Volume 05 June 1958
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Item Palaeontologia africana Volume 5(Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1958-06)Item Struthiocephalus kitchingi sp. nov.(1958-06-01) Brink, A. S.In this paper a new species of the Tapinocephalid Dinocephalian Struthiocephalus (S. kitchingi) is described, based on a good skull without lower jaw, adding not only to our knowledge of the structure of the skull of this genus, but also exhibiting more pronounced features on the strength of which some idea may be formed regarding the mode of living of the animal. This specimen differs appreciably from the known species, S. whaitsi, S. rheederi, S. milleri, and S. akraalensis, but where some of the differences appear even to transgress the generic boundary, it is considered that previous descriptions are not based on absolutely perfect material. Even the present specimen does not exhibit its structural detail so clearly that a wrong interpretation should be considered as excluded.Item On the skeleton of Aneugomphius ictidoceps Broom and Robinson(Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1958-06-01) Brink, A. S.The skeleton of Aneugomphius ictidoceps was not taken into consideration with the original description and became separated from the type skull. After the present author had submitted a more detailed description of the type skull for publication, the skeleton was discovered where it had been kept in store. Subsequently the skeleton was cleaned and is described and figured in this paper. A dorsal and a side view of the reconstructed skeleton are also given.Item On the significance of tuskless specimens of Dicynodon grimbeeki Broom(Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1958-06-01) Barry, T. H.It has hitherto been accepted that Dicynodon grimbeeki, a species of the extinct Karroo mammal-like reptiles, possesses canine tusks in the males only. This theory is discussed in detail. An investigation is also made of the extent of the influence of sexual dimorphism on the dentition of extant forms. It is concluded that the evidence against the theory that the males only are tusked is such that it cannot be accepted.Item A collection of Phacochoerus aethiopicus teeth from the Kalkbank middle stone age site, central Transvaal(Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1958-06-01) Ewer, R. F.A Middle Stone Age site at Kalkbank, near Pietersburg in the northern Transvaal, has recently been excavated for the Archaeological Survey by R. Mason: a description of the site and the archaeological findings is shortly to be published (Mason, in press). In addition to the cultural material, animal remains are abundant; the present paper deals with the Suid material which has been found at Kalkbank. This consists of a large collection of teeth, almost all isolated, comprising (apart from much damaged fragments) 53 reasonably complete third, 29 second and 10 first molars, together with 29 upper and 25 lower canines and a single last milk molar. As will be shown later, this material is all referable to the extinct Phacochoerus aethiopicus (Pallas). It constitutes the best collection of material of this species from a single locality that is at present available for study, and therefore adds something to our knowledge of the characteristics of the dentition of this species.Item The species relationships and stratigraphic distribution of Southern African upper Cretaceous Epistomina(Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1958-06-01) Smitter, Y. H.Briefly set forth are the phylogenetic inter-relationship of the various species of the foraminiferal genus Epistomina occurring. in the upper Cretaceous of Southern Africa. The known stratigraphjc ranges of the forms as they occur in Southern Africa are presented.Item A new small Stereospondylous labyrinthodont from the Triassic beds of South Africa(Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1958-06-01) Kitching, J. W.This paper describes an interesting new Amphibian, Laidleria gracilis gen. et sp. nov., from the Lower Triassic of South Africa (Cynognathus-zone). It is a Stereospondylid Labyrinthodont, belonging to the family Trematosauridae, but it differs in being exceptionally small. Most of the skeleton is preserved and with it are associated masses of small dermal scutes reflecting the nature of the skin. A combination of some peculiar characteristics encourages the recognition of this specimen as representing a new family.Item A new chrysochlorid from Makapansgat(Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, 1958-06-01) De Graaff, G.In this paper a new species of golden mole Chrysotricha hamiltoni sp. nov. from Limeworks, Makapansgat, is described. This is the first occurrence of a fossil golden mole at this site; two fossil forms (Proamblysomus antiquus Broom and Chlorotalpa spelea Broom) have previously been recorded from Sterkfontein.