Electronic Theses and Dissertations (Masters)

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    Determinants of credit risk on residential mortgage loans in South Africa
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2020) Mbulana, Alikho; Mthanti, Thanti
    Residential mortgages are an important asset class for banks as these assets provide the majority of bank’s income. By the nature of issuing loans to customers, this asset class also presents the greatest risk to the banks and as a result, banks need to constantly evaluate and review credit risk in order to ensure dynamic response strategies that curb losses and achieve sustainable profits. This study aims to investigate factors influencing credit risk on residential mortgage loans in South Africa. A regression analysis was conducted to capture the influence of both macroeconomic and bank specific factors on loans that have been in arrears for less than 89 days and on loans that have been in default for more than 90 days; using monthly data from an undisclosed bank over a period of eight years, 2010 to 2018. The results show that Housing Price Index, Unemployment, Household Disposable Income, Bank’s Capitalization and Operational Efficiency are the only significant determinants for non-performing residential mortgage loans that are less than 89 days. Credit Quality, Inflation, Unemployment, Household Disposable Income, Bank’s Capitalization, Operational Efficiency and are the main determinants of the non-performing residential mortgage loans greater than 90 days
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    Bancassurance on commercial banks and life insurance in the Southern African Development Community (SADC)
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Mapena, Thabang; Hoohlo, Mphekeleli
    The increase in competition and the scramble for customers in the financial industry has led to the convergence of banking and insurance to form what is known as Bancassurance. Bancassurance, as the name suggests is the distribution of insurance products using bank platforms. Although two parties get into the bancassurance agreement in search of some mutual gains, it comes with unintended consequences which among other things affect the banking efficiency of banks. This study assesses the efficiency changes brought about by Bancassurance in the SADC commercial banks. Using Data Envelopment analysis with the return to scale, an analysis was done on 21 banks with active insurance income on a case and control methodology. The results showed insurance income having no impact on the regional banks’ efficiencies. The income insurance however had an impact on some banks’ returns to scale
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    The Application of Robotics in Deep Level Mining in South Africa and its Influence on Health and Safety
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Gaokgorwe, Tebogo; Gobind, Jenika
    Application of robotics in mining operations particularly in deep mining is considered to be challenging when factoring the impact of health and safety in day to day operations. Majority of the employees in South Africa’s mining industry have low training levels, unskilled work content as well as large figures of underground employees labouring for survival at lower-end cost curves and excessive exposure to deprived underground conditions. The rising demand for mineral products is compelling mining companies to go deeper in mines even where such increase in the depth results in higher costs, risks, and a further decline in the conditions of working. This paper examines the current application of robotics in deep level mining, discusses the challenges in robotics adoption and their influence in health and safety. Trusting on the qualitative content analysis methodology the study adopted to interview participants and collect data from the mining journals for sampling and data collection. The findings suggest that although deep-level mines have embraced an increase in robotics and extensive methods due to global competition and the need for better access to mineral reserves trends in productivity in the gold mining industry remains unchanged for a long period and mining labour remains impacted by slow technological advancement. Inadequate application of robotics and developed control policies and measures for dealing with occurring mining disasters are some of the key challenges with the robotics adoption. The application of robotics will allow all safety experts to plan for exploration, extraction, optimisation of operations and worker monitoring as well as protection. The limitations of the study is that there are few current publications peer reviewed articles and the prevailing literature is old for the current research. The study concludes that there is a gradual advancement of technical capacities in deep-level mining. The main technical challenges to the application of robotics is the availability, reliability as well as fail-safe operations of robotics. Lastly robotics will improve exploration, mapping of mining operations as well as worker equipment. The study recommends future studies on comprehensive approaches to the socio-economic effect of robotics mechanisation and application in deep-level mining
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    Coaching as a practice to develop and support social service professionals in the Gauteng Provincial Government
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Hartmann, Amanda Marié; Magida, Ayanda
