Perceptions of Project Success

dc.contributor.authorMeyer, Geoffrey Lawrence
dc.descriptionMBA - WBSen_US
dc.description.abstractThis study attempts to investigate some of the difficulties in achieving success in mining projects by exploring success criteria of projects and the role of project managers in mining projects. Anglo Platinum was used as a case study for this research. A structured interviewing method was used to answer three research questions. A cross section of project role players within the company was interviewed; these were: executives/sponsors, project managers, project users and project support. The key findings are: · Success criteria for mining projects in Anglo Platinum are: o Meeting project specifications, project completed within budget, project completed on schedule (time) and owners’ needs satisfied, project completed safely · The most critical success criterion for mining projects in Anglo Platinum is meeting the owners’ needs · The respondents were divided on the question of whether project managers are responsible for project management success or project success The success criteria and critical success criteria for projects in Anglo Platinum is in line with what is suggested in literature but like Anglo Platinum, literature is divided on whether project managers should deliver project management success or the project business case. It is believed that the lack of uniform understanding is partly responsible for sub-optimal project performanceen_US
dc.subjectProject managementen_US
dc.subjectAnglo Platinum Ltden_US
dc.subjectMines and miningen_US
dc.titlePerceptions of Project Successen_US

