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Item Exposure to violent crime, fear of crime, and traumatic stress symptomatology.(2011-04-13) Engelbrecht, Sarah-KateThe central aim of the study was to investigate the relationships between exposure to violent crime, traumatic stress symptomatology, and fear of crime. Secondary areas of interest included the effect of the frequency of exposure to violent crime on traumatic stress symptomatology and fear of crime, as well as sex differences in the three main variables of study. In order to explore these aims, a quantitative cross-sectional research design was used. Measures included a self-developed exposure measure, the Impact of Event Scale-Revised, and a fear of crime measure used in a previous South African study. The sample was comprised of 216 first-year university students at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg. Statistical analyses included descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlations, t-tests, and analysis of variance (one-way and two-way) and post-hoc t-tests. The results of the research indicated high levels of exposure to violent crime (including direct and indirect exposure). Almost half the sample (47%) reported exposure to violent crime in the preceding 12 months. Furthermore, over half the sample (58%) reported direct exposure to non-crime trauma in the preceding 12 months, with only about one-quarter of the sample (20%) reporting no exposure to any kind of trauma in the preceding 12 months. It was thus unsurprising that levels of traumatic stress symptomatology were generally in the moderate range and at least 20% of the total sample reported traumatic stress symptomatology of clinical concern. Fear of crime was found to be rather pervasive in the sample. Findings showed support for the relationships between exposure to violent crime and traumatic stress symptomatology, exposure to violent crime and fear of crime, and fear of crime and traumatic stress symptomatology. Significant differences were found between groups based on level and type of exposure and significant correlations were found between the perceived severity of exposure to violent crime on the one hand, and traumatic stress symptomatology and fear of crime on the other hand. Frequency of exposure to violent crime was found to be significantly related to fear of crime but not to traumatic stress symptomatology. Female subjects reported significantly higher perceived severity of exposure to violent crime, hyperarousal related symptoms and fear of crime. The implications of the findings are explored.Item Social Constructions of Criminal Victimisation and Traumatic Stress Responses in Relation to Male Victims and Gender(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2017) Gqweta, Ntokozo; Eagle, GillianLiterature findings suggest that there are differences in male and female trauma exposure patterns (Norris & Slone, 2013). With this background in mind the aim of the study was to analyse the kinds of discursive patterns and themes that are prominent in conversing about male and female victims of crime related trauma and about their responses to being traumatised in this way. This aim was achieved through exploring the contributions of gender related attributions to constructions of victims of crime by university students in response to scenarios presented to them. The element of particular interest in this study was the gendering of victimisation and trauma related responses, focusing especially on male victims. The participants were first year psychology students and data was collected using focus groups in which participants were asked to comment on a vignette describing a fellow student’s victimisation by mugging and their subsequent trauma related responses. Four focus groups were conducted in two of which the victim was portrayed as female and in two of which as male. The discussions from the four groups were transcribed and subject to a thematic analysis and discursive reading of the material focusing particularly on gender related material. Seven core themes emerged which were referred to as: 1) Victim blame, 2) Legitimacy of trauma reactions; 3) Desensitisation, minimising of the nature of the event and related assessment of the responses 4) Victimisation as an identity position, 5) Evaluation of the role of social support and help-seeking, 6) Gender related constructions of victimisation and traumatisation, and 7) Evidence for contestation of gender stereotypes. The participants tended to construct both the male and female victim’s traumatic experience as resulting from irresponsibility, naivety and ignorance. Furthermore, the victim’s traumatic reactions were typed as either normal or abnormal, with intense and more enduring traumatic reactions being considered abnormal and dispositional. The perception of violence and crime as ubiquitous and uncontrollable within the South African context contributed to an underplaying of the significance of the victim’s experiences. There was some indication that perceptions of the victim’s identification with the victim role contributed to an emphasis on the need for self-reliance, control and circumscribed help-seeking in relation to peers. Although there was a degree of difference in response to the gender of the hypothetical victim these differences were less marked than might have been anticipated. While rather critical evaluations of trauma responses were made in respect of both male and female victims, male victims received more censorial responses in general. It was evident that male victims of crime were viewed and constructed somewhat differently from their female counterparts and that