The reaction of South African markets to the global financial crisis

dc.contributor.authorMpofu, Sithela Vusumuzi
dc.descriptionMBA - WBSen_US
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this research was to explore the impact of the global financial crisis on South African markets. The results of the research indicate the existence of market linkages between United States and South African markets and that the global financial crisis did have an impact on South African markets. The impact on the financial stocks in S.A. was however, not as significant as that recorded in the U.S. The findings of the research point to a high degree of correlation at the main index level, which high co-movement is not replicated proportionally at the financial index level. This provides useful information to investors approaching portfolio diversification through use of stock participation in different countries. On an S & P 500 to ALSI level portfolio diversification gains may not be as strong as envisaged but at the S5FINL versus the FINI15 level some opportunity for diversification, albeit still in financial stocks, can be founden_US
dc.subjectGlobal financial crisisen_US
dc.subjectSouth African financial marketsen_US
dc.subjectFinancial markets, South Africaen_US
dc.titleThe reaction of South African markets to the global financial crisisen_US