A tale of two cities? an examination of the re-imagining of gold mining history at Gold Reef City and in Johannesburg's Main Street precinct
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Van Straaten, Philippa Sarah
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This research report attempts to examine how the story of gold, and gold mining, is
told, and is being retold, at both the Victorian- themed Gold Reef City theme park
and in within the Main Street mining precinct in the Johannesburg Central Business
District (CBD). The report will therefore look at how imbued ideologies have resulted
in a particular formation of the mining heritage shown in both themed spaces. Works
by de Certeau (1988) and Eco (1990), for example, form a framework for academic
discourse around practiced space within the ‘city’, and the nature of hyperreality.
Overall, and including results from participant observation at the theme park, and
sample surveys undertaken in the Main Street precinct, one is able to better attempt
an understanding of how the story of gold at both sites has been created by certain
ideologies, and examine them in light Johannesburg’s changing persona in light of
global influences.
theme park, city, ideology, agency, world-class African city, urban renewal/regeneration, hyperreality, visuality, mining