An investigation into mathematics for teaching; The kind of mathematical problem-solving a teacher does as he/she goes about his/her work.

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Pillay, Vasen

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This study investigates mathematics for teaching, specifically in the case of functions at the grade 10 level. One teacher was studied to gain insights into the mathematical problem-solving a teacher does as he/she goes about his/her work. The analysis of data shows that the mathematical problems that this particular teacher confronts as he goes about his work of teaching can be classified as defining, explaining, representing and questioning. The resources that he draws on to sustain and drive this practice can be described as coming from aspects of mathematics, his own teaching experience and the curriculum with which he works. Of interest in this study are those features of mathematical problemsolving in teaching as intimated by other studies, particularly restructuring tasks and working with learners’ ideas; which are largely absent in this practice. This report argues that these latter aspects of mathematical problem-solving in teaching are aligned to a practice informed by the wider notion of mathematical proficiency. The report concludes with a discussion of why and how external intervention is needed to assist with shifting practices if mathematical proficiency is a desired outcome, as well as with reflections on the study and its methodology.


Student Number : 8710172X - MSc research report - School of Education - Faculty of Science


Functions, Mathematical problem-solving of teaching, Mathematics, Mathematics for teaching, Pedagogic content knowledge, Teaching





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