Bornological aspects of asymmetric structures
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Mukonda, Danny
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Over the last decades much progress has been made in the investigation of
bornologies on metric spaces. In particular, Hu, Beer, Mero˜no, Garrido and
others have published many papers on metric bornologies. The bornology of
bounded sets in quasi-metric spaces was introduced by Pi¸ekosz and Wajch
in 2015. They extended the Hu’s metrization theorem to quasi-metric spaces
and applied it to bornologies of bitopological spaces. In 2019, Olela Otafudu
et al. used the asymmetric version of Hu’s theorem to quasi-metrize the
bornological universes on extended quasi-metric spaces. The principal aim of
this thesis is to investigate the existence of bornologies of totally bounded sets
and Bourbaki-bounded sets on asymmetric structures. In particular, we ex tend several results obtained by others on metric bornologies to quasi-metric
settings. We show that a quasi-metric space can be bounded but not totally
bounded and the bornology on a supseparable quasi-metric space agrees with
the bornology of totally bounded sets. For Bourbaki-boundedness, it turns
out that a set can be Bourbaki-bounded on a quasi-metric space but not on
the metric space. In addition, we prove that every real-valued semi-Lipschitz
in the small function is bounded if and only if the quasi-metric is Bourbaki bounded. Consequently, we use semi-Lipschitz functions to characterize those
bornologies on asymmetric normed spaces that can be realized as bornolo gies of Bourbaki-bounded sets. For example, we show that on quasi-metric
spaces, the bornology of Bourbaki-bounded sets sits between the bornology
of totally bounded sets and the bornology of bounded sets but on asymmetric
normed spaces, the bornology of Bourbaki-bounded sets coincides with the
bornology of bounded sets.
A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of of Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematics) to the Faculty of Science, School of Mathematics, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2021
Mukonda, Danny (2021) Bornological aspects of asymmetric structures, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, <>