Symmetry properties for first integrals

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Mahomed, Komal Shahzadi

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This is the study of Lie algebraic properties of first integrals of scalar second-, third and higher-order ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The Lie algebraic classification of such differential equations is now well-known from the works of Lie [10] as well as recently Mahomed and Leach [19]. However, the algebraic properties of first integrals are not known except in the maximal cases for the basic first integrals and some of their quotients. Here our intention is to investigate the complete problem for scalar second-order and maximal symmetry classes of higher-order ODEs using Lie algebras and Lie symmetry methods. We invoke the realizations of low-dimensional Lie algebras. Symmetries of the fundamental first integrals for scalar second-order ODEs which are linear or linearizable by point transformations have already been obtained. Firstly we show how one can determine the relationship between the point symmetries and the first integrals of linear or linearizable scalar ODEs of order two. Secondly, a complete classi cation of point symmetries of first integrals of such linear ODEs is studied. As a consequence, we provide a counting theorem for the point symmetries of first integrals of scalar linearizable second-order ODEs. We show that there exists the 0, 1, 2 or 3 point symmetry cases. It is proved that the maximal algebra case is unique. By use of Lie symmetry group methods we further analyze the relationship between the first integrals of the simplest linear third-order ODEs and their point symmetries. It is well-known that there are three classes of linear third-order ODEs for maximal and submaximal cases of point symmetries which are 4, 5 and 7. The simplest scalar linear third-order equation has seven point symmetries. We obtain the classifying relation between the symmetry and the first integral for the simplest equation. It is shown that the maximal Lie algebra of a first integral for the simplest equation y000 = 0 is unique and four-dimensional. Moreover, we show that the Lie algebra of the simplest linear third-order equation is generated by the symmetries of the two basic integrals. We also obtain counting theorems of the symmetry properties of the first integrals for such linear third-order ODEs of maximal type. Furthermore, we provide insights into the manner in which one can generate the full Lie algebra of higher-order ODEs of maximal symmetry from two of their basic integrals. The relationship between rst integrals of sub-maximal linearizable third-order ODEs and their symmetries are investigated as well. All scalar linearizable third-order equations can be reduced to three classes by point transformations. We obtain the classifying relations between the symmetries and the first integral for sub-maximal cases of linear third-order ODEs. It is known, from the above, that the maximum Lie algebra of the first integral is achieved for the simplest equation. We show that for the other two classes they are not unique. We also obtain counting theorems of the symmetry properties of the rst integrals for these classes of linear third-order ODEs. For the 5 symmetry class of linear third-order ODEs, the first integrals can have 0, 1, 2 and 3 symmetries and for the 4 symmetry class of linear third-order ODEs they are 0, 1 and 2 symmetries respectively. In the case of sub-maximal linear higher-order ODEs, we show that their full Lie algebras can be generated by the subalgebras of certain basic integrals. For the n+2 symmetry class, the symmetries of the rst integral I2 and a two-dimensional subalgebra of I1 generate the symmetry algebra and for the n + 1 symmetry class, the full algebra is generated by the symmetries of I1 and a two-dimensional subalgebra of the quotient I3=I2. Finally, we completely classify the first integrals of scalar nonlinear second-order ODEs in terms of their Lie point symmetries. This is performed by first obtaining the classifying relations between point symmetries and first integrals of scalar nonlinear second order equations which admit 1, 2 and 3 point symmetries. We show that the maximum number of symmetries admitted by any first integral of a scalar second-order nonlinear (which is not linearizable by point transformation) ODE is one which in turn provides reduction to quadratures of the underlying dynamical equation. We provide physical examples of the generalized Emden-Fowler, Lane-Emden and modi ed Emden equations.


A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. July 2014.






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