Walkability - Assessing the Complete Street Design Guidelines and Standards for the City of Johannesburg: a case of Bolani Road

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Mphafudi, Sello

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Walking is the most basic and most natural mode of transportation. More than 50% of people in Sub-Saharan Cities such as in Johannesburg take most trips by foot. The city of Johannesburg fully acknowledges the need to deal with walkability changes in the most effective and sustainable way so as to create a liveable and usable city. As part of the process to realise this vision the city has recognised the Complete Street Design Guideline Manual as the highest level instrument to implement change and improvement in the streets. What stands out as a challenge is the fact that walkability challenges are diverse and are complex to look at in isolation without consideration to other modes of transport; more especially because the street is a shared public space between many stake holders and users. In this research, four fundamental factors to walkability are out lined and expanded on using theory, a case study analysis, a discourse analysis, and interviews. There is an interconnected and close link between all four factors and it is fundamental their use in policy in a holistic and integral way.


Planning Honours Research Report 2014, Wits University


street design, walkability, neighbourhood


Mphafudi, S (2014). Walkability - Assessing the Complete Street Design Guidelines and Standards for the City of Johannesburg: a case of Bolani Road, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg



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