Mathematical knowledge for teaching fractions and related dilemmas: a case study of a Grade 7 teacher
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Govender, Sharon
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This study investigates what and how mathematics (for teaching) is constituted in
classroom practice. Specifically mathematical knowledge for teaching fractions in
Grade 7. One teacher was studied to gain insight into the mathematical problemsolving
the teacher does and the dilemmas he faces as he goes about his work.
The analysis of the data show that the mathematical problem-solving that this
particular teacher engaged in can be classified as demonstrating, encouraging and
working with learner ideas. He appealed to mathematics (rules & empirical),
experience (everyday) and the curriculum (tests and exams) to fix meaning. The
mathematical problem solving and appeals he made threw up dilemmas of
representing the content, competing goals and student thinking. This aided in
providing a description of what mathematics for teaching is in this practice.
The report concludes with a discussion of what teachers need to know or study in
order to become better mathematics teachers and where do they find these courses to
accommodate their need to improve as mathematics teachers.
fractions, dilemmas, teaching mathematics, teaching, pedagogic content knowledge, mathematics for teaching