    This research explored how Social Service Professionals (SSPs) in the Gauteng Department of Social Development (GDSD) perceive the role of coaching as a practice to develop and support the professionalisation of SSPs in the said department. For this basic qualitative study, semi-structured interviews assisted with data collection from fifteen (15) participants employed as SSPs in GDSD. Key findings are that coaching as a practice is non-existent for SSPs in GDSD and that the critical success factors for coaching in GDSD are no different from that in any other organisation. Most participants supported the contribution that coaching could be a practice to develop and support service professionals. Participants further indicated they would prefer a layered approach to introducing coaching to specific levels of staff in the SSP category. Participants favoured a systematic introduction of coaching to ensure its long-term sustainability and highlighted the organisational and personal hindrances that could impact its adoption and effectiveness as a practice
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    Business process management and innovation dynamics in a South African Bank
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Chang, Kai-Ruin; Mzyece, Mjumo
    Innovation has been a topical focus for banks in achieving strategic value through new products development, efficient processes and improved services. Whilstdriving innovation, banks are however faced with barriers such as inertia exerted by legacy systems, unsupportive organisation structures and restrictive mindsets that are too risk avoidant. Thus, how innovation is managed by banks has become critical in overcoming these barriers. Despite business process management (BPM) having an overlapping objective to that of innovation management in achieving efficiency and lowering costs for an organisation, it has developed as a separate discipline to that of innovation management. The purpose of this study is the exploration of integrating BPM principles in innovation management in banks to overcome barriers and provide practical recommendations. The study further aims to contribute to the gap that exists between the body of academic knowledge and what innovation managers are aware of in a South Africa bank context. In this study, data were collected through semi-structured interviews with senior employees within a South African bank. The data were further analysed using a qualitative research method to identify and interpret themes based on interviews with subject matter experts and managers in the South African bank. The study has identified the key layers from the total innovation management paradigm and BPM principles that can enable the innovation performance for a bank and raises further areas that can be explored
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    Factors affecting the adoption of business intelligence solutions in a public sector organisation
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Tshehla, Modiketse
    Business Intelligence Solutions (BIS) continue to play a significant role in organisations and businesses in today’s information age. The adoption of BIS enables an organisation to gain a competitive advantage, generate accurate and faster data reporting, improve customer service, and increase revenue. The benefits of BIS have been realised in private sector organisations. However, the South African public sector is yet to release the benefits of adopting business intelligence solutions. The factors that affect the adoption of business intelligence solutions in a South African public sector organisation have not been fully investigated. This study explores factors that division managers perceive to be salient in influencing the adoption of a visualisation and data exploration BIS available in a public sector organisation in South Africa. The study was underpinned by Tomatzky and Fleischer’s Technology Organisation Environment (TOE) framework which was applied previously in the adoption of information system (IS) at the organisation level.The framework provided the lens from which adoption was studied by considering influences from the technological context, the organisational context and the environmental context. The following main research question guiding the study was addressed: What aspects of the visualisation and data exploration BIS are perceived to influence the adoption of the BIS in the public sector organisation. The organisation in the study provides training and development to public sector employees of the South African government. The study interviewed 10 senior managers with at least three years’ experience in the organisation. It was found that expected benefits from the technology and its compatibility are important for the adoption of BIS. Within the public sector organisation studied, stakeholder engagement; organisational culture; and available financial resources were also found to be important and supported by the literature. While service provider support was found to be crucial in the BIS adoption from the environmental context, the size of the organisation and the government regulations were found not to be influential in the adoption of BIS in a public sector organisation. The stimulation of employee interest and the importance of data quality were discovered to be the most important reasons the BIS was adopted. This research contributed to the improvement of theory by extending IS literature on BIS adoption and by testing the TOE theoretical framework in the South African public sector context. This study adds to the body of knowledge by extending the use of the TOE framework as a suitable tool for the study of BIS adoption. Furthermore, the study contributed by uncovering factors that influence the adoption of BIS in the South African public sector context. The results may help the South African and other countries’ public sector organisations to become more aware of the factors that influence the adoption of BIS. Practitioners and managers could be better prepared and minimise the BIS adoption risks by considering these factors
