Challenges of the technical skills gap in South Africa’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning sector
Ferdinandi, Marco
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The topic of skilled labour is discussed in many fora across all types of
industries locally and internationally. The main theme of this research was to
seek confirmation that a shortage of skilled labour in the heating, ventilation and
air conditioning HVAC industry in South Africa has consequences and
challenges that need to be addressed
The study of skilled and unskilled labour is a large field with many different
facets, some obvious and others not. The problem of where to start and stop is
in itself a challenge. Skills requirements vary considerably from one industry to
another, with only some skills being transferable. This study investigates a very
specific area, the heating, ventilation and air conditioning HVAC sector in South
Africa. The HVAC industry is specialised in that it requires a technically qualified
individual to work on the equipment commissioned to deliver the desired air
quality and temperature to make modern buildings habitable.
A qualitative approach was used to interpret the data collected during the
research phase. A questionnaire was used to survey the sample selected. The
findings were then extrapolated and interpreted into a set of results which
supported or did not support the propositions made in this report.
The key finding was that the heating, ventilation and air conditioning HVAC
industry in South Africa is facing a skilled labour supply problem, due to the lack
of training. To address this problem, both industry and government training
interventions were necessary.
The challenge of skilled labour seems to be an international problem.
Developing countries must protect their skills base because vibrant first world
economies will seek skilled labour abroad.
MBA thesis
Skills gap, Air conditioning industry