Attaining Alignment Across Autonomous Profit Centres
dc.descriptionMBA - WBSen_US
dc.description.abstractMany large companies are creating decentralised business models where strategic business units are autonomous and empowered. For related-diversified firms to succeed, a certain amount of alignment is necessary to obtain synergy and create shareholder value. Interventions and processes are required to facilitate alignment and collaboration between Strategic Business Units (SBUs), without undermining the benefits sought by decentralisation. This study aims to identify and evaluate the methods used. The research method used was a qualitative case study conducted in the interpretive paradigm. The case site, FirstRand Bank, provides an opportunity to examine a contemporary phenomenon in a real-life business context. The study found that cultural interventions were more effective in enabling and inducing alignment across business units than structural or other methods. The research also revealed that the methods used are most successful where the SBUs are independent. Where interdependence between units exists, methods to achieve alignment need to change. The study may be useful to other organisations with similar challenges. In addition, as the study provides insight into the FirstRand Bank Group, it will be useful to FirstRand stakeholders seeking to understand the company.en_US
dc.titleAttaining Alignment Across Autonomous Profit Centresen_US

