Volume 16 1973
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Item Palaeontologia africana Volume 16(Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1973)Item A RE-EVALUATION OF THE GENUS TROPIDOSTOMA SEELEY(BERNARD PRICE INSTITUTE FOR PALAEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 1973) Keyser, A. W.The type specimens of Cteniosaurus platyceps Broom, Dicynodon acutirostris Broom, and Dicynodon validus Broom were re-examined and were found to be very similar in a number of features rarely encountered in other Anomodontia. The skull of the type of Cteniosaurus platyceps is described in some detail. It is concluded that the above species must be considered to be junior synonyms of Tropidostoma microtrema (Seeley).Item THE BIOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE PERMIAN AND TRIASSIC(1973) Anderson, J. M.The charts presented here (i.e. charts 23-35) are intended to form part of a series with those (i.e. charts 1-22) compiled by H. M. Anderson and J. M. Anderson as a supplement to Palaeontologia Africana, Volume 13, 1970' (see bibliography). Charts 1- 22 were presented under the title "A preliminary review of the biostratigraphy of the uppermost Permian, Triassic and lowermost Jurassic of Gondwanaland". Further charts are to follow and will be numbered from 36 onwards.Item A NEW TRIASSIC VERTEBRATE FAUNA FROM SOUTH WEST AFRICA(BERNARD PRICE INSTITUTE FOR PALAEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 1973) Keyser, A. W.A new fauna of mammal-like reptiles is described from a continental sequence of sediments in South West Africa hitherto known as the Etjo Beds. These include representatives of the Anomodontia (two new forms and one known from the Karroo basin), Bauriamorpha, (one specimen comparable with a known form), Cynodontia (one new form and two known from the Karroo basin) and one small eriopoid amphibian. On the basis of this faunal assemblage it can be shown that there is a disconformity between the upper Plateau Sandstone Formation containing traces of Dinosaurs of possible Carnian-Norian age and a lower Omingonde Mudstone Formation with this new fauna, of essentially Upper Beaufort (Scythian/Anisian) age. The two formations are distinguished on lithological grounds. The Triassic sequence in the neighbouring Doros area is thought to be equivalent to the Plateau Sandstone Formation.Item PALEOXYLOLOGIE DU GONDWANA AFRICAIN: ETUDE ET AFFINITES DU GENRE AUSTRALOXYLON(BERNARD PRICE INSTITUTE FOR PALAEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 1973) Marguerier, JanineItem Book review: Findlay, G. H; Dr. Robert Broom, F. R. S. Palaeontologist and physician/1866-1951. A biography, appreciation and bibliography.(BERNARD PRICE INSTITUTE FOR PALAEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 1973) Haughton, S. H.This book, of 208 pages and 57 illustrations, is priced at R7,50.Item BRIEF SYNTHESIS OF PRESENT INFORMATION ON THE GEOGRAPHICAL AND STRATIGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF FOSSIL FISH WITHIN THE STORMBERG SERIES, SOUTH AFRICA(BERNARD PRICE INSTITUTE FOR PALAEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 1973) Jubb, R. A.A list is given of all specimens of Semionotus capensis Smith Woodward in South African collections. In addition a recent discovery of fish comparable with S. capensis in the Molteno Beds is recorded. This is the first true record of vertebrate life in this stage of the Stormberg Series, and if the identification can be confirmed, extends the record of this species in South Africa quite considerably.