reference to patriarchy, gender socialisation, and stereotypic masculinity appeared to play a critical role in the construction of male victims. These findings have implications for the provision of support, care, sympathy and understanding of crime and violence victims generally, and male victims in particular. .Item Minds, objects, and persons – narratives of perpetrators of violent crime(2017) Dias, Angelo RidgeAlthough research on violence has gained momentum over the last 3 decades, very little work on situational factors involved in violent enactments has been undertaken in South Africa. As a means to address this limitation, the aim of this project was to better understand the phenomenology of violence. Embedded in a psychosocial approach, the study subjected data collected through three staggered semi-structured interviews with nineteen incarcerated perpetrators of violent crime to a twostage secondary data analysis using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. The first phase, aimed to provide a broad general phenomenological reading of these fifty-seven interviews. Thereafter, a more strategic and theory driven analysis was performed, building on the broader reports of the phenomenology of violence and the perceived situational factors. The evidence suggests that neoliberal policies and ideology may have a significant role in production of violent crime in the South African context, informing not only the behavioural repertoire of its constituency, but, also coming to shape the way in which perpetrators make meaning of their lifeworld and perpetration of violent crime. The analysis also found that impairments in mentalization appeared to play a role as a situational determinant in violent enactments, and interestingly it appeared to be influenced by a number of other relevant situational factors (e.g. the presence and use of illicit substances, peer and social presence and pressure, indicators of a possible threat to their wellbeing, the presence of gangsters, the presence of indicators of conspicuous consumption, as well as, indicators of the presence of moral disengagement). As such, this study provides strong support for further research aimed at understanding the ways in which violence comes to be produced by the structural processes of neoliberalism, it’s influence on the subjectivity of individuals in neoliberalized contexts, and its arguably corrosive effect on marginalized communities by way of its divestment, as well as, its arguably negative sociocultural impact. The project’s overall contribution to psychosocial approaches to violence lies in its demonstration of the value of bridging theories that span work on moral disengagement, conspicuous consumption, neoliberalism, mentalization theory, phenomenology, and violence.Item The motive of a South African male muti murder offender: a case study(2018) Thenga, KhalirendweTraditional healers in South Africa are easily accessible to individuals who require their services. Traditionally, traditional healers would help their clients either by giving them advice or by giving them muti made from plants and/ or animal body parts. However, some traditional healers have adopted the practice of using human body parts in muti. Traditional healers who practice muti murder believe that different human body parts have different “powers”. The traditional healer who practices muti murder will often appoint someone to carry out the murder thus they are not directly involved in the murder. There are various motives for committing murder and the current study utilised a single case study design to investigate the motives of Black South African males who commit muti murder. Due to the sensitivity of the topic, the researcher was able to recruit one participant. The participant was interviewed by the researcher in Northern Sotho. The researcher recorded and transcribed the interview. The researcher utilised thematic analysis to analyse the data. The current study identified two motives for committing muti murder, “cultural beliefs” and “financial gain”. Future studies should recruit more participants and delve into the motive, financial gain.Item Exploring childhood, criminality and power in South African juvenile murderers' constructions of their offences(2018) Mostert, Alexa EllenIn instances of child-perpetrated crime or violence, normative constructions of the child contradict those of the criminal, creating an ambiguous discursive landscape in which juvenile-offenders have to situate themselves. The construct of the child is premised on the assumption of innocence, naivety and purity which are incompatible with aggressive constructions of perpetrators. The aim of this research was thus to explore juvenile-offenders’ use of discourses in producing or resisting the subject-position of a child-offender and in navigating the discursive conflict within this subject-position. Accordingly, this study targeted incarcerated South African juvenile-offenders who have been charged with murder. Participants in this study were aged between 18 and 21, and were all under the age of 19 at the time of the offence. