Challenges faced by professional accountants in maintaining their professional competency requirements

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Mashile, Relebogile

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges encountered by professional accountants in maintaining their professional competency requirements as provided by IES 7. The investigation was motivated by identified gaps in academic research on Continuing Professional Development of professional accountants and the implementation of IES 7 in a South African context. A survey study of 121 respondents was conducted which highlights the attitudes and perceptions of professional accountants on the effectiveness of CPD practices in South Africa and the extent to which CPD contributes towards maintaining the competence of professional accountants. The survey study further draws attention to major challenges encountered by professional accountants in their pursuit of fulfilling CPD requirements. This research finds that professional accountants in South Africa perceive CPD practices and the implementation of IES 7 provisions positively. The quality of CPD practices was perceived to influence the competency and development of professional accountants. Predominantly, existing CPD regulations were appropriate for meeting competency requirements of professional accountants in South Africa except for negative responses received towards CPD participation being a mandatory condition for membership in their respective professional bodies. Major challenges encountered in meeting CPD requirements were the cost, time and location constraints. The value of this research contributes to the body of knowledge on CPD for professional accountants, lifelong learning, the implementation of IES 7and in the establishment of challenges in the implementation of CPD in South Africa


A research report submitted to the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, University of the Witwatersrand in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Commerce (in Accounting), 2021


UCTD, Challenges, Continuing Professional Development, IES 7, Professional Accountants, South Africa




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