The Integration of HIV/AIDS Care and Support into Primary Health Care in Gauteng Province
Modiba, P
Schneider, H
Weiner, R
Blaauw, D
Gilson, L
Zondi, T
Kunene, X
Brown, K
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Centre for Health Policy - School of Public Health - University of the Witwatersrand
This study aimed to assess the integration of HIV/AIDS care and support in Gauteng’s
primary health care (PHC) services. With this aim in mind, the research sought to provide
answers to three main sets of questions. Firstly, are care and support services for people
with HIV/AIDS being provided at PHC clinics, what is the quality of these services, and to
what extent are these services being utilised? Secondly, are the inputs (e.g. staff knowledge
and attitudes) and support systems (e.g. drug supplies), necessary for good quality,
accessible HIV/AIDS care, present in the PHC infrastructure? Thirdly, what if any, systems
changes are required to improve the access and quality of PHC services for people living
with HIV/AIDS? This research was conducted in collaboration with, and partly funded by, the
Gauteng Provincial Department of Health which is in the process of disseminating primary
health care clinical guidelines in the Province.
The information contained in this publication may be freely distributed and reproduced,
as long as the source is acknowledged, and it is used for non-commercial purposes.
aids, care, gauteng, local government, hiv, primary, health, care