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ISSN (print): 0078-8554 ISSN (electronic): 2410-4418 For queries regarding content of Palaeontologia africana collections please contact Jonah Choiniere by email : or Tel : 011 717 6684


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    New evidence of the Giant Hyaena, Pachycrocuta brevirostris (Carnivora, Hyaenidae), from the Gladysvale Cave deposit (Plio-pleistocene, John Nash Nature Reserve, Gauteng, South Africa)
    (Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 2001) Mutter, Raoul J; Berger, Lee R; Schmid, Peter
    A well preserved cranium which represents the most complete skull of Pachycrocuta brevirostris (Carnivora, Hyaenidae) discovered in Africa, and a maxillary fragment from the Gladysvale Cave Deposit (John Nash Nature Reserve, Gauteng, South Africa) are described and compared to other fossil and extant hyaenid specimens from South Africa and Europe. In addition, some aspects of functional morphology in the hyaenid dentition are reconsidered and suggested to be directly related to the palaeoecological role of P. brevirostris.
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    Palaeontology and geological context of a Middle Pleistocene faunal assemblage from the Gladysvale Cave, South Africa
    (Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 2002) Lacruz, R S; Brink, James S; Hancox, P J; Skinner, A R; Herries, A; Schmid, Peter; Berger, Lee R
    Palaeontological and geological research at the Gladysvale Cave during the last decade has concentrated on de-roofed deposits located outside the Main Chamber. This area has been termed the Gladysvale External Deposit (GVED) and consists of fossil-rich calcified and decalcified sediments. Here we report on the recent analysis of both the faunal material and the geological context of this deposit. The faunal assemblage, excavated from the decalcified sediments contains 29 mammal species including taxa rare or absent in the Witwatersrand Plio-Pleistocene fossil record (e.g. Pelorovis and Kobus leche). Carnivores and porcupines are identified as accumulating agents of the bones. No new hominin findings can be reported from this deposit, and no cultural remains have been recovered. Geologically the calcified and decalcified breccias represent part of a large talus cone that is relatively unexposed. Uniquely for a cave fill in the Witwatersrand hominin-bearing sites, the sediments are horizontally stratified and form a number of flowstone bound sequences. The dating of the in situ cemented sediments is based on electron spin resonance (ESR) and palaeomagnetism. Recent results indicate that the deposits are of Middle-Pleistocene age.
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    A preliminary estimate of the age of the Gladysvale australopithecine site
    (Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1993) Berger, Lee R
    Excavations conducted at the Gladysvale site in the Transvaal, South Africa during 1991 -1992 have revealed an abundant Plio-Pleistocene fossil fauna from the limeworks breccia dumps and in situ decalcified deposits. To date, over 600 specifically identifiable macro-mammalian specimens have been recovered including the remains of Australopithecus. These identifications have revealed that the Gladysvale site has an extremely diverse macro-mammalian faunal assemblage equal to many other South African Plio-Pleistocene fossil sites. Comparison of the Gladysvale macromammalian fauna with those of the other early hominid-associated sites in South Africa indicates an age for the deposit(s) at Gladysvale between 1.7- 2.5 m.a.. ln addition, the Kromdraai A macromammalian assemblage is considered to be closer in age to the Gladysvale assemblage than any other South African faunal assemblage.