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 incarcerated juvenile-offenders across several juvenile correctional facilities in South Africa. Thereafter the transcripts of these interviews were subjected to a Faircloughian (1989-1995) critical discourse analysis to portray how participants drew on conditions of childhood, vulnerability and victimisation to challenge their belonging to the category of ‘criminal’. Specifically, participants in this study utilised gendered discourse and normative constructions of crime, criminality and victimhood to restrict the category of ‘criminal’ being imposed upon them by the material condition of their incarcerations. In this way, the child as violent is made possible, while the child as criminal, particularly the child as a possible murderer, is resisted and marginalised. These findings challenge normative constructions of both childhood and violence, and consequently provide counter-knowledge for how we understand violence and criminality in contemporary theory and practice.Item 'Credible' child perpetrators: A critical discourse analysis of South African juvenile murderers(2019) Masuku, KwaneleConstructions of violence constrain women and children to victims and men to perpetrators, and imply that children are, at all times pure, innocent and, vulnerable. As such, child perpetrated crimes contradict these normative constructions, thus rendering child perpetrators inconceivable. The aim of this research was thus to identify resistance discourse that oppose these normative constructions of violence. This was achieved by interviewing incarcerated juvenile-offenders from juvenile correctional centres in South Africa. After the interviews were transcribed, the transcripts were subjected to Parker’s (1992, 2004) critical discourse analysis. The findings illustrate how normative constructions of childhood and violence render child perpetrators inconceivable. Additionally, the analysis surfaced resistance discourse which challenge normative constructions of childhood and violence, and provide counter-knowledge on violence and crime within South Africa.Item Rendering services to people with substance use disorders: perceptions of Social Workers in Ehlanzeni District, Mpumalanga Province(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2020) Singwane, Thembinkosi PeterSubstance use disorders are a global challenge with detrimental effects on health, wealth and security of nations. Historically social workers have been and continue to be among the primary service providers to individuals who experience Substance Use Disorders (hereafter referred as SUDs). Although substance use disorders are a prevailing treatment issue, addiction remains under-identified as a primary practice area for clinical social workers. Since social workers play a crucial role in the identification and treatment of people with substance use disorders, their perceptions of these patients have consequences on the nature and quality of services delivered to them. The researcher’s interest in the study was informed by the ever-escalating increase of people with SUDs in South Africa. Over the past five years, according to statistics as reported by the South Community Epidemiology Network on Drug Use, the Ehlanzeni District Municipality in Mpumalanga Province has seen an extensive spread of SUDs. For this reason, this study adopted the qualitative approach by employing the multiple case study design to execute this research. The purpose of the study was exploratory and descriptive in nature. The population consisted of social workers who specialize (or work) on substance/ addiction management from two Non-Governmental Organizations (hereafter referred as NGOs) namely; South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (SANCA) Lowveld and National Institute for Crime Prevention and Reintegration of offenders (NICRO). The study also included social workers (practicing in the substance/ addiction management) from the Department of Social Development (hereafter referred as DSD) who work with SUDs, 4 (four) social workers in the focus group from DSD. Since Social workers from SANCA (6) and NICRO (7) were numerical minority, they were included in two separate focus group respectively. The study made use of focus group discussions for both NGOs and the DSD after participants (Only from Ehlanzeni district) have been identified through the purposive sampling technique. The researcher used thematic analysis for analyzing data.Item Balancing the roles of Employee Aad Primary Child Caregiver: Experiences of Single Mothers formally Employed in Otjiwarongo, Namibia(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2020) Markus, Julia NdeyapewaThe number of single mothers entering the workforce is an ever-increasing trend throughout the world, including countries in sub-Saharan Africa, such as Namibia. Usually, single mothers face many challenges fulfilling the roles of employee and primary caregiver simultaneously. Although the challenges experienced by employed, single mothers have been well researched in developed Western and European countries, there is a gap of knowledge regarding how formally employed, single mothers in sub-Saharan Africa, including Namibia, experience trying to balance the responsibilities of employee and primary caregiver of their children. Occupational social workers can play a meaningful role in supporting employees in the workplace, including employed, single mothers who are facing caregiving challenges that are negatively impacting on their work responsibilities. The main aim of this research was thus to explore how employed single mothers in Namibia experience trying to balance the roles of primary caregiver and employee, so that key role players within the workplace, especially occupational social workers, can gain more insight into how these challenges can best be addressed. To realise this aim, a qualitative research approach was adopted using the phenomenological research design. Fifteen employed mothers in Otjiwarongo, a small town of about 28 000 inhabitants in the Otjozondjupa region, were purposively selected as the research sample. Data were gathered by conducting individual interviews with the participants. The research tool