Interleukin 1 production in health and disease
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Mitchell, Renee
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Interleukin 1 (IL - 1) is a macrophage factor that exerts control over T cell activation. The experimental work presented in this dissertation consists of studies on IL - 1 production by monocytes which can be used as an in vitro correlate for monocyte function, as well as the effect of IL - 1 on immature T cells, that is, thymocytes.
In accomplishing the studies presented in this dissertation, a two stage assay was employed. Firstly IL - 1 containing supernatants were produced by stimulated human peripheral blood adherent cells and secondly, the IL - 1 supernatants were assayed on mouse thymocyctes in which these supernatants caused mitogenesis.
Being a Dissertation presented in fulfilment of the requirement governing the Degree of Master of Science in The School of Medicine, University of the Witwatersrand