Information Technology Multisourcing in Large South African Businesses

dc.contributor.authorDaines, Neal
dc.descriptionMBA thesis - WBSen_ZA
dc.description.abstractSouth Africa is a competitive global player in the information technology industry and as such best practice application of sourcing practices, more specifically multisourcing practices, are becoming increasingly relevant. The purpose of this research is to determine the perceptions of information technology multisourcing in large South African businesses. A review of existing literature identified the drivers and key determinants of success of multisourcing. These elements informed the qualitative research design. A total of 12 senior executives from 7 different industries were then interviewed and their perceptions of multisourcing were explored through the application of content analysis. The perceived motivations for multisourcing in South Africa relate primarily to economic factors, specifically that of cost saving. The secondary driver is the scarcity of specialised skilled IT personnel. In South Africa, whilst the practice of multisourcing is widely accepted, the level of adoption is still in its infancy and there is still a way to go to exploit the full potential value of this practice.en_ZA
dc.subjectInformation technology multisourcingen_ZA
dc.titleInformation Technology Multisourcing in Large South African Businessesen_ZA