The relative importance of Project Management knowledge areas in the South African Construction Industry

dc.contributor.authorSpolidoro, Dino
dc.descriptionMBA thesis - WBSen_ZA
dc.description.abstractIt is generally accepted that the knowledge and practices described by the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) is applicable to most projects most of the time, and there is general consensus about their value and worth. Currently the world is experiencing economic instability. The South African government is therefore looking to improve growth for the country. One of the leading ways to improve growth for South Africa is through large scale investment in infrastructural development. The performance of the South African construction industry on carrying out these complex infrastructure projects will have a direct impact on the outcome of this growth strategy. This research report embarked to determine the relative importance of the nine knowledge areas described by the PMBOK to the South African Construction Industry. The research has been primarily quantitative in nature, using both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques with data gathered from a questionnaire. The key findings of the research reveal that the knowledge areas of cost, time and quality were regarded as relatively most important, with project communication being the knowledge area of least relative importance. It is recommended that a shift in attention is directed away from the narrow focus of these three knowledge areas and a more holistic approach to project management is taken, with particular attention to communication as technology continues to play a more dominant role in the modern work enviromenten_ZA
dc.subjectProject managementen_ZA
dc.subjectConstruction industryen_ZA
dc.titleThe relative importance of Project Management knowledge areas in the South African Construction Industryen_ZA

