Modelling competitiveness of
Murray, Lizet
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Financial services integration, where a financial services organisation starts to
offer products from another financial services sector, has proliferated since the
1980’s and this development is expected to continue into the foreseeable future.
Some financial services integrations are considered to be very successful
whereas others were less successful or considered to be failures. This study
developed a model of enhanced profitability and competitive advantage of
financial services organisations when implementing financial services integration.
A draft model was developed based on a literature review making use of Fuzzy
Cognitive Mapping (FCM). In-depth, semi-structured interviews with 22
respondents were used to obtain the views of financial services analysts,
consultants, auditors, executives and senior managers to update the FCM. The
FCM was finalised following validation by the research respondents. The key
drivers of enhanced competitiveness when integrating a product from another
financial services sector are identified as organisational fit, compatible corporate
culture, target market alignment, sourcing of appropriate skills when integrating
complex or specialist products, operating scale, a strong brand and integrating
complementary products.
Financial service integration, Banks and banking, Insurance, Bankassurance