Evaluation of an efficient transformer core design
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Lutchman, Poonam
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Distribution transformers have inherently high efficiencies of up to 99%, however they are in
continuous operation and have a long lifespan, hence their power loss cost is still significant.
A small efficiency improvement can lead to a considerable amount of energy savings over
the lifetime of the transformer.
Symmetric core design has the potential to improve transformer efficiency. The aim of this
dissertation is to evaluate a relatively new symmetrical triangular core transformer for use in
the Eskom Distribution network in South Africa. The transformer is called the hexatransformer.
A three phase 100 kVA hexa-transformer unit has been purchased from Hexaformer AB in
Sweden. The unit has been routinely tested. A 50% no-load loss reduction has been
achieved. The transformer was also opened and examined. The results indicated sound
manufacturing quality. The economic analysis indicated a life cycle saving of R 2 727.41 per
a transformer over a 25 year period when compared to a conventional E-core transformer of
the same rating. It is recommended that Eskom consider these units for future
implementation in their Distribution network.