore, energy use in new and existing buildings must be addressed. Retrofitting existing buildings has been identified as one of the ways to achieve sustainability in the built environment, this is done by enhancing energy efficiency (EE), the environmental performance of the property and lowering energy demand. This study, therefore, examined the challenges, benefits and critical success factors (CSF) for retrofitting offices in the City of Johannesburg (CoJ), SA. The data for this study were obtained from built environment professionals with experience in retrofitting existing office buildings. An online questionnaire was issued to the targeted sample using Google Forms and 71 responses were received. The quantitative data were analysed using the t-test function from the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software. This study uncovered that lack of government incentives; budget constraints; longer payback periods; technical challenges and disruption of and inconvenience to the tenant during retrofitting are the top five challenges hindering retrofitting of existing office buildings. The study also identified improved EE; enhanced marketability of the buildings; improved building climate control; reduced energy consumption and reduced operational cost of buildings as the top five benefits of retrofitting existing office buildings. Furthermore, project cost control; communication; efficient planning and regulatory approvals between the municipality and project manager; project schedule management and competency of the project manager were revealed as the top five CSF that influence retrofitting of existing office buildings. Recommendations include engagements between various stakeholders; cost benefits analysis; CSF at the beginning of retrofitting projects; changes in government regulations and policies to incentivise retrofitting projects; tenants’ inputs throughout projects, public and private sectors collaboration; availability of retrofitting information and inclusion of sustainability in the built environment tertiary curriculum
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    Factors influencing the adoption of Green Technology by individual consumers in South Africa
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Jainarain, Rowenta
    The effects of climate change are becoming more evident, across the world. It is imperative that humans act as a collective and start immediately, to change their modes and means of operating activities that add to greenhouse gas emissions and global warming. The United Nations (UN) developed the 17 Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs), to be achieved by the year 2030, with SDG 13, Climate Action, being one of them. Apart from companies and industries adding to greenhouse gas emissions, a substantial amount of greenhouse gases are directly and indirectly attributed to the individual consumers’ activity. SDG 17 then comes into play, being, “Partnerships for goals”, whereby this study focuses on the part that individual consumers’ have in the case against climate change. Consumers use electricity in their everyday lives and electricity generation is usually from fossil fuel powered stations, which significantly contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. An alternative would be for consumers, to adopt green technology, in the form of renewable energy, such as solar panels and solar water heaters. This study took a quantitative approach, to assess the factors that influence the adoption of green technology in South Africa. Primary data was collected from 102 respondents via a survey questionnaire, with 87 valid responses after data cleaning. Factor analysis was employed to ascertain the factors that influenced adoption. Multiple regression was used to test the hypotheses developed from the literature survey as well as to determine which factor influenced adoption most. The theory of planned behaviour was the model and framework against which, intention to adopt green technology was tested. The literature survey study found that awareness, self efficacy, ease of access, belief of benefits, cost perception, risk perception, environmental concern, aesthetics and social norms have an impact on intention to adopt. The regression analysis in the study found that awareness, belief of benefits and cost perception had an influence on the intention to adopt green technology and that awareness was the most influential factor. There is very little literature on factors that influence adoption in the South African context, hence this study aims to fill that gap and assist governments, sustainable development organisations and societies, with practical recommendations to influence vi the uptake of green technology in the form of renewable energy in South Africa as well as recommendations for future research
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    Climate Mitigation Disclosure on Financial Performance and Market Stability: Evidence from South Africa
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Ramafoko, Mokate George; Alovokpinhou, Sedjro Aaron
