Corporate Preference Criteria for Transactional Banking Services in South Africa

dc.contributor.authorMurdoch, Jefferson
dc.descriptionMBA thesis - WBSen_ZA
dc.description.abstractUnderstanding the preference criteria of potential corporate clients when choosing transactional banking services is essential for corporate banks. In knowing what is significantly important to clients and equally knowing what is unimportant, allows corporate banks to market themselves more strategically to potential clients. This research determines the relative importance of preference criteria for transactional banking services by corporate organisations in South Africa. Furthermore, it establishes whether any significant differences exist in preference criteria between two levels of management within corporate organisations, being strategic and operational-level financial managers. Finally this research determines whether there are significant differences in preference criteria for bank selection across various industry sectors in South Africa. A questionnaire based survey of 208 corporate respondents at two levels of management and across various industry sectors in South Africa was used. Thirteen preference criteria for selecting a corporate transactional bank were individually rated by respondents using a ten-point Likert scale of importance. The findings indicate that the bank’s technological capability in providing secure electronic banking with all the required functionality is the most important and significant preference criterion for corporates when choosing a transactional bank in South Africa. The second most important and significant criterion is the financial health of the bank in terms of assets and/or external credit ratings. The third most important and significant criterion for bank selection is the experience that the bank has in providing transactional banking services. This research further confirms that no differences exist in the ratings of preference criteria for transactional banking services between strategic and operational-level financial managers of corporates or across industry sectors in South Africa. These findings differ from other research findings, demonstrating the need for more frequent corporate surveys considering that bank selection preferences may change over time and may differ depending on the specific services being sought.en_ZA
dc.subjectTransactional bankingen_ZA
dc.subjectBanks and bankingen_ZA
dc.subjectCorporate bankingen_ZA
dc.titleCorporate Preference Criteria for Transactional Banking Services in South Africaen_ZA