was pre-tested with an employed single mother who met the sample selection criteria. Thematic analysis was employed to analyse data. The main findings based on data analysis were that fulfilling the role of mother is difficult when facing work pressure and working long hours. Stress experienced in the work environment is often carried over to the home environment, and vice versa. Focus on work activities can also be undermined when experiencing concerns about the well-being of their children, especially if they are young. Women try to balance their simultaneous roles by employing reliable caregivers to take on the responsibility of caregiving when they are at work. Based on research findings, it is recommended that occupational social workers work towards implementing policy and practice within the work environment that facilitates personal contact between mother and child.Item Sculpting physical form: Muscular gay men’s subjective engagement with their bodies and training(2020) Cameron, Clinton; Eagle, GillianThe gay male body is defined by society as well as the gay community and culture within that society. Yet it is also defined by the individual gay men that inhabit their bodies. This research study explores the perceptions muscular gay men have of their bodies and the bodies of other men, the training they engage in to achieve their bodies and how the socio-cultural contexts in which they operate influence them. Seven self-identified muscular gay men were interviewed with a semi-structured interview schedule. The transcribed interviews were then analysed by making use of computer-aided critical thematic analysis. The findings suggest that all of the participants agree on the ideal body being muscular, lean and athletic. Even though participants desired the ideal body for themselves, they did not apply the same standards when it came to the bodies of other men, particularly partners with obesity being the exception. Participants were also narcissistically invested in the hard work they had put into their own bodies which remained unquenched by a constant desire for self-improvement. They also feared losing the bodies they had worked for and found particular enjoyment and affirmation in the admiration others had for their bodies. Participants also found training to be either a pleasure or a chore. Interestingly, those that found it a pleasure were also more likely to find a sense of community at gym. Participants also located their bodies as a way to belong or defend themselves within hegemonic masculinity.Item The social nature and outcome of the interactions in a non-monetary centred sharing economy: from a social exchange theory perspective(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2021) Radaelli, Stephano; Donald, Fiona; Thatcher, AndrewThe sharing economy is a collective name for emerging platforms that are bringing strangers together and changing the landscape of consumption. Individuals have been using these sharing economy platforms as an alternative to traditional trade to exchange resources. This study refined to the context of a non-monetary form of the sharing economy, namely Couchsurfing, where the reliance on social relationships were expected to be more prevalent. The social relationships between peers during an exchange offered an opportunity to find applicability and relevancy for social exchange theory. This study aimed to clarify the social nature of the interaction in Couchsurfing and determine the outcomes from these Couchsurfing interactions. Using a phenomenological research design, 19 in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted together with an immersive experience as an active participant of the chosen sharing economy platform, Couchsurfing. Couchsurfing is a sharing economy platform that enables travellers to stay with other members for free. The positionality of the researcher was from an insider perspective studying other insiders. The data collected was analysed using a thematic analysis approach. Social exchange theory was supported in finding that the social nature of the interaction in Couchsurfing was reciprocal. The reciprocal exchange was clarified as co-created, continuous and dynamic. Individuals revealed that there was a necessity for a reciprocal response directly from the recipient. The findings confirmed that Couchsurfers had unspoken and explicitly stated expectations of a reciprocal relationship which impacted the continuity of the exchange after the Couchsurfing experience. This study also identified different social benefits that individuals gained from their Couchsurfing interactions. Throughout, these 2 research findings espoused and expanded on previous contributions to the theoretical framework. The presence of generosity during the reciprocal exchange has challenged the theoretical premise that individuals wanted to maximise their gains. Further research into generosity during the reciprocal exchange has been recommended.Item Constructing identities through discourse: Examining the textual representation of prostituted women in post-apartheid South Africa(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2021) Landman, Tiaan A.The current study explores the intersectional social identities of four ‘prostituted women’ in post-apartheid South Africa as they are represented through discourse. The socio-cognitive model of critical discourse studies is employed to explore the way in which their social identities are represented through texts. These texts were retrieved from the online blog of a non-profit organisation, Embrace Dignity (2019), which advocates for the rights of women and girls. The texts were written to represent the personal