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    Working from Home: Impact of COVID-19 on Employee Motivation and Job Satisfaction among Non-Academic Staff at a Public University in South Africa
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-02) Miruka, Dorothy; Mazingi, Aretha
    This study explores the motivation and job satisfaction of the non-academic staff at a public institution of higher education in South Africa during the pandemic. This study investigates the motivation and job satisfaction of the non-academic staff at a public institution of higher education in South Africa during the pandemic. The pandemic brought challenges to society forcing various practices from work to travelling and daily responsibilities. This resulted in both employers and employees seeking alternative work arrangements. This research is on the impact of COVID-19 on employee motivation and job satisfaction on employees while they were working from home (WFH). Utilizing a quantitative research design, the study used a survey research methodology. Primary data was collected from 354 non-academic employees, using a 7 Likert questionnaire. The quantitative data results were analyzed using R studio (version 3.6.3). Multiple linear regression was carried out, data findings were then discussed presenting the results using and graphs. From the empirical results, the research found that there is a correlation between motivation and job satisfaction. These results indicate that there are correlations of sets of relationships between WFH, motivation, job satisfaction, and technological skills
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    Total reward preferences: A quantitative empirical study of employee retention and attraction in SMMEs in South Africa
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-06) Mashele, Masingita; Coldwell, David
    Background: Compensation is a key factor in the attraction and retention of talent by the organisation. The reward or compensation that people receive in return for the work they perform within an organisation may consist of both monetary and non-monetary components. Understanding the rewards that specific employees prefer could help eliminate the costs associated with inappropriately designed rewards strategies. Aim: To understand how Total Rewards programmes contribute towards attracting and retaining diverse types of employees; the research study aims to establish the differences in employees’ reward preferences and inclination to prefer Total Rewards Systems. The research study focuses specifically on employees within the SMME (Small, Medium, and Micro Enterprises) sector. Methodology: The research study uses quantitative methods of collecting and analysing data. Quantitative research presents data collected numerically and enables the research to identify trends in the phenomena being studied. Contribution: The research study’s intention is to add to the knowledge of successful reward practices and strategies that reflect the ways in which organisations attract and retain employees across the SMME sector. The research seeks to contribute towards the knowledge, capabilities, and effectiveness of the HR function to drive the knowledge that can inform better reward practices within the SMME sector. Results: The results obtained indicate that a significant positive relationship exists between SMME employees’ preferences for specific rewards and their perception of the attractiveness of Total Rewards Systems which are related to their intention to either stay or leave their employer within the SMME sector
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    Factors Influencing Artificial Intelligence Adoption in South African Organisations: A Technology, Organisation, Environment (TOE) Framework
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Hoosen, Kaneez Fathima; Cohen, Jason
    Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the formation of machines that mimic human intelligence and encompasses various technologies. AI technology is changing the landscape for South African organisations and how they operate. Using current literature and other online reports by auditing firms, the study aimed to identify a suite of AI technologies used by South African organisations. Technologies such as robotic process automation, image and speech recognition, machine learning and chatbots were defined. In addition, this research paper investigated the factors influencing AI technology adoption by South African organisations. The technology, organisation and environment factors of the TOE framework were examined to understand adoption decisions. It was important to close this gap as lack of understanding of how factors influence AI decisions, and an undefined suite of AI technologies could impact adoption decisions. A cross sectional relational research design was chosen for the study. A survey instrument was used and administered through a web-survey to 252 IT decision makers or IT leaders from South African organisations who served as key informants for their organisations. Responses were received from 55 organisations. Reliability and validity tests were used to evaluate the consistency and reliability of the data and to evaluate whether measures correctly represent the variables that they intend to measure. Correlation analysis, stepwise and multiple regression were used to test the hypotheses of the conceptual model. It was found that of the suite of AI technologies, robotics process automation followed by machine learning and image recognition had the highest levels of adoption. Results showed that data availability and top management support were supported as the most significant technology, organization, environment (TOE) factors influencing AI technology adoption in South African organisations. It was found that perceived technology benefits, IT infrastructure, resource capability and normative pressure were also strongly correlated to AI technology adoption. Financial resources and competitive pressure were not supported as determinants. Artificial intelligence is receiving much attention in both practice and research. This study addresses the gap in the current body of knowledge on AI adoption in South Africa by making use of the TOE framework to study adoption of artificial intelligence technologies in organisations. Useful insights are provided to South African organisations so that they can benchmark their adoption against other industry players and manage their response to those factors most significant for AI adoption
