Success Drivers for Independent Feature Filmmaking in South Africa

dc.contributor.authorHeatlie, Damon
dc.descriptionMBA thesis - WBSen_US
dc.description.abstractThis qualitative research addresses the central research question - why is the South Afican feature film industry uncompetitive, and what are the key drivers for producing profitable films in the South African context? The central conceptual framework used is value chain analysis. The study limits its scope to focusing specifically on the development and distribution stages of the independent feature film value chain The study commences by investigatng the historic poor performance of South African films, which typically were not able to recoup costs and move into profitability. The study interrogates the critical role of the independent film producer as a 'creative entrepreneur' and looks at examples of successful film industry development in other emerging economies. The research then examines what international research indicates as success factors at the development stage, followed by an exploration of the rapidly changing digital landscape of film distribution and its associated opportunities... This study adds empirical data to an under researched field and contributes to understanding the nature of creative industries and their dynamics.en_US
dc.subjectFilmmaking, South Africaen_US
dc.titleSuccess Drivers for Independent Feature Filmmaking in South Africaen_US

