A review of optimal planning of level and raise spacing in inclined narrow reefs.

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Musingwini, C.

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The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.


The subject of optimal planning of level and raise spacing for inclined narrow reef deposits has received intermittent attention over the years because the subject matter is inherently complex. Previous work has approached the problem as simply that of simultaneously minimizing the total excavation and haulage cost associated with the development workings. However, when level and raise spacing are altered, other factors such as productivity are negatively affected, thus requiring a delicate trade-off of contradicting planning or optimization criteria. The paper concludes that the problem is actually of the multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) type, contrary to traditional thinking that the planning problem is achieved solely by minimizing waste development.


Transaction paper.


Inclined narrow reefs, Half-level optimization model, Level spacing, Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA), Optimization, Raise spacing, Strategic mine planning, Decision making, Reefs


Musingwini, C. 2010. A review of optimal planning of level and raise spacing in inclined narrow reefs. Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 110(8), pp. 415-423.



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