experiences of four black women who identify as ‘prostituted’. This study found, through the engagement with biopolitical and intersectional feminist theory, that conditions which are paramount to a ‘social death’ are often proliferated for the subjects at the intersection of their gender, sex, sexual, and racial identities. Furthermore, these conditions are often concealed through the guise of class. The subjects make meaning of their social identities through a range of experiences, which are facilitated by sociohistorical systems of oppression aimed to disenfranchise feminised and blackened bodies in South Africa. These systems of oppressions are communicated through discourses of Bantu education, unskilled labour, violence, sexual perversion, limited access to services, marginal citizenship, geography, movement, and displacement, as well as a discourse of care, to name a few. The study found that these discourses are fostered and realised through the political project of domination, enforced by white heteropatriarchy that was institutionalised by the apartheid government. The study further indicates how the women who are represented by the texts, have been positioned within contexts that suppress their lives. This study emphasises the importance of exploring the intersectional social identities of black prostituted women in order to appropriately support the women within this community and their voices.Item Interactional Dynamics During Residential Robbery: Victims’ Accounts and Reflections(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2021) Quinn, Caroline Lesley; Eagle, GillianSeveral studies highlight the importance of documenting interactional elements of violent crime. While a range of studies focus on perpetrators’ accounts of what transpired during the commission of robberies and other forms of violent crime, there has been a notable oversight in establishing victims’ narratives surrounding such events. This study had a broad over arching focus on establishing what appeared to either escalate or deescalate violence during a residential robbery from the survivors/victims’ perspective. In addition to this focus, it was further aimed to establish the cognitive appraisals that victims/ survivors reported as salient during the incident, as well as their reported motivations for behaviours they exhibited. Moreover, the study aimed to highlight any socio-demographic features that the victims perceived to be significant in their interaction with perpetrators. An exploratory approach to the research study was undertaken whereby semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight adult South African participants. The data was processed and presented by means of a thematic analysis and contextualized from a primarily realist paradigm. Five superordinate themes were identified across participants’ accounts, including: (1) Comprehending the Nature of the Interpersonal Interaction, (2) Negotiation of Dominance and Submission, (3) Cognitive Processing and Evaluation during the Event, (4) Awareness of Demographic and Socio-Cultural Aspects of the Interchange, and (5) Advice & Post Hoc Observations. These main themes were elaborated through subthemes that aimed to capture nuances across participants’ narratives. The findings suggested that although positioned in a subjugated role participants attempted to moderate or affect the interaction between themselves and the perpetrators. This was mainly achieved by verbally and behaviorally demonstrating compliance in order to mitigate further risk. In addition, participants described more complex ways of responding to perpetrators which appeared to be based on idiosyncratic evaluations of their particular situation. Participants were aware of limited agency but appear to have negotiated some means of retaining or displaying agency within situational constraints. Across all eight participants’ accounts, it was evident that participants acted in accordance with an assessment of their situation and responded in a manner that was perceived to result in ensuring the greatest likelihood of survival. References to race, gender, age and socioeconomic status did not feature as strongly in participants’ accounts as anticipated.Item The navigation of sexual identity between novice therapists and their queer clients: therapists’ perspectives(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2021) Kgosamang, Rebaone; Prof Carol LongQueer research related to psychotherapy is relatively scarce. The necessary emphasis of queer research on the HIV epidemic, social inclusion and exclusion and political and legislative issues surrounding the queer community has resulted in a relative neglect of mental health issues. Given the historical context of homophobia in psychology and psychiatry, therapists’ experiences of working with queer clients are important to investigate. The current study aimed to explore how novice therapists navigate sexual identity with their queer clients in therapy. A qualitative study was conducted in which six (6) participants were interviewed using a semi-structured interview schedule. The study’s sample comprised of an intern Clinical Psychologist, a newly qualified Educational Psychologist and four newly qualified Clinical Psychologists who are all in private practice. Demographically, there were two white men both of whom are cisgendered and identify as queer and four black women of whom are all cisgendered with one identifying as queer and the rest as heterosexual. A thematic analysis was conducted on the results that emerged from the interviews with the participants. The following three major themes emerged: Disclosing sexual identity, Taking care