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    Investigating the Critical Factors Affecting Citizens’ e-Government Adoption in South Africa
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Jumbe, Phumelele; Myayise, Thembekile
    Over the past several years, the rapid advancement of innovative technology has resulted in the expansion of electronic government (e-Government) practices as a novel paradigm for enhancing the provision of public services. Numerous governments worldwide are looking to capitalise on these advancements and see e-Government as a key driver of service efficiency and effectiveness. Unfortunately, e-Government implementation is complex and developing countries, in particular, face greater challenges than their counterparts. This places a greater burden on developing-country governments to develop better policies and strategies in order to facilitate the widespread e-Government uptake. This study investigated the critical factors affecting e-Government adoption in a developing country, South Africa. It used a hybrid TAM- UTAUT model, to explore the critical factors that drive the adoption of e-Government among South African citizens. The study addresses a gap in the e-Government literature in South Africa by presenting a model that government, policymakers, and administrators can employ to effectively expand the country's e-Government implementation program. The survey data collected from 238 respondents underwent analysis using the structural equation modelling (SEM) technique, with IBM SPSS tools utilized for the examination. This study revealed that Trust in e-Government, Performance Expectancy, Social Impact, Facilitating Conditions, Accessibility, and Perceived Enjoyment are pivotal factors influencing the adoption of e- Government among citizens in South Africa. While previous studies suggested age as a moderating variable between Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Impact, and the Behavioural Intention to Use e-Government Services, this study found that age does not act as a moderating variable among these factors. These findings contribute to theoretical understanding of how constructs commonly used in e-commerce can be applied to the e- Government setting, and can further assist the South African government and policymakers in developing effective e-Government policies to support the South African government's renewed approach and program, which aims to transform South African public service into an inclusive digital society where all citizens can reap the benefits of digital technology
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    Perceptions of human resource practitioners on the value of electronic human resource management: the case of Tshwane metropolitan municipality
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-01) Gwala, Zakhele H.; Nkomo, Emmanuel; Mazingi, Aretha
    The current study was conceptualised to extract the views of the human resource practitioners in Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality about the effects of e-HRM on their individual performance. The nature of the research inquiry was to establish whether the introduction of e-HRM in the Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality resulted in an increased efficiency in business operations and enhanced employee performance. The concept of e-HRM (also known as paperless HRM or green HRM) encompasses the use of paperless systems in all HR occupations such as training, performance management and recruitment. One of the key benefits of e-HRM is to build a viable, globally friendly and competitive advantage through worker commitment (Fındıklı and Bayarçelik, 2015). The study applied a qualitative exploratory research design. It was not the intention of the study to generalise the findings to the study population. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data from ten (10) respondents. Thematic coding analysis technique was used to analyse qualitative data that was extracted from the respondents. An ethical protocol was utilised to ensure that respondents were not subjected to any form of harm. The technology acceptance theory was used to underpin the current study. This theory describes how consumers adopt and use technology. A theoretical framework is the fundamental aspect of the research project since it serves as the base upon which all knowledge is constructed and is consistent with the research problem and purpose statement of the study (Kivunja, 2018). The study discovered that human resource practitioners had a positive attitude towards the introduction of e-HRM. Respondents to the study claimed that the introduction of e-HRM enhanced the operational capacity of the municipality. Other respondents were sceptical about the introduction of e-HRM. These respondents feared that e-HRM would cause them to lose their jobs in the long run. Load shedding was identified as the key factor in hampering the smooth utilisation of e-HRM
