A study on internal dilution in the orapa 2125 A/K1 kimberlite based on 2D quantitative textural analysis data
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Chiomba, Tapuwa Brian
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The country rock xenoliths in diamondiferous kimberlites represent internal
dilution of kimberlitic ore which must be properly evaluated ahead of mining.
Internal dilution in the Orapa 2125 A/K1 kimberlite in Botswana was evaluated
on the basis of data collected from drillcore using a stereology based
methodology. The methodology was scrutinized for flaws that could negatively
impact the usability of the data. The methodology’s data didn’t reflect the true
internal dilution abundances in the kimberlite specimens. Statistical tests
showed that varying some key features of the methodology produced
differential effects on accuracy of measurements for some kimberlite lithofacies
but not for others. Nonetheless, the data gave valuable insights into the relative
abundances and attributes of internal dilution in different kimberlite lithofacies
from the A/K1 kimberlite.