Perceptions of students and managers of the relative importance of WBS core MBA courses and managerial skills and traits

dc.contributor.authorRajak, Milenko
dc.descriptionMBA thesis - WBSen_ZA
dc.description.abstractManagerial education has attracted a considerable amount of interest globally. In South Africa with its own socio-economic problems, the need for skilled managers is even more pressing. This demand for managerial skills has drawn a fair amount of criticism recently as the quality of managerial education found in MBA programs is questioned. This apparent lack of skills of MBA graduates is a major concern bearing in mind the amount of resources that are committed to such education. This study attempts to clarify whether there is a gap between the opinions of students and managers over the importance of the core MBA courses conducted at the Wits Business School. It also attempts to clarify if there are any differences of opinions with respect to managerial skills and traits that managers say are required for effective work performance. The study was performed using the survey method in which a questionnaire was submitted to a sample of 178 students and 55 managers. It was found that opinions about certain courses and skills were favoured or disliked by both groups of respondents and some courses received mixed ratings. Awareness of these opinions and the possibility of closing the gap among these two very important stakeholders should benefit management education in general and numerous students, employers and faculty members in particular.en_ZA
dc.subjectManagerial educationen_ZA
dc.subjectManagement educationen_ZA
dc.titlePerceptions of students and managers of the relative importance of WBS core MBA courses and managerial skills and traitsen_ZA