to avoid pathologising queer clients and therapy shaped by therapists’ own sexual identity. The results indicated the complexity involved in navigating sexual identity in psychotherapy. Therapists experienced a process of initial unexpected openness, followed by an awareness of guardedness as well as a growing awareness of their clients’ expectations of prejudice in their encounter with sexual identity in therapy. This appeared to be influenced by clients’ internalised homophobia. Additionally, therapists’ own sexual identity influenced how they broached sexual identity in the room, with heterosexual therapists noting a fear around misunderstand and queer therapists acknowledging a struggle with overidentification. The results implicitly revealed a gap within training programmes. Implications for practising therapists are discussed.Item Explicit Regulation of Positive and Negative Emotion in Pre-Adolescents in a Kenya County(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2021-10) Mwangi, Ruth Waitherero; Kasese-Hara, MambweThis study addresses a gap in research on how pre-adolescent boys and girls of age 10-12 explicitly regulate their positive and negative emotion as influenced by social-economic environments of peri-urban Kenya. This study took an explanatory sequential approach, employing quantitative and qualitative tools to respond to two research questions. It investigated pre-adolescents’ application of cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression strategies, based on their awareness and expression of positive and negative emotion. The quantitative results showed that pre-adolescent boys and girls are aware of, express and apply explicit emotion regulation strategies to both positive and negative emotion experiences similarly. Important socio-economic factors were also identified for further qualitative consideration. The qualitative findings revealed that pre-adolescent boys and girls outwardly express positive and negative emotion. This was shown to be variably influenced by pre-adolescents’ school and family contexts, as well as their interaction with teachers, parents and peers.Item The role of the Community Work Programme (CWP) in poverty alleviation: a case of Naledi Local Municipality in Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District, North West Province(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2022) Mongale, OntiretseSouth Africa is of a typical example of countries which adopted development welfare services. Social development approach has been practiced since 1994 in South Africa. Evidently development policies, projects and programmes illustrate such. The Community Work Programme (CWP) was adopted in 2009 to contribute towards poverty alleviation in South Africa. CWP is a Public Employment Programme (PEP) led by government which provide regular employment and social protection to people vulnerable to poverty. Therefore, this study aimed to explore contributions of CWP in poverty alleviation in Naledi Local Municipality (NLM) in Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District, North West Province. The research approach was qualitative in nature, and an instrumental case study design was applied. This research is rooted in interpretivism paradigm hence purposive sampling technique was used to select participants who could provide in-depth examination of the topic. The sample consisted of twenty research participants. These include thirteen CWP participants, four field supervisors and three participants from the office staff and implementing agent. Three different semi-structured interview guides were used to collect data. Data was collected through in-depth face to face interviews to collect data from CWP participants and field supervisor while visual platform called Zoom was used to collect data from office staff members. Covid19 protocols were adhered to during face to face interviews with respondents. Thematic analysis was used to analyse data. The main conclusion derived from the study is that the CWP provides sufficient benefits to its participants and community of NLM that accelerate government efforts to alleviate poverty and reduce unemployment. The study also established that the CWP has the potential to improve provision of basic social needs and skills required to enter in the job market only if multiple stakeholder partnerships and collaborations are enhanced. The study concludes with an optimistic view that social protection directly reduces the effect of unemployment across South Africa.Item Men’s responses to the #menaretrash movement on Reddit: a social constructionist and psychoanalytic analysis(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2022) Stroucken, Paige AlexandraGender-based violence (GBV) has been declared a global pandemic by the United Nations and has been linked to traditional gender roles and societal pressure to achieve certain masculinities. The necessity of including men in conversations around gender and GBV interventions has been highlighted, however, there is limited research on men’s responses to GBV or to protests against GBV. This study aimed to contribute to the inclusion of men in GBV conversations by focusing on men’s responses to a particular online protest movement, #MenAreTrash (#MAT). This movement began in South Africa in 2016/17 in response to violence against women and was adopted by women across the world as a means to express anger toward broader gender discrimination, violence and gender power imbalances. This study examined men’s responses to the #MAT movement on Reddit (a free online social media platform). In particular, these men’s constructions of masculinity, women, and