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    The influence of a complementary system of industry 4.0 capabilities on the performance of South African financial services firms
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Ramadeen, Jeeth; Ramsaroop, Neetu
    In this study, the relationships between Industry 4.0 (I4.0) complementary capability and performance outcomes were examined by utilising the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm. To achieve this, a conceptual framework was developed and tested, with a focus on eight specific I4.0 capabilities: Digitalisation, Integration, Decentralisation, Virtualisation, Real-time capability, Modularity, Service Orientation, and Human Resources. A relational cross- sectional survey examined how I4.0 complementary capability affects firm performance outcomes. The study employed a positivist perspective and utilised deductive reasoning to measure these effects. Data was gathered via structured questionnaire from 73 business and IT decision-makers within South Africa. The study employed correlation and multiple regression techniques to analyse the statistical relationship between I4.0 complementary capability and performance outcomes. The study's results indicate that adopting I4.0 complementary capability has a positive effect on firm performance. This suggests that businesses that implement I4.0 complementary capability are more likely to experience improved performance outcomes. The study found that digitalisation is a consistent and significant contributor to firm performance and that when combined with virtualisation, it has a positive and significant effect. However, there was no statistically significant relationship between I4.0 complementary capability and Innovation Capability. Nevertheless, digitalisation alone showed a strong positive and statistically significant relationship with innovation capability. Lastly, the study found no statistical significance in the relationship between I4.0 complementary capability and Value Outcomes. Digitalisation, on the other hand, was found to be a consistent and significant contributor to value outcomes, and when combined with virtualisation, it also had a positive and significant effect. The research study provides a unique contribution by utilizing the resource-based view of the firm to establish a connection between I4.0 complementary capabilities and performance outcomes within Financial Services. The study's results offer valuable insights for researchers and organisations seeking to understand which I4.0 capabilities are most significant and how they can enhance a firm ability to achieve performance outcomes. The financial services industry is showing a strong interest in understanding the potential benefits of I4.0. This research provides insight into the relationship between an I4.0 complementary capability and firm performance outcomes, which can help practitioners prioritize their efforts to develop such a capability and determine the most important underlying I4.0 capabilities. By identifying the most critical I4.0 capabilities and their impact on firm performance, practitioners can focus their resources on implementing effective interventions that can improve their overall performance outcomes.
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    Learning Management Systems within a South African university: lecturers’ experiences and extent of use during and post COVID-19
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Mfingwana, Nwabisa; Sackstein, Suzanne
    The integration of technology in the education sector has resulted in pervasive use of Learning Management Systems (LMSs). Prior and during COVID-19, several higher education institutions within South Africa acquired and started using LMSs to enable and facilitate online teaching and learning. During COVID-19 when face-to-face learning was impossible due to lockdowns, LMSs became even more prominent, advancing from being learning support tools to becoming primary learning systems. While prior research claims that LMSs are underutilised, as the world transitions to the new normal, with hybrid learning being the latest learning method, LMSs appear to be just as significant. To explore the experiences and extent of use of LMS, this study employed the Will, Skill, Tool, and Pedagogy (WSTP) model. Using semi-structured interviews, data was collected from nine lecturers who teach technology and creative arts programs at a Johannesburg based university in South Africa. Findings indicate that even though lecturers view LMSs as a valuable tool, it is not a perfect fit for the needs and requirements of all university programmes. Furthermore, although use of LMSs grew exponentially and pervasively during COVID-19, post the pandemic lecturers’ use patterns are more varying. While some lecturers in the creative art programme are reducing or stopping their use of certain LMS features as they favour of in-person teaching and believe that the LMS may not be aligned to their teaching style. However, lecturers in technology are continuing their current use, and in some cases are even more curious and enthusiastic about the tool. Lastly, despite the reported benefits of LMSs such as content management and communication, challenges related to system constraints, functional limitations, infrastructure issues and limited technology and LMS skills were reported. Theoretically the study contributes to the body of knowledge about lecturers’ use of LMSs and illustrates how the WSTP model can be used in similar contexts. Practically the study highlights that a comprehensive needs and requirements analysis should be conducted by decision makers prior to implementing a one-fits-all approach, training and ongoing awareness of LMS features is critical to ensure that the system is used optimall