    This paper investigates the impact of climate risk disclosure in South Africa on the market stability and performance. The main proxies of climate risk used in the study are greenhouse gas emission intensity and environmental performance rating. The study uses a difference-in-difference method to isolate the effect of climate risk disclosure on a portfolio of highly exposed firms. Firstly, the results show that high greenhouse gas emitting firms have lower returns and higher volatility before and after controlling for time effects. However, the difference-in-difference coefficient from the analysis shows evidence of a weak correlation at a 10% significance level between disclosure of climate risk on the market performance of high greenhouse gas emitting firms relative to low emitters. Secondly, the study could not establish evidence that stocks of high greenhouse gas emitting firms experience higher volatility after the disclosure of their emission inventory. Results of the impact of environmental ratings on stock returns after adjusting for the time effect show that firms rated by the Climate Disclosure Project have lower returns than highly rated firms. However, the difference-in-difference coefficient is weak at a 10% significance level. The results are inconsistent with previous studies in developed countries where a strong correlation between climate risk and stock performance has been established. The findings from the study highlight that either climate risk is already factored into the stock prices, or the risk is viewed as immaterial to have an immediate impact on the equity market. The study addresses the existing literature gap on the effect of climate risk on developing countries' market stability and performance. Future work is required considering the evolving global focus on climate risk as a priority and the potential financial impact on firms’ sustainability
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    Thermal conversion of waste-to-energy by incineration in Johannesburg
    (2022) Sithole, Nkumbulo Edwin
    The City of Johannesburg's population growth and economic activity have resulted in increased amounts of generated municipal solid waste (MSW); concerns developed about landfill airspace depletion. Environmental concerns subsist as a landfilling activity often create greenhouse gases, air pollution and water contamination, therefore, contributing to climate change. Conversely, the City requires electricity to keep its economic activity functional, while providing its citizens with electricity. This case study examined the opportunities and impediments of waste-to-energy (WtE) implementation in the City of Johannesburg. Focus was on thermal conversion by mass-burn incineration, identifying the function of decision-making frameworks in supporting the integrated solid waste management leading to development and WtE implementation. The study established that WtE will stimulate the circular economy in the City of Johannesburg, therefore, contributing to environmental preservation, waste minimisation, and additional electricity capacity for the City. To align with the legislated decision framework, the waste hierarchy, the WtE facility should incorporate the material recovery facility (MRF). The waste hierarchy and other legislated processes, such as the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) and the public-private partnership (PPP) Framework, are inadequate to support WtE development. The research recommendsdeveloping a local government-based decision-making framework by the City of Johannesburg—service delivery focused; this would complement existing legislation. A multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) model is suggested. Theincrease in grid tariffs, cost-reflective gate fees, and introducing landfill tax could contribute to the commercial viability of WtE. The identified barriers are a lack of education and awareness, and improper stakeholder engagement with WtE. Findings indicate a lack of expedited legislation processes tailor-made for projects, such as WtE and five-year political terms, hampering service delivery plans. Findings also identified access to waste by independent power producers (IPPs) and the City of Johannesburg’s financial viability as barriers. These should be focusedon to realise WtE implementation.
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    Thermal conversion of waste-to-energy by incineration in Johannesburg
    (2022) Sithole, Nkumbulo
    The City of Johannesburg's population growth and economic activity have resulted in increased amounts of generated municipal solid waste (MSW); concerns developed about landfill airspace depletion. Environmental concerns subsist as a landfilling activity often create greenhouse gases, air pollution and water contamination, therefore, contributing to climate change. Conversely, the City requires electricity to keep its economic activity functional, while providing its citizens with electricity. This case study examined the opportunities and impediments of waste-to-energy (WtE) implementation in the City of Johannesburg. Focus was on thermal conversion by mass-burn incineration, identifying the function of decision-making frameworks in supporting the integrated solid waste management leading to development and WtE implementation. The study established that WtE will stimulate the circular economy in the City of Johannesburg, therefore, contributing to environmental preservation, waste minimisation, and additional electricity capacity for the City. To align with the legislated decision framework, the waste hierarchy, the WtE facility should incorporate the material recovery facility (MRF). The waste hierarchy and other legislated processes, such as the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) and the public-private partnership (PPP) Framework, are inadequate to support WtE development. The research recommends developing a local government-based decision-making framework by the City of Johannesburg—service delivery focused; this would complement existing legislation. A multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) model is suggested. The increase in grid tariffs, cost-reflective gate fees, and introducing landfill tax could contribute to the commercial viability of WtE. The identified barriers are a lack of education and awareness, and improper stakeholder engagement with WtE. Findings indicate a lack of expedited legislation processes tailor-made for projects, such as WtE and five-year political terms, hampering service delivery plans. Findings also identified access to waste by independent power producers Thermal conversion of waste-to-energy by incineration in Johannesburg iii (IPPs) and the City of Johannesburg’s financial viability as barriers. These should be focused on to realise WtE implementation.