the #MAT movement were examined. Subreddits threads and posts (including comments) using the hashtag from January 2019 to January 2021 were analysed. An interpretive thematic analysis that utilized psychodynamic and social constructionist frameworks was conducted, which allowed for both intrapsychic and social aspects of responses to be explored. This study found that the predominant emotion displayed by men in the threads was anger, in response to feeling threatened. However, underlying this anger was anxiety. Anxiety was understood as an underlying response to feeling the need to defend their masculinity. Masculinity was constructed in two ways: as either unfairly under attack or needing to change. Some men felt that the good parts of masculinity were being ignored. Other men viewed masculinity as capable of being more responsive and adaptive to female causes. However, within these two constructions the complex nature of masculinity emerged, within which there were shifting positions of agency and victimhood. Men in the study constructed all women who support the #MAT movement as feminists, however, splits in this construction were also evident: women were either ‘reasonable feminists’ who demonstrate less combative support of the movement, or ‘radical feminists’, who aim to annihilate and alienate men. Overall, #MAT was constructed as damaging and stereotyping. However, a small number of men viewed the movement as helpful and necessary in generating awareness of GBV.Item From Fatherlessness to fatherhood: Experiences of adult Black South African men in the Gauteng Province.(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2022) Senwamadi, Jacob Ramasoane Makgoane John; Matee, HopolangThis study aimed to explore the experiences of Black South African first-time fathers who grew up without their biological fathers, as well as how these men perceive their fathers’ absence to have influenced their experiences of fatherhood. Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with five Black first-time fathers between the ages of 25-30. The study followed a qualitative explorative design where the participants were recruited using purposive sampling. The findings of the study revealed that some of the first-time fathers had known their biological fathers’ identities during childhood even though they were not physically or financially present in their lives. Furthermore, they did not form any close relationship with them. The participants reported to have experienced rejection from their fathers while growing up. There was a common thread amongst the participants with regards to the need to feel accepted by their biological fathers. This appeared to be a powerful motivational basis for the men’s’ interpersonal experiences. The experience of rejection in childhood has been found to have many negative effects on an individual’s development later in life. This includes increased aggression, increased internalising of difficulties in adolescence, and psychopathological symptoms in adulthood. It has also been found that individuals with this experience are more likely to hold distorted mental representations that could lead to perceiving rejection and hostility in interpersonal relationships, and to further interpret relationships as being untrustworthy and unpredictable. What the participants experienced in this study is consistent with what has been reported in psychoanalytic literature; fatherhood is defined in connection to the father's function in the Oedipus complex where his function as an intrapsychic construct, also known as the "internal father," and their involvement in child development. It was concluded that in post-apartheid South Africa, numerous factors such as high levels of unemployment, poverty, and inequality are amongst the major determinants of family disruptions particularly among the Black people. The situation is exacerbated by the burden of HIV/AIDS and violence-related mortality. The family and parental practices have been significantly affected leaving so many children growing up without biological fathers, either through rejection or premature death.Item Experiences of loveLife Trust telephone counsellors about the EWP employed within Gauteng(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2022) Mpekana, RebeccaGlobally, most Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs) do not prioritise employee wellness programmes (EWPs). NPOs’ funding is often allocated for rendering their primary programmes rather than improving their employees’ wellness. Employees in NPOs are left to devise their own means to best cope with work-related stress and challenges. Some employees rely on support from community-based organisations or their colleagues. loveLife Trust is a South African NPO that operates nation-wide. loveLife Trust recently introduced EWP to be utilised by its employees who are telephone counsellors. As of year 2022, loveLife Trust employs about 12 telephone counsellors. The loveLife Trust counsellors render psychological support to youth country-wide. Dealing with the youth’s presenting problems exposes the telephone counsellors to burnout and anxiety. This study aimed to explore how telephone counsellors experience the loveLife Trust EWP service. This was a qualitative study that allowed the participants to openly share their views. The total participants for this study were 12 telephone counsellors who were working on the toll-free line which is based in Gauteng. In addition, two key informants; the team supervisor and an EWP account manager, were interviewed. All participants were interviewed through ZOOM Cloud Meetings. A qualitative interview schedule that was guided by