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    Investigating factors that influence online purchase behaviour using Augmented and Virtual reality in the South African furniture industry
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Mankhili, Mulalo Lusan; Zulu, Melissa
    In South Africa, the furniture industry plays a significant role in the country's economy, contributing to Growth Domestic Product (GDP) and employment rates. As the trend of online shopping continues to gain popularity, integrating augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies into the retail sector has become increasingly important. Research has demonstrated that these technologies can offer a competitive edge to brands operating in the furniture sector. Consequently, this study aims to explore the factors influencing the adoption of AR and VR in the South African furniture industry. According to a report from the Department of Trade and Industry (DTIC), the South African furniture industry has experienced a decline in recent years, with consumers shifting towards purchasing furniture online through e-commerce platforms. Given the growing significance of e-commerce, it is imperative for businesses to understand the determinants of consumers' online purchasing behaviour to enhance their online sales performance. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the utilisation of AR and VR technologies can impact online purchase behaviour by dissecting the various factors influencing AR and VR adoption. To achieve this, the study has incorporated three theoretical frameworks: the Stimulus Organism Response theory (S-O-R), the Uses and Gratification theory (UGT), and the Flow theory. The research has identified several constructs derived from these theories to examine the interrelationships and influences among hedonic and utilitarian benefits, decision comfort, spatial presence, perceived intrusiveness, personal privacy concerns, mental imagery, perceived social presence, brand attitude, VR adoption, online purchase intention, and purchase behaviour. Data was collected from 400 South African online furniture customers, and the study utilised the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) to analyse the relationships betweenthese variables. The study formulated eleven hypotheses, of which nine were supported. The findings revealed that hedonic and utilitarian benefits, decision comfort, spatial presence, mental imagery, perceived social presence, brand attitude, and VR adoption have an influence on online purchase behaviour. However, perceived intrusiveness and personal privacy concerns had no influence on online purchase intentions when using AR apps. This suggests that consumers' concerns about intrusiveness and privacy may not significantly affect their purchase intentions when interacting with AR technology. Additionally, the research highlights the roles of brand attitude and VR adoption as mediators between mental imagery and online behaviour and between iii perceived social presence and online purchasing behaviour. These findings offer valuable insights for businesses seeking to refine their online sales strategies and have the potential to contribute to the growth and development of the South African furniture industry
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    Privacy concerns about data-usage for South African retail loyalty programs
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Dearden, Alexandra Cameron; Zulu, Melissa; Anning, Thomas Dorson
    Data usage has arisen as a growing topic for researchers and practitioners in South Africa. This is particularly true for Loyalty Programs, where increased personalisation and consumer data usage are being used to fuel business decisions. However, the consumer perspective on data- related privacy concerns provides room to be explored, alongside the investigation of culture, trust, personalisation and the privacy paradox. In this investigation into privacy concerns, the relevance of culture comes into place for its influence on such South African privacy related behaviour and perceptions. This study, therefore, explores privacy concerns and data usage in retail Loyalty programs, to better understand South African consumers' perceptions of data privacy, and their intention to engage with the program. This was done through a multi- theoretical analysis, utilizing the Privacy Calculus Theory (PCT), the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), and the Customer Relationship Management Theory (CRM). This study achieved its objectives through a quantitative research method utilising surveys distributed online. South African consumers above the age for 18 were used as the sample for the research for data collection, of which a non-probability sampling technique was used, and a total of 277 valid questionnaires were collected. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was utiliseutilised to analyse the data through partial least squares regression (Smart-PLS) to evaluate the relationship between the constructs. Here, the results indicated that privacy concerns exist and are positively influenced by Awareness, Data Breach and Attitude. Furthermore, these concerns were negatively influenced by Intention, Trust, and Culture; and, therefore, a privacy paradox was not confirmed. Furthermore, Personalisation was shown to have no bearing on Privacy Concerns. However, Personalisation had a negative relationship with Attitude, while Trust had a positive one. Perceived Risk was also found to have a negative relationship with Intention. Moreover, this study revealed the existence and South African consumer perspective of privacy concerns and provides benefits for marketers and scholars in the retail industry, such as fueling trust through the recognition of consumer privacy.
