Subsidised RDP Houses And Attached Rooms: Understanding The Nature Of ‘RDP Rooming’ In Ekurhuleni Municipality

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Mndawe, Thabi Precious

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Low-income accommodation such as backyard dwellings and multi-habited housing compounds are essential to most urban poor in the developing countries such as Ghana, Kenya and South Africa since this form of accommodation seems to be meeting the housing demand of many of the urban poor in the current context. This research is focused on understanding the nature of RDP rooming accommodation in relation to low-income accommodation backyard dwellings and multi-habited housing compounds. This study uses qualitative, in-depth interviews conducted with landlords and tenants in Chris Hani, which is part of Daveyton, Kingsway and Chief Albert Luthuli in Ekurhuleni in order to investigate the characteristics of RDP rooms in relation to other low-income accommodations in particular backyard dwelling and multi-habited housing compounds. Furthermore, the characteristics of RDP rooming seem to be overlapping both forms of low-income accommodation (backyard dwelling and multi-habited housing compound).


Planning Honours Research Report, Wits University


RDP, backyard dwellings, housing, RDP, backyard dwellings, housing


Mndawe, T (2014). Subsidised RDP Houses And Attached Rooms: Understanding The Nature Of ‘RDP Rooming’ In Ekurhuleni Municipality



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