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In March 2002, the Department of Transport published the Ports Policy with the
objectives of ensuring affordable, internationally competitive, efficient and safe
port services and of restructuring port governance and operations and
subsequently regulating them. The 2005 Ports Act officially separated operations
from a landlord function within ports and further established the Ports Authority
to own, manage, control and administer ports to ensure their efficient economic
functioning. The Ports Act also established the Ports Regulator to exercise
economic regulation of the ports system as well as monitor the activities of the
Ports Authority.
In addition, the Ports Regulations were developed, setting out the BEE targets that
the Ports Authority should achieve in order to promote the economic participation
and empowerment of historically disadvantaged groups in port operations. The
Regulations further mandated the Ports Regulator to monitor and enforce
implementation of the BEE targets when the Ports Authority would be issuing
licences or granting concessions in port operations. This monitoring and
enforcement function would be exercised through annual reports to be submitted
by the Ports Authority, and through hearings that may be conducted by the Ports
Regulator from time to time.
This study found that the reasons for entrusting the Ports Regulator with the BEE
monitoring and enforcement mandate, although not known to everybody, could
have been orchestrated by Transnet because the Ports Regulator was seen to be
less powerful than the Maritime BEE Charter Council. In addition, Transnet also
developed guidelines for granting concessions, licences and permits for ‘auxiliary
port services’ and not port operations. These would test the regulatory capability
of the Ports Regulator hence it would require preventative enforcement measures
in addition to harm-based enforcement measures that are in place (namely, annual
reports and hearings). This study also established that having departmental
officials on the Board of the Ports Regulator appeared to be in the latter’s best
interests although it has to strengthen measures meant to curb the financial
interests of board members and develop independent capacity for informationgathering,
since implementing its mandate of monitoring and enforcing BEE will
indeed be an intractable affair.
Black economic empowerment, Ports, Regulation of