open-ended one-on-one interview questions was used for data collection. Thematic data analysis was used to derive different themes for the study. The aim of the study was to explore the experiences of telephone counsellors on EWP at loveLife Trust. The telephone counsellors are based in the call centre in Gauteng. The study revealed that telephone counsellors have not utilised the EWP as a way of support. The telephone counsellors prefer collegial support for taking care of their wellness. To spark interest amongst telephone counsellors to utilise the service, loveLife management should prioritise EWP awareness.Item Experiences of probation officers working at Department of Social Development, Gauteng, JHB Metro Region on occupational stress and their coping mechanisms(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2022) Monnye, OlebogengThe United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) states that the majority of children in conflict with the law have committed petty crimes such as alcohol abuse, begging, absenteeism from school and vagrancy. Probation officers have an important role to play in the lives of people in conflict with the law. Some of their responsibilities include conducting thorough investigations to assess the offenders who have committed crimes. It can be understood that the nature of their job can at times cause occupational stress. The aim of the study was to explore the occupational stressors and coping mechanisms adopted by probation officers working at the Department of Social Development (DSD), Johannesburg (Jhb) Metro Region in the Gauteng province of South Africa. A qualitative approach was used to conduct the study. Fifteen participants were selected using non-probability purposive sampling. Face to face in-depth interviews were conducted to collect the data. The interviews were audio recorded and the data was analysed using thematic analysis. It was anticipated that insights into the occupational stressors and coping strategies adopted by probation officers would be revealed. This study revealed that probation officers have high caseloads, but have good coping mechanisms to curb occupational stress in that they confide in their supervisors and their colleagues. The significance of the study for social work was that it may help probation officers to determine how they can better deal with occupational stress. Little research has been conducted in South Africa regarding probation officers’ occupational stressors. Therefore, this study contributed to literature on the matter.Item South African academics’ intent to quit and intent to emigrate: an integration of turnover and emigration theories(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2022) Callaghan, Natasha Chomba; Milner, KarenThe present study contributes to the existing body of knowledge on factors that affect academics’ intent to quit and intent to emigrate. The objective of the study was to investigate relationships between individual differences (core self-evaluations), work attitudes (job satisfaction), contextual or work environment (perceived organisational support), and external or societal conditions (satisfaction with quality of life in South Africa), and their effects on academics’ intent to quit and intent to emigrate. The overarching goal was to integrate, review, and test turnover and migration theories and to investigate determinants of academics’ intent to quit, and intent to emigrate. Respondents (full time academics) from five higher education institutions, namely University of Pretoria, University of the Witwatersrand, University of Cape Town, Central University of Technology, and University of Fort Hare were invited to participate. Usable data from 471 respondents were analysed using statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) software and structural equation modelling or SEM using Analysis of Moment Structures Software (AMOS SPSS). The direct relationship between core self-evaluations and academics’ intent to quit, and between core self-evaluations and intent to emigrate was tested in the presence of indirect paths (mediators, a moderator, and an interaction variable). A non-significant relationship between core self-evaluations and academics’ intent to quit, and a non-significant relationship between core self-evaluations and academics’ intent to emigrate was found. Tests of mediation found perceived organisational support to fully mediate the relationship between core self-evaluations and intent to quit, and to fully mediate the relationship between core self-evaluations and intent to emigrate. Job satisfaction was also found to fully mediate the relationship between core self-evaluations and intent to quit, and to fully mediate the relationship between core self-evaluations and intent emigrate. Results of tests of moderation found satisfaction with quality of life to moderate the relationship between core self-evaluations and intent to quit such that the relationship between core self-evaluations and intent to quit was stronger. Satisfaction with quality of life did not moderate the relationship between core self-evaluation’s and intent to emigrate. Although a majority of academics had no intention to quit or emigrate, an interesting finding was that those that were intending to emigrate were more than those intending to quit. This study contributes to the current literature on turnover and migration theory and extends the discussion to merging predictors of turnover and migration intentions in higher education contexts. This study also extends earlier turnover and migration research by confirming that predictors of turnover intentions and migration intentions are similar.