Productivity measurement
Awuah, Frank
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One of the most important industries in the world today is software
development. It has become an essential part of an organisation’s production
and management processes. Software development projects are growing larger
in size and becoming more complicated and at the same time faster turnaround
times are required. Therefore software development teams are expected to be
highly productive. Hence measurement of productivity of software development
projects has become an aspect of high interest to management.
The purpose of the research was to explore the perceptions of and
measurements of productivity of software development projects. This included
exploring the levels of awareness and understanding of productivity
measurement of software development projects among professionals and the
practical ways in which productivity is measured.
A qualitative research methodology was followed in order to adequately capture
the richness of perceptions and levels of understanding, frustrations, challenges
and the depth and breadth of the topic. Depth interviews were the instrument
used to gather the data. The interview reports were then analysed using content
analysis and cognitive mapping. The findings were further discussed with a
control group which is made up of a panel of senior experts in the field.
There is a high level of productivity awareness among software development
professionals. Professionals are conscious about productivity and its continued
improvements. However, only a few of the respondents understand and
appreciate the contribution that the knowledge and the right application of
productivity rate of a development team, for example, has on the success of the
Among the respondents who understand and appreciate the need of using a
productivity rate for accurate project planning and management, function point
analysis was the most supported. The proponents of lines of code productivity
measurement admit that it is not a perfect measure but simple to use.
Productivity measurement and the correct application of the outcomes aid in
proper project planning, ensures that there is better conformance to project
schedule, helps with monitoring and control and intelligent outsourcing, aids in
eliciting top management support and ultimately, leading to improved project
delivery and project success.
Software development, Productivity, Project management