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    A model for the acceptance and use of mHealth in South Africa: A UTAUT and TTF perspective
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Livhuwani Grace, Mongwe; Hughes, Mitchell; Kekwaletswe, Ray
    Scaling up high impact community based mHealth interventions is one of the agenda items mentioned in the National Digital Health Strategy of South Africa for the period 2019 -2024. Although many mHealth interventions have been explored, many of them end up in the pilot phase and do not reach full implementation. A common theme which was found as a possible driver of scalability is designing an mHealth application that considers usability and acceptability by users. The purpose of this study was to synthesize a model for the acceptance and use of mHealth in the South African health sector. A positivist research approach was used to test the adoption factors using the Task-Technology Fit (TTF) and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). Seven factors that could potentially impact the adoption of mHealth technology in South Africa were tested. The data for the study was collected through an online survey questionnaire which was shared through social media platforms. Results of this study were used to answer questions related to factors that have an impact on the adoption of mHealth applications in the health sector in South Africa. The study found that when adoption factors were combined into the UTAUT and TTF model, the only factor that was significant was facilitating conditions. The study findings in this regard were not consistent with other studies and it is therefore recommend that other scholars explore the reasons for these differences. The other factors were found to be significant when bivariate regression was used to compare the factors to the dependant variable of user acceptance and use of mHealth technology. The study further found that the combined model of Task Technology Fit has a positive impact on the adoption of mHealth technology in South Africa. The implication of the finding is that mHealth designers should build the functionalities of the innovation with the idea of making the task that the innovation supports easier to perform
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    Adoption of Big Data analytics tools by accountants practicing in South Africa
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Sithole, Bongiwe; Ramsaroop, Neetu
    This quantitative research paper investigates what drives accountants practicing in South Africa towards adoption of Big Data Analytics (BDA)tools. The study applies the unified theory of acceptance and use 2 (UTAUT2) model with an added construct namely, perceived threat of professional threat of obsolescence. 57 responds were deemed usable and analysed using SmartPLS and SPSS. Results from the sample suggest that the influence of effort expectancy on behavioural intention (BI) is stronger for younger accountants; social influence on BI is stronger for males; facilitating conditions on BI is stronger for the older group and hedonic motivation on BI is stronger for older males. Unmoderated results show social influence and hedonic motivation as key drivers towards adoptions. The findings of this study contribute theoretically by adding to body of work available on the subject of adoption of BDA tool by SA accountants; and practically by highlighting the importance of developing tools that pleasurable to us
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    Digital Transformation in a South African retail organization
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Nnzeru, Tshisevhe; Sackstein, Suzanne
    Digital Transformation is at the heart of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and much of the research claims that an organization’s success is increasingly dependent on their ability to exploit DT with the e-Commerce industry being significant globally. While South Africa’s digital transformation is materially behind developed nations, retailers are gearing up for growth by digitally transforming their operations, not only to compete but remain relevant. Therefore, this research seeks to understand the successful implementation of Digital Transformation in a South African retail context. The Technology, Organization and Environment Framework was selected as the theoretical framework to guide the research design and interpret findings. The research question for the study is What does successful DT implementation in a SA retail organization entail? To answer this research question, an interpretivist qualitative, case study research design was employed. Data from a retailer undergoing Digital Transformation was collected through ten semi-structured interviews using an Interview guide and analyzed using Content analysis method. Findings reveal that Digital Transformation is not about Technology, it is organizational transformation encompassing transformational leadership, strategy development and implementation aligned with overall business strategy, technology as an enabler for transformation, empowerment of the workforce with digital skills and a conducive digital culture characterized by learning, change, innovation and adaptability. Findings also indicate that the added complexities of legacy environments cannot be underestimated for traditional brick-and-mortar retailers. In essence, DT is about people embracing change – not technology. As limited research has been conducted and published regarding the South African retail DT context, these findings contribute to the limited existing knowledge base with empirical findings, specifically, contributing important knowledge on what specific aspects need to be considered and accounted for when conducting DT and proved TOE Framework to be useful for understanding large digital disruption. For practitioners this research contributes a holistic approach to implementing DT beyond technology which includes transformational leadership, Digital Transformation Strategy development and alignment with overall business strategy, empowering people with digital skills and a digitally enabled culture with digital technology as an enabler for Digital Transformation. Furthermore, to be successful with Digital Transformation, it becomes essential for organizations to manage the added complexities of legacy environments and lastly, for entrenched workforces to realize that Digital Transformation is a necessity for business survival and adapt.
