Problems of democratic governance in Nigeria: the past in the present

dc.contributor.authorAlbert, Isaac Olawale
dc.descriptionPaper prepared for presentation at the Triennial History Workshop on Democracy: Popular Precedents, Popular Practice and Popular Culture", University or the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, July 13-16. 1994. *An earlier version or this paper was read at the Seventh Economic and Social Research in Africa (OODESHIA), Dakar 10-14 February, 1992.en_US
dc.description.abstractIt is the boast of historical materialism that the present is best understood in light of what has taken place in the past. The future too is a product of what happened in the past and happens now. The political sytems of the pre-colonial kingdoms is considered and how democratic they were. Were the colonial masters truely democrats when they introduced Western democracy? This paper explains some contemporary problems of democrcy in Nigeria in the light of Nigeria's pre-colonial and colonial past. Traditional respect for authority reinforced by colonial authoritarianism has made it difficult to establish democracy here.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesHistory Workshop paper;5
dc.subjectPre-colonial Nigeriaen_US
dc.subjectColonial Nigeriaen_US
dc.subjectDemocracy Nigeriaen_US
dc.subjectBritish colonial policy Nigeriaen_US
dc.subjectColonies, administration Great Britainen_US
dc.titleProblems of democratic governance in Nigeria: the past in the presenten_US
dc.typeWorking Paperen_US