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    A case study investigating the effects of an Entrepreneurial Development Programme on the business sustainability of its beneficiaries’ pre- and post-Covid-19
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2022) Lobetti, Francesca Maria; Robert, Venter
    Entrepreneurship in South Africa is complex and multi-faceted. This statement refers specifically to the operational aspects that are indicative of both economic growth and development. This case study investigated the impact of one hotel group’s entrepreneurial development programme on the businesses of its beneficiaries in South Africa. The impact was examined across three primary themes, these being: economic success, employment generation capabilities and long-term business sustainability on the existing businesses of entrepreneurs who have successfully completed the programme. The value of this study was to determine if this particular entrepreneurial development programme has proved valuable to the beneficiaries in growing and sustaining their businesses and creating employment opportunities. As the hotel group’s entrepreneurial development programme provides the fundamental business operational knowledge to the beneficiaries, one aim of the study was to identify the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on the businesses of the beneficiaries and what measures were put in place to ensure that the businesses were resilient and survived. To date and in the English literature, the impact of this programme had not been properly investigated. The study followed a mixed methods approach and research data was collected using both questionnaires and interviews. The study population consisted of 49 beneficiaries from the hotel group’s entrepreneurial development programme actively operating in different business sectors who had completed the programme between 2005 and 2018, allowing the 2018 beneficiaries to develop their businesses for a two-year period post completion of the programme. The questionnaire data was analyzed with measures of central tendency and presented with graphs and tables. Interview data was analyzed through content and thematic analysis and was also presented with the use graphs and tables. The information gathered in the interview process provided a degree of context to the questionnaire data, which also allowed for complementary analysis where conclusions were drawn between the two data types. The findings indicate that post completion of the programme, a majority of the businesses were on track to be sustainable with the possibility of business growth and expansion. However, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the same conclusions cannot be drawn. The entrepreneurial development programme will need to refocus their main goals and objectives to be more aligned with businesses in the post Covid-19 environment. The ramifications of the effects that the virus has had on the economy will continue to be present and businesses may need to adapt their operations to the new ‘normal’. These changes are expanded upon in this study and recommendations for the hotel group’s entrepreneurial development programme are discussed
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    Exploring factors which influence effective use of robotic process automation for business continuity in a South African bank
    (University of the Witswatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-12-30) Phage, Mafutsana Keitumetse; Mayayise, Thembekile
    Technology advancement improves the organisation's operations while exposing them to risks and disruptions that require mitigation. Business continuity enables organisations to maintain the continuity of critical business operations during disruption. Banks adopt Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to achieve operational efficiency by automating repetitive and high-volume processes. South African banks are rapidly adopting RPA to streamline efficiency, maintain business continuity, and reduce operational costs to improve customer service. While many studies about RPA and business continuity exist, research on integrating these concepts is limited. This research explores determinants influencing RPA use for business continuity. It adopts an interpretivist paradigm combined with the Technology-Organisation-Environment (TOE) and Task-Technology Fit (TTF) framework as a theoretical lens. This theoretical lens proposes a TOE-TTF framework to explore factors affecting RPA use for business continuity. An exploratory research design applying a case study strategy and a purposive sample of ten participants was used in this study. Research data was collected in a South African bank using a semi-structured interview strategy. The results posit that critical TOE components are technological context (i.e., RPA process selection, compatibility, RPA stability and availability, and RPA monitoring, support, and stability), organisational standpoint (i.e., collaboration amongst stakeholders, top management support and business-led initiative) and environmental context (i.e., customer satisfaction, competition pressure, and regulatory requirements) substantially impacted RPA use for business continuity. Also, bank's legacy systems strongly influence RPA use for business continuity. TTF theory factors, namely task, fit, utilisation, and performance factors, influenced RPA use for business continuity. This research provides a unique contribution as it integrates RPA and business continuity notions with the TOE-TTF framework viewpoint in a South African bank advancing the IS discipline. The results provide practitioners and researchers with a better understanding and identify critical factors organisations can be considered when using RPA for business continuity in banking. South African banks could illustrate beneficial insights when facing more competition and evolving customer needs and requirements. The research findings could be used for other technologies that are intended to be used for business continuity in different sectors.